Bryant Elementary School
September 2024
September 2nd No School--Labor Day
September 3rd-20th- iReady screening window opens for Literacy and Math
September 5th- School Picture Day
September 5th-Preschool Starts
September 6th-1:30 early dismissal
September 13th-1:30 early dismissal
September 20th-1:30 early dismissal
September 27th-1:30 early dismissal
October 7th-11th Homecoming week---more info to come
News from Dr. Holcomb
Hello Bear families! We have pretty successfully navigated the first 8 days of school! Has it really only been 8 days?! Our classrooms have been busy building their classroom communities and teaching classroom routines and expectations. This will continue in the coming weeks as well. As of today we have 596 students in our building! We had some changes in sections from last spring to this fall so here is an updated look at our sections:
Preschool--2 sections
Kindergarten--5 sections
1st grade--5 sections
2nd grade--5 sections
3rd grade--4 sections
4th grade--4 sections
5th grade--4 sections
Our school continues to be considered a Community Eligible site which means that all meals are free to our students. We are very fortunate to have this designation! Thank you to everyone who has turned in their Blue Income Survey sheet. This helps us to maintain this designation as we have a threshold we have to meet each year that is set by the state. If you haven't completed it yet, please fill it out ASAP and send it back to school with your child. We have to have them all entered by Oct. 1st and we don't want to lose this free designation.
We know that morning arrival and dismissal can be difficult to navigate. We have procedures in place to help make sure that things go as smoothly and safely as possible for all our students and families. While we know that not every procedure is as efficient as everyone would like, we ask for your help in following the procedures to ensure everyone's safety.
Please remember that adult supervision in the morning is not available until 7:50 each day, so students should not be dropped off earlier than that. In the morning students can enter the front doors between 8:00 am and 8:20 am for breakfast. They should be eating breakfast every morning if they are arriving between these times. School starts 5 minutes earlier this year at 8:30 and the tardy bell rings at 8:35 so if your student arrives later than 8:20 it will be really tough for them to get through the breakfast line and eat before they go to their classrooms.
If students are not eating in the morning, an adult will be at the doors at our lower level parking lot doors starting at 8:25. Students will be directed to their classrooms at that time.
Students will be dismissed out of their assigned doors and line up according to the map below. This is an updated version from the earlier map we sent out. We were having some traffic jams and had to adjust our dismissal locations for two grade levels. Please notice that 4th and 5th grade has flipped dismissal locations. All other classes remain the same. Families are encouraged to park in the lot and walk to the assigned area to retrieve their students. The right lane in the parking lot is utilized for pick-up. The left lane is to stay moving at all times unless stopped by the crossing guard. Here is a link to a video explanation.
Students will not be permitted to enter cars in the left (moving) lane for their safety.
Please make a plan for pick-up with your student(s) that is consistent so that they know each and every day what they are supposed to do.
If you are exiting your car for any reason, you will need to park in the parking lot. Families waiting in the drop-off and pick-up lane along the curb should remain in their car at all times. Once your student(s) have gotten in the car, please continue on to exit the parking lot.
Please remember that our staff parking lot is not an option for parents to pick up their students after school. When students are dismissed, the kids can't see the cars coming out of the lot because of all the parked cars. We have staff working the cross walk, but their focus is on the street in front of them and not the parking lot behind them.
We are thankful for our O & M staff and Mr. Lawrenson that have been here to help support our families in learning the procedures for a safe arrival and dismissal. If you haven't noticed, the curb in front of our building has been painted red and is a no parking zone. Thank you to everyone for keeping this area open.
Are you looking to volunteer at Bryant?
We would love to have you! Your first step would be to talk to your child's teacher to see if there is a need within the classroom. Second, you would ask them or the office for the volunteer form. Once the form is complete, we send it down to the District office as a background check is required. The District will let us know when you have been approved to volunteer at Bryant.
Our MTSS (Multi Tiered System of Supports) team works to address need at all levels--Tier 1, 2 and 3. This team has worked hard over the summer to revamp our lunchroom structures and routines. They looked at student, staff, and parent data as well as completed observations to identify our areas of need. Some of our new supports include:
- Only 1 grade level at lunch at a time instead of classes coming in every 15 minutes.
- Different set up of the lunchroom tables to facilitate easier supervision.
- Specific CHAMPS expectations to be taught for entering the lunchroom, being seated in the lunchroom, and exiting for recess.
- Color coded system which includes tables, line up lines, and recess line up lines.
- Switching of locations for line up after lunch to help facilitate easier supervision.
- Recesses after lunch instead of before so that each class coming into the lunchroom is brought by their teacher.
- New video and lesson plans for teachers to teach the expectations to their classrooms.
We have been pleased with the changes and the results we have been seeing in the first 8 days.
Thank you for partnering with us in your child's education. We are excited to continue our learning with you this year!
Dr. Holcomb
Drop off in the morning for breakfast should go one way. Please see the arrows in the picture. When drivers try to go the other way, students have to cross traffic to get to the front door which is dangerous. It also clogs up the street.
When dropping off, pull up as close to the front of the red line as you can so that other cars can line up and also drop off quickly. Remember to stop, drop off the student, and move on. If you want to make sure your student gets inside the door, please park in an approved spot to walk them inside.
The entrance to our staff parking lot is not a parking space. Cars park there to wait for students and then the staff that are leaving cannot see the students who are trying to cross and the students can't see them either. This lot is for school staff only.
When students arrive at school at 8:00 for breakfast, they should line up on the line. If a second line is needed, they can line up next to the white line. Students here at 8:00 will be expected to sit down and eat breakfast. If they are not eating, they should arrive closer to 8:25.
District News
Update Your Contact Information
The District and our school are continuously updating families on important school information, closings and cancellations, and other announcements. Information is shared through email, phone calls, and text. Make sure we can connect with you by keeping your contact information updated in our records. If you need to change your contact information, please contact the school office.
Reminder: Cell Phone Protocols Are In Place
The District has cell phone protocols in place to ensure an engaging and distraction-free environment for our students. The protocols restrict the use of electronic devices during the school day.
If you need to contact your student during the school day, please contact our school office. Alternatively, if your student needs to contact you, they should come to the office.
For more information on our protocols for electronic devices, please review the 2024-2025 Parent/Guardian & Student Handbook on the District website.
Be An Advocate for Our Schools
Volunteers are needed to join the District’s Grassroots Advocacy Committee. As a volunteer, you will receive email updates about important legislative events that could impact public education and be asked to contact local and state leaders to advocate for our schools. Volunteer today and let your voice be heard! Contact to volunteer.
Join Our Team
Looking for a part-time or full-time career with flexibility? Instructional assistants, bus drivers, and food service staff are needed to join our amazing team! Check out the District’s openings today!
You now have a more convenient way to connect with your student’s teacher! The District has partnered with TalkingPoints, a communication tool that allows you and your student’s teacher to easily communicate via text message. Messages will be sent to you in your family’s primary language. Watch for more information on this exciting tool coming soon!
Special Education Parent Advisory Group
The Sioux City Community School District is excited to share an opportunity for parents/guardians! A Parent Advisory Group will be formed to provide input/feedback to work being done by a Special Education Task Force and a Talented and Gifted Task Force. The Parent Advisory Group will meet 4 times during the 24-25 school year. If you are interested in participating in the Parent Advisory Group, please email Kim Neal, Director of Learning Supports, at for more information.
Main Office: 712-279-6819
Email us:
Bryant Elementary School Website
Head Principal: Dr. Angela Holcomb