The Latest from L'Etoile
Dear Franklin Academy Families,
We hope that you and your loved ones in the path of Hurricane Helene are safe and have experienced little to no damage. The district made the decision to close school in the interest of safety, considering the potential for high winds and flooding. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
A special thank you to everyone who attended our dance on Wednesday evening. it was such a fun evening! A huge shout-out to Mrs. Principe, our volunteers and our amazing SGA for organizing a wonderful event.
We were also privileged to have Tito Puente Jr. perform for some of our students and staff on Tuesday as part of Hispanic Heritage Month. His performance was a fantastic surprise, and the students and staff were absolutely thrilled! We will send picures soon.
A Few Reminders:
- Clubs: We have a variety of new clubs starting for Quarter 2! You can check them out on our school website and register by clicking here.
- Staff Shout Out: A big thank you to everyone who has submitted a Staff SHOUT OUT! If you haven’t yet, feel free to complete the survey each week to help us recognize our outstanding staff members.
- Fire Drill: We had a fire drill today, and I’m pleased to share that it was one of the best we’ve had at Franklin Academy! Our teachers and staff have done an excellent job modeling and practicing the procedures and expectations with students. Kuddos to our students.
- Morning Carline:To help ensure everyone’s safety, please remember that if you arrive by 7:15 AM for our Elementary morning drop-off, there will be no wait time.
- Carline Update – Thank You for Your Help! We’ve seen a great improvement in both our morning and afternoon carlines – thank you! To keep things running smoothly, please remember:
- Have your DashPass open each afternoon
- During PM carline, place your placard on the right side of the dashboard
- Pull all the way up to help minimize wait times for everyone
With your help, we can make sure the process is even quicker and smoother. Students will walk up to your car once you're in place. Thank you for your cooperation!
Finally, just a reminder that there will be no school on Thursday, October 3rd. Thank you again for your continued support, and I wish you all a wonderful and restful weekend!
All the Best,
Mrs. L'Etoile
Please fill out the form by clicing the tab above. sharing a shout out for a Franklin Staff Member! Your feedback is crucial in helping us recognize the hard work and dedication of our staff members. By sharing your positive experiences, you not only motivate our team but also contribute to creating a more positive and nurturing learning environment for all our students. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child's education.
Service Hours Opportunities
Handbook Highlight: Medication at School
Counselor Corner- Ms. Frieary
Coming to school adequately prepared can help students be more successful in the classroom. Families, please take the time to review the Peak at the Week emails with your students. This can ensure you are keeping your students accountable and aware of the upcoming quizzes and tests. Checking Google Classroom is another great way to see the resources available to review classroom work, practice and study for upcoming quizzes and tests. -Ms. Frieary
Middle School Student Badges
Middle School students must wear their ID at all times while on campus. If a student doesn't have their ID, a new one will be issued, and a $10 charge will be added to their account. Please ensure they have their badge each morning.
Raptor Service Hour Account
First-time Portal Users: To Access the Volunteer Portal, you are required to complete a one-time “Volunteer Application”. Once the application is approved, you will receive an email with instructions on the next steps, including a link to setup your portal password. All information will remain confidential.
Returning Portal Users: Click HERE to sign in.
Important Arrival/Dismissal Time Reminders for Elementary and Middle School
AM Carline Reminder:
For our elementary school students, we have noticed that there is little to no line to drop off students at 7:15 am, which provides an excellent opportunity for a smooth and stress-free drop-off experience. To give your child ample time to settle in and be ready for the start of their classes at 7:30 am, we kindly request that you aim to arrive prior to 7:30 am. Please pull all the way up when in carline. This will help the wait time for all families in carline.
PM Carline Reminder:
For the safety of everyone involved and to prevent traffic congestion that can lead to accidents, we kindly request that you do not park your vehicles on Military Trail or Miner Road during dismissal times.
We understand that waiting can sometimes be inconvenient, but we encourage you to plan your arrival between 2:20 PM and 2:35 PM for elementary students and 3:20-3:35 for middle school students. This will not only reduce your wait time but also contribute to a safer and more organized dismissal process.Please pull all the way up when in carline. This will help the wait time for all families in carline.
Please be aware that the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office (PBSO) has informed us that they will be issuing fines to individuals who park on Military Trail and Miner Road. We want to avoid any unnecessary fines and, more importantly, prioritize the safety of our school community.
