The Gator Gazette
January 6 - 10
Hello Gators!
The weekend of December 14th, both of Glenview's FIRST LEGO League teams competed in the regional qualifier at John Deere's World Headquarters. Both teams did an excellent job representing Glenview in the robot competition, the innovation project presentation, and demonstrating Core Values throughout the day.
Robogators Blue even took home a trophy for the "Rising All-Star Award" which celebrates a team that the judges noticed and expect great things from in the future! Great job Robogators!
EMSD has made the decision that we will use "old fashioned" snow days if we do have inclement weather this winter. We are not ruling out using E-Learning Days for an extended storm or cold snap, but our intention is to use a regular snow day and make it up at the end of the school year should it be needed. Students will not be required to complete any work if a snow day is issued, and they will be able to enjoy the weather safely from inside their homes (or out in the snow!). ☃️ ☃️ ☃️
REMINDER: We are coming to the end of the first semester and the second quarter, now is a great time to check your grades and conference with your teachers about reassessing and completing your courses STRONG! You've Got This!
Have a GATOR Week!
Mrs. Hawley
From the Nurses Clinic
Tons of Holiday FUN and Learning at GMS!
Activities and Athletics THIS WEEK...
- Wednesday, January 8 - Wrestling @ John Deere
- Thursday, January 9 - Winter Concert in the UTHS Auditorium @ 6pm and 7:30pm
- Saturday, January 11 - Wrestling @ Geneseo (All Day)
See you in the SWAMP!
ACTIVITIES and ATHLETIC PICK-UP: Families picking up athletes after practice, please be at GMS by 4pm to ensure prompt supervision and safety of your student. Thank you!
Grade 8 Washington DC Trip
Are you an 8th grader interested in attending the DC trip next Summer 2025 - Check out the following link using Tour Code TTSPCS5 or contact Ms. Shimmel at eschimmel@emsd37.org, if you have any questions.
Earbuds are available in the GMS Library - 50 cents - get yours today!
Mark your Calendars
- Tuesday, January 14 - Girls Basketball v Hampton @ 4pm
- Wednesday, January 15 - Wrestling @ Edison
- Thursday, January 16 - Girls Basketball v Washington @ 4pm
- Thursday, January 16 - Band Parent Meeting @ 7pm
- Friday, January 17 - Great Gator Breakfast for Grades 5-8 by Invitation
- Tuesday, January 21 - Girls Basketball v Edison @ 4pm
- Wednesday, January 22 - Wrestling v Geneseo Jr. Pioneers @ 4pm
- Thursday, January 23 - Girls Basketball v Jordan @ 4pm
The Glenview Band - Mariachi - Choir - Gator Guild
The Glenview Band
Select this link for the complete Bands Calendar Glenview Bands 2024-25 Calendar
Select this link for the updated Mariachi Calendar Glenview Mariachi 2024-25 Calendar
Glenview Choir
Glenview Gator Guild
THANK YOU to everyone who stepped out to support us for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Despite the multiple inconveniences along the way the show was a HIT! A huge SHOUT OUT to everyone who helped out along the way offering assistance where they could. THANK YOU!
Gator Athletics and Activities
ATTENTION PARENTS - The YEARBOOK NEEDS YOU! Calling all Photographers! Please share pictures of GMS events with Mrs. Hawley - khawley@emsd37.org AND Mrs. Roselieb - jroselieb@emsd37.org - We Appreciate YOU!
Let’s cheer on our Gators and make this week unforgettable!
GMS Counselor's Corner
- Mrs. Debaene - 5th Grade - 309.755.1919 x232
- Mrs. Gallagher - 6th Grade - 309.755.1919 x231
- Mr. Palmer - 7th Grade - 309.755.1919 x214
- Mrs. Wieland - 8th Grade - 309.755.1919 x213
GMS Menus
Scan the QR Code for Glenview Breakfast and Lunch Menus!
Need Assistance? We can help!
GMS Main Office...
- Mrs. Hawley, GMS Principal - 309.755.1919 x207
- Mr. Ryan, Associate Principal of Curriculum and Instruction - 309.755.1919 x208
- Mrs. Christensen, Associate Principal - Grade 5/6 - 309.755.1919 x209
- Mr. Evans, Associate Principal Grade 7/8 - 309.755.1919 x210
- Mrs. Keim, Attendance Secretary - 309.755.1919 x201
- Mrs. Gryp, Registrar - 309.755.1919 x222
- Ms. Carson, Nurse - 309.755.1919 x220
- Mrs. Martinez, Nurse - 309.755.1919 x221
- Tracy Greer, Special Education Facilitator - 309.755.1919 x216
- Mr. Singleton, Athletic Director - 309.755.1919 x160
- Mrs. Debaene - 5th Grade - 309.755.1919 x232
- Mrs. Gallagher - 6th Grade - 309.755.1919 x231
- Mr. Palmer - 7th Grade - 309.755.1919 x214
- Mrs. Wieland - 8th Grade - 309.755.1919 x213