Sayéik: GastiNEWS
December 4, 2024
Principal's Note
Hello SGCS families,
What a week of wild weather! Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during our remote learning day. A big thanks to our teachers for making online learning as engaging as possible!
We have just three weeks of school before Winter Break and we are packing it in! We have mid-year this week and next. Please make sure your child is rested, fed, and at school on time! On Friday nearly every class is attending the Nutcracker!
Have a wonderful week!
In partnership,
Stacy Diouf
SGCS Principal
Garden Club!
We have great news! Sayéik Gastineau is starting a recess gardening club. Interested students will have an opportunity to work with Discovery Southeast naturalist Joel Bos to learn about, plant, observe, sketch, nurture and harvest different plants throughout the winter and spring. The club will meet one day a week during the half hour recess. The intermediate (4th-6th) club begins next Monday, December 9 during morning recess (9:50-10:20).
The primary club wll begin in January. The Club will meet during the afternoon recess from 1:00-1:30. We're looking for volunteers for the primary club. Please email me if you would be willing to help out and how often. Even one day a month would be helpful. Thank you!
Juneau Public Library Bookmark Contest Winners!
Zoey Nelson - First Grade
Zoe Lou Champagne-Veselka - First Grade
Eloise Jones - Second Grade
Nora DeSloover - Fourth Grade
Nutcracker Mania!
All of our classes are attending a portion of the Nutcracker on Friday. The following SGCS students will be displaying their amazing dance skills!
Ayla Henry
Samantha Bass
Mary Hope
Lupine Forbes
Minuet Cryderman
Acacia Forbes