MAHAFFEY: Back-to-School Prep
2024-2025 School Year
Charla Wilson
Dr. Heather Lord
Lisa Schrock
Mahaffey Elementary
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MahaffeyKISD/
School Website: https://mahaffey.kleinisd.net/
Klein ISD Calendar
Calendar Events
Upcoming Events
*Meet the Teacher- Monday, August 12th from 4:30-6:00 pm
*First Day of School- Wednesday, August 14th
Looking Ahead
*Fall Open House- Wednesday, September 18th 5:00-6:30 pm
More details to come in the September Newsletter
1. Request Enrollment Access
2. Submit Enrollment Application
2024-2025 Enrollment Application >> OPEN July 17, 2024!
3. Complete Enrollment with our Registrar (Mrs. Padilla will reach out once all items have been submitted)
* If you need your account information or are experiencing other issues, contact familyaccess@kleinisd.net for assistance. The email should include your full name, your student’s name(s) and the campus each attends.
ASIU- Annual Student Information Update
The Annual Student Information Update is REQUIRED for ALL CURRENT STUDENTS in to ensure each student has a schedule and teachers assigned prior to the first day of school.
Update: July 22-August 9, 2024
1. Log in to your Skyward Family Access Portal at https://skyward.kleinisd.net. SKYWARD FAMILY ACCESS
2. Once you log in to Skyward, select the Annual Student Information Update button.
* Included will be additional information regarding state testing, tutorials, and other pertinent information.
The SMART tag Parent App allows parents to
- View their student profiles and assigned routes.
- Monitor their student's riding activity.
- Sign up to get notified when their student gets on/off the bus at their home stop and school.
- Sign up to get notified when the bus is arriving at their home stop.
- Manage guardians authorized to receive their student at their PM drop-off stop (for the primary parent in Skyward only).
School Meals
Website: kleinisd.net/schoolcafe
If you think your child may qualify for federal meal benefits, we encourage you to fill out an application for free or reduced-cost meals.
The all-in-one family portal to easily manage your students meal account.
- Meal account payments
- Meal benefit application
- Purchase history
- Purchase restrictions
- School menus & more
Elementary Prices
Breakfast: $1.50
Lunch: $2.50
School Supplies
Bus Routes
Bus Routes for the 2024-2025 School Year will be available August 5, 2024.
Website: Search for Bus Routes
To look up your student's bus route and more information about transportation.
- Find your bus
- Eligibility
- Safety
- Special Education Transportation
Car Tag
Want to avoid the long line at Meet the Teacher for car pool tags? Fill out the below form to have your child’s car tag delivered to their teacher’s room ahead of time.
Klein ISD Volunteer
Klein ISD Volunteer applications for the 2024-2025 school year are now being accepted. The Volunteer Application is an annual application. Security is a priority in Klein ISD, all volunteers must reapply every year.
Back-to-School HUB
Website: kleinisd.net/backtoschool
Here is the link to the District HUB for everything you need for Back-to-School.
- District Calendar
- School Supply Information
- Meal Accounts
- Menus
- Bus Routes
- Student Handbook
Klein YOUniversity
Website: kleinisd.net/kleinyouniversity
Klein ISD is launching KLEIN YOUniversity, featuring a variety of virtual on-demand courses for parents. These online courses will cover topics such as digital safety, mental health, human trafficking prevention, educational support strategies, etc.
Klein ISD Curriculum
The Family Curriculum Guides are resources designed to help guide parents through the content and Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills your children learn throughout the school year. They provide information by grade level for each quarter and include:
- Key concepts and skills students are expected to master for each subject
- Questions to ask your child
- Tips on helping students learn at home
- Additional tools for success
In Klein ISD, EVERY student enters with a PROMISE and exits with a PURPOSE.
To help achieve this goal, our district has created the resources at the link below.
Mahaffey Scotties help bring our Promise2Purpose to life through our PLAID values: Positive Purpose, Learners Leading, Aspiring Academics, Innovative Ideas and Dedicated Discipline.
Mahaffey Elementary
Website: https://mahaffey.kleinisd.net/
Location: 10255 Mahaffey Road, Tomball, TX, USA
Phone: 832-375-8300
Twitter: @MahaffeyKISD