Your cooperation in following these parking guidelines is greatly appreciated, as it ensures the well-being of all our students and families. Together, we can create a safer and more efficient dismissal experience.
How to access your child(ren)'s username and password.
Franklin families can access their child(ren)'s username and password via the website based Parent Portal of PowerSchool. The information can be found by clicking "Student ID's" on the left-hand side and looking under "student credentials". These credentials allow students to access clever, which connects students to curriculum materials (like HMH, Go Math, iXL, progress learning...etc), google classroom, PowerSchool, and more.
For a more detailed parent tutorial on how to access the Parent Portal of PowerSchool and look up student credentials, please click here to view this short interactive video tutorial.
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
Flag Football and Volleyball Schedules
This school year, we will begin to allow our students to attend home games at Franklin! We are very excited to launch our new game day vouchers and boost our school spirit! Game day vouchers can be purchased on our website under the athletics tab. The purchase of this card allows students to come to home games without a parent. The cards will remain valid as long as students adhere to all campus policies while attending games and at the conclusion of those events while waiting for pick-up. Students who fail to follow school rules will have their card revoked with no refund. Students who purchase these cards will be able to use them for 10 purchases which include entry to our games and concessions (which can include entry and concessions for their siblings as well)! They will sit in the student section that will be under the control of some of our amazing staff members who volunteered their time to support our teams. Our wonderful SGA has also volunteered to run the concession stand and the entry booth to help punch the student cards and keep everything running smoothly! Each card is made to fit on the student's lanyard, much like the ID badges they are required to wear.
As of now, we have 3 options for students to purchase!
Option 1: $20.00 - Standard game day voucher
Option 2: $30.00 - Students receive a game card as well as a spirit shirt!
Option 3: $10.00 - Students receive a spirit shirt!
Upcoming Events:
10/3-No School/ Offices Closed
10/7-10/11- FTE Week
10/10- PTO Virtual Meeting 6 pm
10/14- No School/ Teacher Planning Day
10/15-10/25- Book Fair
10/15- Start of 2nd Quarter
10/18- Report Cards Issued
10/19- Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat (more information to come soon)
10/23- Philly Grill Spirit Night
10/30- Coffee with Admin at 8:45 am virtually
10/30- Fall Picture Day (Yearbook Picture)
10/31-K-3 Character Parade
10/31- Vocab and Idiom Parade
September IB Learner Profile Attribute of the Month: Courageous
What is the Primary Years Programme?
The PYP is a curriculum framework for elementary students. Like all International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes, the IB learner profile permeates all facets of school life in the PYP.
The PYP is based on the recognition of a child’s natural curiosity, creativity and ability to reflect. It generates a stimulating, challenging learning environment to nurture the whole child and foster a lifelong love of learning for all. The PYP is transdisciplinary, meaning students learn across subject areas while inquiring into big ideas.
To help welcome and/or transition students into the IB program, all Kindergarten through 5th grade students begin the school year with IB Boot Camp. The activities are designed to help seamlessly guide students into understanding the mission and experience an inquiry-based curriculum. Below are pictures of our life-long learners at work!
Source: IBO.org
Boynton Beach wishes everyone a Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!
PYP 1 students at Boynton Beach created South American flags.
Who to Contact
Please review the list below of who to contact when certain questions/concerns arise.
Dash Pass-:Please ensure that you have an active Dash Pass account and it is working upon arrival on campus. Any Dash pass questions, please contact Ms. Huelsman at huelsman.tina@franklin-academy.org
Service Hours: Please ensure that you have a Raptor account to log your parent volunteer hours. Any questions please contact Ms. Dowdell at dowdell.alexandria@franklin-academy.org
Transportation: All transportation inquires should be directed to Ms. Huelsman at huelsman.tina@franklin-academy.org
Clever Access: If you are experiencing difficulties with your Clever account, please contact Ms. Plummer at plummer.danielle@franklin-academy.org
Power School Access: If you are experiencing difficulties with your Power School account, please contact Ms. Atway at atway.faten@franklin-academy.org
Franklin Academy Office Hours
Our office hours for in-person assistance are as follows:
Office Hours: 8:45 AM - 1:45 PM
Additionally, you can reach us by phone at any time during the following hours:
Phone Hours: 8:00 AM -4:30 PM
SLA Food Service
Connecting to your online lunch account. for snacks and ice cream.
Franklin Academy, Boynton Beach Campus
Building Better People Every Day
7882 South Military Trail, Boynton Beach, FL 33463