Lakota Weekly
June End of Year Edition
Message from the Principal
Hello Falcon Families,
On Wednesday we had our first ever color run at Lakota! This community event was sponsored and organized by our PTA. Our deepest thanks for their organization and service to the school. Scholars had a blast running the colorful course and spending time with friends. This was a delightful way to wrap up State and District testing. Grades are closing soon, please work with your child to check Parent Vue/Student Vue to finish the year strong.
Families - we are asking for support in helping computers find their way back to Lakota. If you see a school computer at home or in your child’s backpack, please help your child bring it to Lakota. This will help us start with enough devices for children next year.
There are many wonderful events to look forward to this year.
June 16th - 6th & 7th Grade Awards Assembly- during the school day. (You will receive a communication if your child is getting an award)
June 16th - 8th Grade Promotion & Celebration. Families are welcome to attend at 11:00.
June 19th- No School in honor of Juneteenth
June 20th - Field Day, 1pm-2:20
June 21st - Talent Show, Last Day of School, Dismissal at 10:30
This is our final newsletter for the 22-23 school year. What a beautiful year, full of learning and growing it has been. Thank you for your support and partnership and most of all for sharing your children with us on their middle school journey.
Angela Williamson
Lakota's 1st Color Run was a Ton of Fun!
Upcoming Events
Make Payments Online
You can locate the online payment portal in one of three ways:
· Go directly to
· Go to On the top right under “Family and Scholar Links”, click on “Pay online for fees, yearbooks and more”.
· Scan the QR code to the right.
Congratulations Falcons on a great year for Lakota Sports!
We won the District Championship in Football, Gymnastics, and Baseball. Also, League Champs for the Girls Cross Country team.
What makes us most proud at Lakota is the number of scholars we have out for our sport teams. We had 463 participants throughout the year in all sports combined.
6th Graders represented 144 spots on team
7th graders were the highest with 167 participants.
8th graders were a close 2nd in numbers with 152.
We applaud these students for their time, and hard work to make Lakota the best! We thank the parents also for tireless hours of practice pick up, attending games and supporting their child's growth.
Please make sure that all uniforms have been returned to Lakota
I have enjoyed my first year as Athletic Director for Lakota Middle School and will continue in this position for next year. Please continue to reach out with any athletic questions.
If I could give one piece of advice to parents of athletes, it would be to get the physical and Final forms completed prior to the season. Summer is the perfect time to get a sports physical, which is good for two years.
Thank you,
Ms. Mohler
Post Lottery Choice Open May 1 - August 31
Open to both residents and non-residents of the Federal Way School District
Application will open at 7:30 am.
Residents of FWPS:
Choice Applications will be added to the bottom of the waitlist in the order received.
Choice Applications for non-residents of the Federal Way School District must be accompanied by a Choice Transfer Request.
This form can be filled out at the link below, or by visiting the scholar's resident district office. Click below to fill out the form: Choice Transfer Request Form
Applications will be added to the bottom of the wait list in the order received.
From the Library
Hello Falcons!
Have a great Summer!
Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Haines
PTA Last Cookie Day
Monday June 12th will be our Final Cookie Monday of this school year.
To celebrate, each student can have one (1) chocolate chip cookie for free
Lakota PTA
Hello Falcons!
This is your school nurse, Mr. Wolff, RN, and I wanted to bring to your attention some important things coming up for the end of the school year, and preparation for the 2023-2024 school year.
1. All medications at school should be picked up or sent home on the last day of school June 21. Any medications not picked up by June 23, 2023 will be destroyed. Controlled substances must be picked up in person by the parent/guardian (Methylphenidate, Amphetamines, Midazolam).
2. Please obtain, if not received by mail, physician medication orders for the 23-24 school year and bring those medications and orders to the school no later than the first day of school, August 30th, 2023.
3. Make sure that all of your scholar’s immunizations are up to date; they will not be able to start until they are updated. All new 7th graders are required to have their Tdap immunization before the start of school as well. Immunization resources can be found at Gov/community-and-environment/schools/immunizations
4. Please make the school nurse/health room aware of any health conditions or changes in your scholar’s health that we need to know about for the coming year.
Thank you all for helping make these successful transitions, and have an amazing Summer
President - Lila Berg
Vice President - Johnny Reynolds
Secretary - Robel Yilma
Treasurer - Kyle Leboshomo
Message from President Lila Berg
Hi everyone, happy Friday! Our sports are wrapping up and it is that time of year when class is slowing down and the year is coming to a close. But we still have lots of fun things happening in June, such as the Color Run which is next Wednesday! Have a great weekend and see you all on Monday.
Bell Schedules
FWPS is continuing “Summer Learning for All” with a variety of offerings for all scholars including:
- FRED Bus (June 27-July 27)
- Summer Learning Packets (All Summer)
- Summer Learning Video Lessons (June 26-July 28)
- KCLS Summer Reading Challenge (June 1-August 31)
More information and materials can be found online at:
After School All Stars Summer Program
Free Enrollment - Register Now
- Full-time program 9a - 3p, hosted here at Lakota
- Runs June 28th - July 27th
Transportation provided to Lakota (students must be picked
up or walk home once program ends)
- Open to ALL rising FWPS 6th - 8th graders