October2024 Family Hooter
Together We Soar
We are continuing to work everyday to make sure students have opportunities to read, write, listen and engage in purposeful classroom discussions. This will help students to learn and develop essential communication skills.
Be on the look out for information in the near future about upcoming events that parents and guardians can attend so we can all learn together as one Owls Family.
Important Dates In October
- 10.4- Red Barn Farm Visit
- 10.9- Make Up School Picture Day; Students must wear uniforms
- 10.10- End of 1st quarter
- 10.11 and 10.14- Fall Break- No School
- 10. 16- Mr. Ed's Restaurant Night- Just Mention Schneckenburger in order for our school to get a percentage of earnings.
Saints Dress Down Dates for October
School Bus Updates
- Parents will be able to track their child on buses soon!
- All bus Rider students will be required to wear an ID to enter the bus.
- All parents of bus riders must follow the attached directions. More information to come!
Nurse Updates
Dear parents and guardians,
Welcome or welcome back to another great year at Schneckenburger Elementary. My name is Kristin
Butler and I am the school nurse for Schneckenburger Elementary. This is my 4th year at
Schneckenburger and my job is to support your child’s health and learning this year. I look forward to
communicating with you for any and all of your student’s health needs. I am also the school nurse for
another elementary school in Kenner. I can be reached at Schneckenburger on Tuesdays, Thursdays and every other Friday at (504) 443-1236 or by email, kristin.butler@jpschools.org. Annual Health Information and Immunization Review
To prepare for a healthy and safe 2024/2025 school year, please provide updated health and medication information on your child ASAP. You can fill out the health information sheet by clicking the link below.
If there is a known life-threatening concern such as diabetes, seizures or anaphylaxis please reach out to me by either email of phone.
I will be reviewing the Immunization records of all students beginning this month and any child who is
not up to date on his/her vaccines may be excluded from school.
It’s going to be a great year,
Nurse Kristin
Important Policy Reminders
CHECK OUTS END AT 2:15 SHARP!. Calls right before 2:15 will not be accepted.
CAR RIDERS (Morning Drop Off/Afternoon Pick Up)
ALL CAR RIDER PARENTS MUST REGISTER THEIR CHILD/CHILDREN FOR AFTERCARE. The registration fee is $20.00 per student, the drop-in fee for the afternoon is $7.00 per student. This fee must be paid the day of the service.
Parents must register for an OWLS Car Rider Tag by using the following link https://forms.gle/tcsBSzs7NbJUryWm9 .
Parents who are picking up their child must purchase a OWLS Car Rider Tag for $5.00. Only one tag is needed per household. If a student lives with different parents, a tag is needed for each household.Additional tags can be purchased as needed. No money will be accepted in the front office. PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE ONLINE (http://www.schoolcashonline.com) Parents must purchase a new car rider tag each year. Display the Car rider tag by hanging it from the mirror.
Park in a legal parking spot in the school’s parking lot.
Do not double park, park in the bus loading/FIRE zone or park in the staff parking lot.