Park Crest Panther Paper
September 28, 2020
Newsletter Translations
Newsletter Translations
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Remote School Expectations
Thank you to our students who are showing that they are prepared and engaged during remote learning. It is imperative that parents and students treat remote school like F2F school to help ensure the best learning environment.
Parents, we need your help with this. Many students are missing assignments. Supervised engagement through frequent check-ins will help ensure that your student is tuned in to teachers' directions and guidance.
Student expectations for remote learning should be followed by all students. Students are expected to:
- be dressed - shirts and bottoms (pants/shorts/skirts)
- be sitting up - not lying down in bed.
- be visible - no blankets over their heads - we need to see their beautiful faces.
- not be eating - they have lots of time to grab snacks and lunch during asynchronous learning time AND a built in lunch/recess time.
- enter the Google Meet with mics muted to help teachers if lessons have already started.
2nd Opportunity - Conversation with the Counselor (and administration too!)!
Please join us for our first monthly parent meeting with our counselor, Mrs. Johnson! This will be an opportunity for you to connect with other parents. Connecting with other parents and talking with member of the school is VERY important. We want to be there for you! We know you might be struggling to balance work, child care, and self-care while keeping worries under control. You don’t have to do it alone. We're here, ready to listen and help!
Thursday, October 1st at 6PM using the Google Meet link below!
To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 320-400-3261 and enter this PIN: 151 138 697#
Our agenda includes:
- Back to school celebrations, questions, concerns. How can we help? We want to hear from you!
- Next steps for Parent Involvement. How can you be involved?
- Title I: What is it and why is it important for your student? The attached video provides background information on Title I.
Title I Video English
Title I Video Spanish
Title I Video Vietnamese
Join our Park Crest Family Remind (if you haven't already)
If your teacher has contacted you about intersession here are the details!
New Teleheatlh Service at School or at Home!
Important Dates to Remember
Drug and Alcohol Prevention Month and Anti-Bullying Month
1 - Conversations with the Counselor at 6pm
2 - 1st Cycle Ends
5 - Fair Day - student break
6-9 - Fall Intersession (No school except invited participants)
13 - Report Cards posted online in Skyward under the portfolio tab.
22 - Parent Teacher Virtual Conference Night 4-7:30
Counselor’s Corner
If you need assistance with individual concerns or counseling services, please reach out to Mrs. Medrano-Johnson at, or fill out the following Park Crest Request for Counseling Services form by using the QR code or clicking on the link.
Park Crest is on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
Like OUR PAGE on FACEBOOK for up to date information! FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @PCES_Panthers for our virtual spirit weeks and find us on Instagram at ParkCrestElementary to see what students and staff are up to!