Colrain Central School News
August 14, 2020
Amy Looman, principal
This is certainly not how I anticipated welcoming you all back to a new school year! I'm sure you have many, many questions and concerns....I do too! I encourage you to ask them and while I may not have answers, I'm happy to try and problem-solve with you. I am happy to have your family as a part of our school community this year and look forward to serving you, and your children, albeit in new and different ways. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at any time.
I am so grateful for your patience as we navigate through this time together.
Starting the School Year in a Remote Learning Model
The remote learning that will be happening this fall will be different from the emergency remote learning that took place in the spring. This is the plan for at least the start of the academic year. Attendance will be taken and student work will be graded. We recognize that things were very challenging in the spring when we were all operating in "crisis" mode. We are working with teachers to learn more tools and platforms and how to support students and families in a remote model. While the exact details of what your child's school day will look like are yet to come, it will include both synchronous (live, in real time online) and asychronous (can be done at any time offline) elements.
Internet Access and Devices
We will also be finding out what devices students have and what they will need in order to engage in remote learning. We have ordered additional chromebooks and have a goal of having one chromebook per student. However, the chromebooks we ordered are being held up at customs so we are not sure if we will be able to provide one per student from the very beginning.