Wolf Watch
Indian Woods Newsletter 7/2924
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A Message from the Principal's Desk
Greetings Indian Woods families and community!
Wow! I can’t believe it is already August this week! As the beginning of the year is upon us, I want to share some important information. See top items this week below. This week’s newsletter is important for families looking to get involved. Our parent organizations are excellent ways to meet new families, stay connected, share ideas with other families, and feel good about serving.
We welcome all new students and families to Woods, as I know personally being new, that we can feel nervous at times. Getting involved in school is a great way to reduce anxiety for students and families when transitioning. I learned today that we have 73 players interested in playing 8th grade football in this first year, which is amazing! There are athletics, activities, and clubs for students to belong outside the school day. This can help students find good friends who will lift them up and coaches or sponsors who will hold them accountable with high expectations that prioritize academics.
I have added a few topics at the bottom of the newsletter that could be useful in the future. First, if you ever need to reference information from a previous newsletter, you don’t have to dig through your emails to find it; they will always be linked at the bottom. The second thing I added is a google form to submit stories. As an associate principal before, I would randomly learn about students and what they were involved with or doing outside of school. Some stories blew me away, so I want the opportunity to share student stories with the community, as we have amazing kids doing some pretty incredible things.
We look forward to sharing positive stories and student shout outs from our positive referrals that are submitted from the teachers to administrators so that you get a glimpse of the positive culture we are building at Indian Woods.
Thank you for considering to be an active member at Indian Woods and encouraging your students to do the same by joining our athletics, activities, or clubs this year.
Grant Dreiling
Pay in Person
August 1st: 2pm - 6pm
Pay by Phone
July 25, 2024, until July 31st from 10 AM to 3 PM.
Student Services/Fee Day - Aug. 1 from 2-6 PM
This event is open to all 7th & 8th grade students and families to visit the school to:
- Pay fees
- Pay transportation fees
- Visit with DS Busing representative
- Become PTA members
- Purchase spirit wear
- Visit with IW sports coaches
- Visit the school nurse
- Complete the 2024-25 Skyward Online Verification
Schedules will not be available at this event. Our building will be open during the Family Picnic on August 5 for students to walk their schedules and try their lockers before the first day of school.
IW Family Picnic/Open House - Aug. 5 from 5-7 PM
All Indian Woods students and their families are invited to join us on Monday, Aug. 5 for this welcome back to school event. Our Indian Woods PTA will offer a food option for families to purchase a meal and students and families may walk the building and try lockers between 5-7 PM. This is an open house format. More information will be sent when we return from Summer Break.
Parent Meetings for IW Volleyball, Football, and Cross Country will follow the Picnic beginning at 7 PM.
MacBook Distribution Volunteers Needed Aug. 2 & Aug. 6
We are in need of volunteers to get MacBooks ready for our students. This opportunity does not require any technology related experience. We need volunteers to help prepare our MacBooks for distribution. Please sign-up here:
Physicals Required - See Forms and Specifications Below
Indian Woods will be offering the following fall sports, beginning August 19th:
- 7th and 8th Grade Volleyball
- Cross Country
- 8th Grade Football
Students interested in participating in middle school sports are required to complete a new physical packet each school year. Students must have the physical form signed by a physician dated after May 1, 2024, along with a completed athletic packet to participate in any sport at Indian Woods for the 24-25 school year.
It is important that the proper physical form is filled out by the doctor.
Physical & Concussion Form - English
Physical & Concussion Form - Spanish
Additional form for Cross Country:
The Indian Woods' PTA is an organization devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of family engagement in schools. Families, students, teachers, business and community leaders support students with the funds collected from membership dues and donations. Money raised is spent on things that the school budget does not cover like educational and fun activities for the students and extra supplies for the staff. There are monthly meetings and opportunities for volunteering, but these are optional! Becoming a PTA member shows that you care about our students, their teachers, and support the school community. Thank you!
Student Services
Schedules will be live in Skyward on Friday, August 2nd. All schedule change requests or questions regarding schedules will be submitted via a Google Form. The form can be accessed through this QR code. Schedule change requests are subject to class space constraints and will only be granted when there is no negative impact on class sizes. Please note that teacher or hour change/preference requests will not be considered. Requests are addressed in the order that they are submitted. Schedule change requests will only be accepted through the school day on Friday, August 16th.
2024-25 Calendar of Events
IWMS Back to School Dates!
SMSD Calendar Here:
- 2024-2025 District Calendar_Board approved 12.4.23
- 2024-2025 District Calendar (Español)_Board approved 12.4.23
Indian Woods Back-To-School Events
Aug. 01: IW Fee/Student Services Day - IWMS - 2-6 PM (Building Will Be Open to Tour)
Aug. 02: View Class Schedules on Skyward (Questions go to counselors)
Aug. 05: PTA Family Picnic - IW Front Circle - 5-7 PM (Building Will Be Open to Tour)
Aug. 05: Parent/Athlete Meetings - 7 PM
- Cross Country, Girls Volleyball, Football
Aug. 14: 7th & 8th Grade Begin School - 8:45 AM -3:45 PM
Aug. 19: IW Picture Day
Aug. 22: Back-To-School Night - 5:30 -7:30 PM (**Please note time change)
Aug. 27: PTA Meeting - IW Library - 6 PM
Check out the school supply list:
- Update Contact Info
- Consent to SMSD policies
- Permission Forms
- Health History
- Medication Permission Form
- Free and Reduced Applications
- Athletic Packet
If you have any questions, please contact IWMS school office on or after July 26 at 913-993-0600.
Indian Woods Admin Team
Mr. Dreiling
Mrs. Constance
8th Grade
Mr. Claypool
7th Grade