RedHawk S.U.N.

Envisioning Our Future Together
Dear Nyack Public Schools Community,
Since the day I arrived in Nyack Public Schools, I have witnessed firsthand that this school community is the place where we make miracles happen for our babies. This is a district where putting our students first is a deeply held value, woven into the very fabric of our teaching, learning, and community engagement.
I have witnessed the district at its best as well as when it has had its challenges. Regardless of what I present to you about where we are going, you must know it will never be achieved unless we are together, working towards the same objectives. It all begins with our collective trust in one another to do the very best for our students and that is my highest priority.
Nyack Public Schools is a unique universe that draws people in, inviting them to work with our students. If you didn’t know that already I hope you hear it now because when we struggle this is what we will lean on. And when we win together, this is what we will beam on.
I do believe that education is a calling but this school district stands as a model for what is possible in education and beyond. Our demographics don’t just mirror New York State, they echo the nation itself. I believe within this representation lies a profound vision: if we can get it right here... if we can nurture understanding, inclusivity, and equity within our schools, then there is hope for our democracy.
Are you all ready to do this together? How will we know when we have trust - when we have the same vision for our students and school community? I invite you to join me on this year's journey towards creating safe spaces to answer these questions together.
Yours in Education,
Dr. Lizzette Ruiz-Giovinazzi
Interim Superintendent of Schools
Moving Forward into 2025: Unlocking our Potential
Strategic Communications: Leadership Vision
Dreaming with Determination
Dr. Ruiz-Giovinazzi shared her Leadership Vision at a Special Board of Education Meeting on January 14th. Community partners, parents and district administrators who attended responded with enthusiasm and support. The presentation slides included an overview plan for systemic intervention and change that places priority on building confidence, coherence, collaboration and a culture of love within our educational environment in Nyack Public Schools.
"I believe in our mission and vision. I encourage everyone to read them. I feel their powerful resonance every day. They articulate our core purpose and aspirations as the foundation upon which we build our decisions, actions, and priorities. Dreaming with determination represents a deep, relentless purpose accompanied by an equally strong learning model"
View full presentation: 1-14-25 Leadership Vision Presentation by Dr. LRG
Watch the webinar: 1-14-25 Video Recording
Check out the list of recommended reading, below.
For Inspiration: Recommended Reading by Dr. LRG
Wellness Reminder for Student Success: Make Every School Day Count!
As we begin a new calendar year, we encourage all families to be mindful of your child's presence in school. Attendance every day matters! Being present in class is essential for student success. Coming to school is an opportunity for learning, growing and developing relationships.
We want to partner with parents to help ensure all students feel welcomed and ready to learn. Please reach out to your principals if you have concerns or need assistance with attendance issues and your child.
Together, we can make each school day count!
Ensuring All Students Are Welcomed and Valued
We reaffirm our district’s unwavering commitment to the safety, security, and success of all students, regardless of their background, ethnicity, or immigration status. Immigrant families are part of our beloved community. We will act in unity, with strength, to uphold our mission, vision and policies in Nyack Public Schools.
Our schools will always remain safe spaces for learning and growth. No child will be denied access to education based on their immigration status or any other characteristic. We are here to help students, families, and staff navigate these sensitive issues and have taken several steps to provide support.
Curriculum Spotlight: Learning in the Parks
Families, students and administrators gathered to view the premier of the LITP educational film, starring our 5th graders!
Learning in the Parks program is truly a shining example of the magic that can happen when brilliant minds, in community, come together as local partners with educators to envision a unique learning experience for children. This program has beautifully incorporated our local geography, environment and history with local people committed to the arts and science professions so that our students have this hands-on learning experience together.
Last spring, the 4th graders and their teachers from Liberty, Upper Nyack and Valley Cottage participated in the annual LITP Program at Hook Mountain. An educational film was created on site by LITP organizers, with local videographer Rich White and produced by local filmmaker Kerri Green. Over the course of three days while our 4th grade students were literally “learning in the park”, this project was filmed with a lot of fun. It will be used for instructional purposes with future student and staff participants, serving as an introduction to this incredible program.
A big shout out to Melody Partrick, Jillian Hesse from Learning in the Parks, The Friends of Rockland Lake and Hook Mountain, and our community partners who brought this idea to life!
