FTS Summer Newsletter
June 2024

Freehold Township Schools wishes you a great summer!
As the 2023-2024 school year draws to a close, the Freehold Township School District would like to wish all of our families a restful, safe, and fun-filled summer. Whether you plan to spend the summer break by the pool, by the ocean, being active outdoors, or curled up on the couch with a good book, we hope all of our students and families make the most of the time away from school. Enclosed in this newsletter, you'll find valuable information about how to keep your child(ren) engaged in learning during the break from school, in an effort to keep their brains engaged and to prevent any learning loss that may happen during the summer months. Please return to this document throughout the summer. It will be posted on the district website for easy access. Rest, relax, and connect with your kids this summer. For our graduating 8th graders, we wish you well in your future endeavors. For our returning students, we look forward to welcoming you back in September!
Summer Reading Assignments 🔅
Research shows that students who read regularly over the summer return to school in the fall better prepared academically and with improved reading abilities! Our summer reading initiative aims to foster a culture of lifelong reading and encourage critical thinking about literature. Please click here for details and directions for completing the assignments. All assignments are due September 20, 2024.
Summer Math Assignments🌴
One District, One Book: The World According to Humphrey
Humphrey the Hamster Finds a Home in Freehold Township Schools!
This year, our One District, One Book Initiative featured everyone's favorite hamster, Humphrey! As families enjoyed the book, "The World According to Humphrey," schools joined in with activities to make the experience unforgettable!
Multilingual Family Engagement Night
This May, the district held a Family Engagement Night for our ML families. This was hosted by Laura Donovan School, and many of our ESL teachers collaborated to make this evening a success. Students engaged in fun activities while parents and family members were able to learn about community resources.
Focus on Mental Health and Well-Being
The Municipal Alliance to Prevent Substance Abuse has purchased access to a website, CredibleMind, with mental health resources and support materials. This is a free, online platform that is confidential, anonymous, and available 24/7. All materials are scientifically backed, including articles, podcasts, videos, assessments, and local community resources. You can sign up to receive a weekly email with expert-curated resources on trending mental health and well-being topics.
American Legion Contest Winner
Congratulations to one of our Eisenhower Middle School students who won the American Legion essay contest, "What Safety Means to Me." Arianna submitted her essay and garnered first place with the local American Legion in Freehold, as well as the county and the state. Congratulations!
Summer EBT Cards
District students who are approved for Federal Free or Reduced Lunch in the 2023-2024 school year will receive $120 in Summer EBT funds in the form of a physical EBT card from the State of NJ. If you have not applied for Free/Reduced lunch yet and think you may be eligible, please click here to apply. This is a new, permanent program aimed at reducing childhood hunger by providing families with a grocery benefit to feed their children while on summer break. Please submit all applications prior to the end of the school year. This program does not pertain to those families eligible for free lunch due to the expanded New Jersey income eligibility guidelines.
Your School Lunch Menu Has a NEW Look! 🍕
This spring, you may have noticed a change in our school menu format. We are now using Nutrislice!
Starting in May, all of the schools have their own menus and all menu changes are found here. In addition, you now have access to the nutritional information for everything served in our cafeterias! Check out our Food Services webpage for more info.
End Of the Year Lunch Debt
As the school year winds down, please be sure to double check your student's mealtime account for any outstanding school cafeteria balances. Overdue balances should be paid as soon as possible, either online or by check/cash brought to the cafeteria. If you have a graduating 8th grader with a positive balance of $10 or more, the business office will mail you a check after the end of this school year. If there is a positive balance of less than $10 and you would like these funds transferred to someone else or would like a check mailed to you, please contact our Assistant Business Administrator, Aly Williams, at AWilliams@freeholdtwp.k12.nj.us.