EJMS Jaguar Weekly April 29 - May 3
Keeping our School Community in the Know
From Principal Pickerill's Pen
We had another busy and wonderful week at school with the 8th grade field trip to Malibu Jack’s, 8th grade nights and other athletic events, band and choir concerts, Pep Rally fun, and the annual Sources of Strength Family Night Color Run. We are now down to three weeks of school for the year!
Chromebook Return Plan
Students will be returning their Chromebooks on Monday, May 13th throughout the school day during their Arts classes. Students will need to bring their Chromebook and charger. See below for replacement costs in case they apply to your child:
$275 for Lost Devices or full replacement cost
$25 for lost or damaged Chargers
$50 for Screen damage or replacement
$40 for Keyboards
$20 for front frame bezel (frame that covers screen)
$10 hinge cover bar (bar that covers hinge pins)
If you know that your child’s device needs any of the above replacements you can send money to the office and we will process the fee. Otherwise all devices will be assessed for any damages (including other possible damage not listed above) and parents will be notified of the fees incurred through Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Remember that all Chromebook damage replacement costs must be paid in full in order for students to be eligible to attend any extracurricular activities (field trips and any after school activities). 8th grade students must have fees paid before the end of the school year. 6th and 7th grade students must have all fees paid (and Online Registration completed) prior to next school year in order to begin the scheduling process. If these items are not completed by the end of the school year your child may not get their requested Arts classes.
KSA (Kentucky Summative Assessment) Testing
State testing begins this week! Please make sure your child is at school on time, well rested, and ready to test each day. Please try to avoid scheduling any appointments and remember that there are no excused absences for EHO days during the following testing dates:
Wednesday, May 1st - Reading (all grades)
Thursday, May 2nd - Math (all grades)
Friday, May 3rd - Science (7th grade), Social Studies (8th grade)
Monday, May 6th - Language Mechanics and On Demand Writing (8th grade only)
As part of testing we will have a Good Faith Effort rubric (see below).
Students will earn a point for each item during each day of testing. In order to be eligible for Field Day students must earn at least 13/16 points for 6th grade, 20/24 points for 7th grade, and 27/32 points for 8th grade. Our Field Day will include many outdoor activities on May 15th.
Upcoming Dates -
Friday, May 3rd - Matball Tournament
Saturday, May 4th - Beta Lock In
Tuesday, May 7th - EJHS House Reveal for 8th grade
Tuesday, May 7th - 5th grade Parent Night 6:00-7:00
Wednesday, May 8th - PTO Appreciation Dinner
Thursday, May 9th - Brookside 5th grade visit
Friday, May 10th - Snowie Ice (fundraiser for MSD classrooms)
Friday, May 10th - 8th grade recognition 5:30-8:30
Monday, May 13th - 8th grade breakfast
Monday, May 13th - SBDM meeting
Tuesday, May 14th - Schoolwide field trip to EJHS for Powderpuff game
Wednesday, May 15th - Field Day
Thursday, May 16th - 7th grade field trip to Malibu Jack’s
Thursday, May 16th - Jaguar Excellence ceremonies during school day for 6th and 7th grade
Friday, May 17th - Last day of school
Matball - The EJMS Annual Tournament
This week is the matball tournament on Friday! We're excited to see some great matches between some great teams. We hope you and your family will join us this Friday starting at 5:00 PM.
April Family Night - Color Run
What a great evening we had on Friday! Thanks to all of the students and families who came out to run, walk, get blasted with colors, and support our Sources of Strength program. The Sources of Strength focus on ways that students can be empowered and find people and places in their lives that help strengthen them. Each source is represented with an idea and a color.
Purple = Spirituality
Turqouise = Physical Health
Red = Mental Health
Spirit Week Snapshots
We had a great spirit week with many of our staff and students getting into the action -
Monday - pajama day, Tuesday - role reversal, Wednesday - rhyme with reason, Thursday - soccer mom vs. barbecue dad, Friday - Jag out Freak out (with a pep rally to kick off state testing)
Bob Ross and a Girl Boss and some soccer moms
Takis and Hockey, a Baller and a Scholar
Fun at the Pep Rally
What's Happening at EJMS this week?
Mon., April 29
🏵 EJMS FFA Greenhouse sale begins
🥎 6:00 Softball vs. Madison Middle (home game)
⚾ 6:00 Baseball vs. Boyle (home game)
⚽ 5:30 Girls Soccer vs. Lincoln (home game)
👟 West Jessamine Middle Track Meet
Tues., April 30
⚾ 6:00 Baseball @ West
🥎 6:00 Softball vs. Anderson (home game)
⚽ 6:00 Boys Soccer @ Mercer
⚽ 6:00 Girls Soccer @ Boyle
Wed., May 1 - 1st day of testing (all grades)
🏀 4:00 - 6:00 Girls Basketball tryouts
🌟 NO Beta meeting
⚽ 6:00 Girls Soccer vs. Lex Latin (home game)
Thurs, May 2 - 2nd day of testing (all grades)
🏀 4:00 - 6:00 Girls Basketball tryouts
⚽ 6:00 Boys Soccer vs. West (home game)
Fri., May 3 - 3rd day of testing (7th and 8th grades)
🏐 5:00 - it's over -- Matball Tournament
Sat., May 4 -
⚾ 12:00 Baseball @ Boyle
🌟 4:00 Beta Lock-in begins, pick up at 9:00 - 9:30 Sunday, May 5
Upcoming and Ongoing
Get Ready for Summer!
We hope to see you soon!
Email: Sheena.Roller@jessamine.kyschools.us
Website: https://www.jessamine.kyschools.us/o/ejms (check out our new website!)
Location: 901 Union Mill Road, Nicholasville, KY, USA
Phone: (859) 885-5561
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastJessamineMiddleSchool