Fremont Chargers Newsletter
August 18, 2024
Principal's Message-posted last week
Dear Fremont Families,
Welcome to a new school year here at the Home of the Chargers! We are excited to embark on this journey together. This year, we are continuing several on campus initiatives from Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD) in supporting our school-wide goals in Language Arts, Math and Student and Family Engagement in preparing our students as Life and Future-ready Learners.
This school year, all of our 7th and 8th grade classes will be participating in personal and career exploration curriculum during Univeral Access (UA) designated time. Our Dual Language Immersion program continues to thrive, offering students the opportunity to become bilingual and biliterate in both English and Spanish. This District recently adopted Spanish curriculum for the American Reading Company (ARC) CORE program and our K-5 teachers are excited to implement it into their classes. In addition, the DLI program has now expanded from TK-8th grade with plans to extend into the high school.
We welcome back our Assistant Principal, Ms. Carmen Mejia and Instructional Coaches, Ms. Monica Gonzalez and Maestra Patricia Diaz! We are fortunate to have such a strong and dedicated Fremont staff and faculty in working collaboratively towards our school goals and ensure every student reaches their full potential.
We will host "Charger Chats" with the Principal, Assistant Principal and/or Counselor throughout the school year. All families are invited to join! In addition, we will send out Smore weekly newsletters in leiu of the BlackBoard Connect Messaging. That being said, we will continue to utilize various means of communication including Blackboard, Remind App and updates on our school website. We strongly encourage our families to join our Fremont Parent/Family groups; PTA and DI Boosters. Fremont PTA supports all of our students, staff and families. Whereas, families enrolled in the Dual Language program are invited to join the DI Boosters, Los Amigos de Fremont.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me or the school office at 626-943-3360. Thank you for being an important part of our Fremont Family! Here is to a fantastic school year filled with growth, learning, and success!
Warmest regards,
Dr. Carly Chavez, Ed.D. Principal
Please click here to access our Fremont School Site for all school information, highlights and announcements.
Fremont Mission Statement
Our mission at Fremont Elementary School is to nurture a positive learning environment that encourages equitable practices and active involvement in our students’ learning and social emotional development. We aim to prepare Life and Future Ready Learners through autonomy and collaborative learning, while providing the necessary tools and interventions to meet the unique needs of each student. Our commitment to celebrate diversity ensures an inclusive and supportive space where individual strengths and skills are honored and valued.
August School Calendar
Upcoming Events
Save the Dates:
- Wednesdays (8/14, 8/21, 8/28): Short Wednesdays
- Wednesday, August 28: Back to School Night from 5:00-7:00 pm (1st-8th grades)
- Wednesday, August 28: English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC) meeting at 5:30pm
Fremont Bell Schedule for 2024-2025
Welcome Back!
Front Gates open at 7:30am. Breakfast is available daily from 7:30-7:55 am. The warning bell will ring at 7:55 am. Classes will begin at 8:00 am for all studenst (TK-8). Dismissal times and locations will vary. Our weekly shortened day will remain on most Wednesdays.
Back to School Night for grades 1-8
Mark your calendars! Back to School Night will be held on Wednesday, August 28th at 5:00 pm
Fremont Book Fair: August 26-30th
A message from Ms. Chin:
The Scholastic Book Fair will be at Fremont from August 26th through August 30th. Students will visit with their classrooms that week. Ask your child’s teacher when they are visiting so your child can be prepared to purchase on that date. Your support is greatly appreciated. Let’s create Bolder, Prouder, Stronger, Readers! For more details please visit our book fair at .
Parent Portal
Families are able to view students homeroom teacher through the Parent Portal prior to the first day of school. Please remember that the class placement is subject to change through the first days of school as we work towards leveling classes. The Parent Portal is critical in monitoring student academic progress and attendance throughout the school year as well as updating relevant information. It is vital that student contact information is updated such as current home address, primary and secondary phone numbers, medication and allergy information and emergency contacts. Click here to access the Parent Portal link.
School Safety: Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Reminder: DO not drive through or park in the staff parking lot located off Fremont street. Be mindful when parking on Elm and Ross streets-always reading posted traffic signs. Morning drop off and dismissal gates differ depending on the grade level for your child. Fremont Families, it is important to respect our neighbors and adhere to traffic safety laws, keeping our students safe off campus. Fremont is located on busy streets and we want to assure the safety of our stduents and staff.
Arrival: There is only one entrance to campus-located at the front gate on Elm Street. Students will be ushered to designated areas for teacher pick-up.
Dismissal: TK and Kindergarten dismissal will be at the front gate. Students will only be released by teachers to parents/guardians/caretakers with release cards. 1st graders will be dismissed at the front gate. 2nd and 3rd graders will exit right outside of the the front gate on Elm Street. 4th-8th grade students will exit at the back gate (near field) on Ross Street.
AUSD Policies and Procedures
School Uniforms
School Uniforms are required in accordance with Board Policy 5132. Specific attire for school uniforms may also be viewed on our website. We strongly encourage "College Wear Wednesdays" and "Fremont Fridays" wearing green.
Cell Phone and Technology Use
AUSD Board Policy 5131 outlines cell phone use for students. All cell phones, smart watches, airpods/earbuds/headphones must be powered OFF and put away inside backpacks/purses during instructional time, unless given permission by staff. Technology use is NOT PERMITTED during recess or lunch. If you must contact your child, please contact the office. Please refer to the AUSD Parent and Student Handbook for additional information regarding responsible technology use.
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS)
This school year, we will continue our work with Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS), an evidence-based, three-tiered framework to improve and integrate all of the data, systems and practices affecting student outcomes every day. The goal of PBIS is to create a positive school climate where students learn and grow. School climate has a direct impact on attendance rates, academic achievement, and engagement. PBIS is a District-wide initiative. We will be continuing to implement PBIS at Fremont with our Behavior Expectation Matrix for the 3 R’s. We also will be continuing with Character Strong curriculum to support socioemotional learning.
Alternate Income Form
Please complete the AIF for Fremont Students!
Please take a moment to complete the Household Income Survey via your Parent Portal. This household income survey helps to ensure that our District and our school receive all the funding for which we are eligible to serve all students equitably. Every student in Alhambra Unified will continue to receive breakfast and lunch at no cost. Separate from the National School Lunch Program, this data may help students and schools qualify for additional state and federal funding to serve all students equitably and offer services such as free wireless hotspots, after-school programs, SAT/ACT fee waivers, lower rates for district's telecommunications, and grants.
Please visit AUSD AIF Form to complete the form. You will need to log into your Parent Portal Account. One form is required per student. If you require assistance, you can contact our Main Office for support
ASB/Middle School Announcements
Fremont received recognition as a "Favorite Middle School" from the Readers Choice Awards for 2024
Afterschool Programs
Spark Academy Corp
Site Director : Faith Sierra
Tuition base, onsite after school program. Students are offered Homework Help with low staff to student ratio. We offer Enrichment and Clubs.Enrollment open all year long. We also offer Financial Assistance If needed.
PTA News
Fremont PTA encourages all Fremont families to join!
- Stay involved in school events and activities
- Support your child and all the children in the school community
- Advocate for Fremont students
The Fremont Spirit Store is open until August 31st and items will be delivered mid-September. Please note there are no returns! All items are sold at cost. This is not a fundraiser!