Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 5th May 2023
Coronation Special
Creating a portrait of Charles III by Year 6
Coronation Quiz
Coronation Stamps in Year 5
Reception's Royal Artwork
Reception have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about King Charles in preparation for his Coronation this weekend. The children worked together in teams to create silhouette artwork depicting one aspect of the King's life that we have learnt about. Amongst the many facts we have acquired, we were very impressed to learn that King Charles can play three instruments and is a keen landscape artist. Did you also know that he has two rescue dogs called Beth and Bluebell? We hope you like our artwork, we are very pleased with it!
God Save the King by Year 3
Coronation in the Nursery
This week in Nursery we have been learning about the Coronation of King Charles. We have been creative with making crowns and painting the portrait of King Charles. We have also been thinking about what the King may eat for his Coronation tea, making delicious meals in our role play area.
"I think the King would eat toast with chocolate spread for his Coronation tea." Robin
"I think he will have pasta with sauce and garlic bread for his tea." Rory
Letters to wish Charles Good luck in Year 2
For the King's Coronation, Year 2 have made some lovely bunting with the union flag and a colouring of the King himself. We wrote letters of good luck to our new King and asked some questions that we wanted to find out about him - like - how heavy is your crown? How do you become a King? Are you feeling nervous for your coronation? We also designed some new pound coins as well as £5, £10, £20 and £50 notes. Finally we put together a Royal Family Tree showing all the relatives of our King.
Wire art in Year 4
Year 1 Union Jack Hearts
Open the Book - Loaves and Fishes
Thank you Miss Dumbreck
Breakfast Natters Monday 22nd May
Class Photographs
ScholarPack App
Staff have already started communicating using our new messaging service. One piece of feedback you may find useful is to make sure you go to your phone settings to enable alerts for the app. This is mentioned in the instructions we emailed but is worth noting as otherwise you may not be aware that we have sent you a message. Thank you.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 8th May - Bank Holiday for the King's Coronation
Tuesday 9th May - 12th May - Year 6 Statutory Test Week
Thursday 11th May - Year 4 Visit Bradford
Wednesday 17th May - Year 5 visit St. Peter's School, Leeds
Wednesday 17th May - Year 3 and Year 4 Multi-skills Festival at Outwood
Wednesday 17th May - Duck Race 5pm Fisher Green
Thursday 18th May - Cricket Festival
Monday 22nd May - Breakfast Natters in the School Hall for parents and carers (9am)
Wednesday 24th May - Year 6 Class Worship at 9am
Friday 26th May - school closes at 3.10/3.15pm for the half term break
Monday 5th June - school re-opens
Friday 9th June - Times Tables Rock Star Day
Wednesday 14th June - Year 3 Visit to The Yorkshire Park
Thursday 15th June - Sports Day
Saturday 17th June - Friends Summer Fair
Monday 19th June - 23rd June - Arts Week
Wednesday 21st June - Year 2 Visit to Whitby
Friday 23rd June - School Disco
Monday 26th June - Year 1 Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Wednesday 28th June - 30th June - Year 5 Residential to Lindisfarne
Thursday 29th June and Friday 30th June - Year 6 Bikeability
Tuesday 4th July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Production (Afternoon and Evening)
Wednesday 5th July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Production (Afternoon)
Thursday 6th July - Year 4 Ripon Workhouse Visit
Friday 7th July - Year 6 Leavers' Service at the Cathedral
Tuesday 11th July and Wednesday 12th July - In School Transition Days Year R - Year 5
Wednesday 12th July - Year 6 Leavers Event
Wednesday 12th July - Annual Reports
Tuesday 18th July - Key Stage 2 Production (Afternoon and Evening)
Wednesday 19th July - Key Stage 2 Production (Evening)
Wednesday 19th July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Celebration Worship (9am)
Thursday 20th July - Key Stage 2 Celebration Worship (9am)
Friday 21st July - School Closes for the Summer
We endeavour to provide dates with suitable notice, however there may be changes to timings etc, as the term progresses.
Friends of the School
Summer Term Events
Wednesday 17th May - Duck Race 5pm Fisher Green
Saturday 17th June - Summer Fair
Friday 23rd June - Disco
Community Events
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Phone: 01765 602355
Twitter: @riponcathschool