5th graders on the big screen in their outside classroom at Hook Mountain
Families came to see their kids and learn about LITP Program
Students watching themselves in the LITP film
...the real stars of the night!
January In-School Highlights
NHS exploring energy in motion
NHS exploring energy in motion
LIB students making a joyful noise
January Winter Concerts
LIB students kick off 2025
Winter wonderland at VCE
Learning in the Parks showcase microscopic view of Hudson River environment
Learning in the Parks showcase curriculum on regional geography
NHS Senior mentors NMS students for responsible social media
How do we connect with each other in healthy ways?
UNE hears about the untold story of the Wild West with Nat Love
Google engineer inspires NHS students
NHS Musicians perform at the RCMEA Music Festival
Young readers in the Global Learnng Commons (GLC)
The GLC offers innovative space for learning
Celebrating Black History with VCE Principal Lucrisha Addison-Harris
Principal Addison-Harris greets students each day, helping to ensure each child knows they are uniquely valued.
VCE proudly celebrates Black History with Principal Addison Harris, teachers Christine Harrigan, Monique Jones, Gaetane Fontanges and School Counselor John Hogg
Valley Cottage Special Ed Consultant teacher Monique Jones organized a colorful display acknowledging beloved staff.
Empowering Students at the Clothes Collective: Free Student Professional Attire
The Clothes Collective is about more than just clothing—it’s about empowering students to step into opportunities with confidence. This store is run by the youth for the youth.
Founded by NHS Student Body President Ella Rakhlin with the support of the Rockland YMCA, the Clothes Collective is a community store providing free professional clothing to students striving to enter or advance in the workforce/professional setting. Whether students need business attire for a leadership program, conferences, or college interview, this store ensures that no student is held back by a lack of access to professional wear. Curated collections include suits, button-downs, dresses, accessories, and more.
Since its launch in January 2024, the Clothes Collective has grown from a small initiative to a 1,000-square-foot boutique, offering over 1,500 items of gently used and brand-new attire. The program has already supported over 100 students around the county, state, and nation.
How You Can Get Involved:
- Need Clothing? Visit us in person in downtown Nyack or order online.
- Have Donations? We accept gently used business attire—drop-offs can be made at the YMCA Rockland.
- Want to Volunteer? We are looking for student volunteers to help sort, organize, and assist with distribution. Students who volunteer receive community service hours.
- Follow us on instagram: @clothescollective.usa
Board of Education: Community Outreach Efforts in 2025
The BOE launches Board of Ed Thread, a monthly update on Board business to connect community members with BOE activity, decisions and workshops. Check out the JAN. 2025 BOE Thread
The Board of Education encourages community engagement. Our seven trustees are responsible to listen and represent our school community. Board contact information, the Board Meeting schedule, presentations and agendas are all posted on BoardDocs. Board members may be emailed at: BOEmembers@nyackschools.org.
BOE Meetings are open to the public, posted on the district website and calendar on specified Tuesdays each month. The public is encouraged to join in-person or via Zoom. Links to the webinar meetings are available on the district website homepage calendar at www.nyackschools.org.
February BOE Meeting:
- TUES. FEB. 4, 2025 at 6:30pm
Stay Connected: Mark Your Calendars
Elementary Art Show: Grades K, 1, 2
- MONDAY, FEB 10, 2025
- Exhibit Opens at 5:00 PM
- Hilltop Gallery in the Central Administration Building located at 13 A Dickinson Ave.
REMINDER: Schools are CLOSED for Mid-Winter Break: FEB 17-21, 2025
RedHawks Athletics Schedule
Stay up-to-date with all our Nyack RedHawks and show your team spirit.
Follow Nyack Athletics on Instagram: @NyackHSAthletic
Peachjar Electronic Flyers
Parents/guardians receive flyers directly to their emails and can manage their own accounts, saving time, money and trees! Peachjar can be accessed on our school websites using the Peachjar icon.
More About the RedHawk SUN
The RedHawk SUN is our reimagined eNewsletter for 2024-2025. Designed for promoting Superintendent’s Uplifting News, it is focused on what defines and distinguishes Nyack Public Schools’ educational culture, vision, mission, learning and teaching environment, staff and students.
Congratulations to our January tenured teachers!
Who Am I? from Dr. LRG's presentation
District Website: www.Nyackschools.org