The warrior news 6th edition

September 16th Edition
Dear Winston Campus Families,
We have successfully wrapped up our first full week of the school year, and I want to take a moment to thank all the parents and guardians who attended our Parent Orientation on Thursday night. Your presence and support play a vital role in the success of our school community, and it was wonderful to see so many of you actively engaged in your child's education.
As we continue to settle into the new school year, please know that our team is here to support you and your children every step of the way. We look forward to building strong partnerships with you throughout the year to ensure a positive and enriching experience for all our students. As promised, this is the link to the presentation from the administrative team. Thank you again for your ongoing support, and here's to a great year ahead!
Warm regards,
Maricela Macias
Principal, Winston Campus Middle School
Every Day Counts
As we begin another school year in District 15, we want to highlight the importance of daily attendance in your child’s academic success.
Regular attendance is key to academic achievement and personal growth. Each day in District 15 offers new opportunities for learning, and we ask that you prioritize your child’s presence in school. Research shows that attendance directly impacts academic performance and helps students feel more connected to their school community.
This year, every District 15 school is encouraging all families to commit to missing 9 days or less for school success. Every lesson, discussion, and interaction contributes to your student’s progress, both academically and socially. Being in school not only fuels learning but also opens doors to extracurricular activities and social connections.
While we understand that occasional absences may happen due to illness or other circumstances, please ensure your student stays in communication with their teachers and promptly completes any missed work.
Thank you for your partnership in making this a successful year of growth and learning.
Vision & Hearing Screening Day at Winston
Hearing screening must be provided annually for preschool children 3 years of age or older in any public or private educational program or licensed child care facility, and for all school age children grades kindergarten, first, second and third; are in special education class; have been referred by a teacher; or are transfer students. These screening services shall be provided in all public, private, and parochial schools. In lieu of the screening services required, a completed and signed report form, indicating the child had an ear examination by a physician and an audiological evaluation completed by an audiologist within the previous 12 months, is acceptable.
Vision screening must be provided annually for preschool children 3 years of age or older in any public or private educational program or licensed child care facility, and for school age children in kindergarten, second and eighth grades; are in special education class; have been referred by a teacher; or are transfer students. Such screening services shall be provided in all public, private and parochial schools. In lieu of the screening services required, a completed and signed report form, indicating that an eye examination by a doctor specializing in diseases of the eye or a licensed optometrist has been administered within the previous 12 months, is acceptable.
The parent or legal guardian of a student may object to hearing or vision screening tests for their children on religious grounds. If a religious objection is made, a written and signed statement from the parent or legal guardian detailing such objections must be presented to the local school authority. Winston Campus Middle School AND Elementary School screening date is 9/30. All students who fall under the state-mandated screening requirements will be screened unless we have a recent vision or audiological examination or religious objection on file in the health office. Please refer to your school's health office with any questions:
Elizabeth Malagon-malagone@ccsd15.net
Sunah Kim-kims@ccsd15.net
Parent Handbook
Each year we update our Parent/Student Handbook to provide families with a quick reference to all things District 15. If you haven’t already done so, please make some time to review the Parent/Student Handbook.
WCMS Sports
Boys Soccer
9/17-Winston Vs WRS @ 3:00
9/19-Winston Vs CS @ 3:00
9/25-Winston Vs PG @ 3:00
If you have any questions, please contact the coaches: 6th/7th: Emmie Galan (galane@ccsd15.net) & 7th/8th: Kristina Wagner (wagnerk@ccsd15.net)
Girls Basketball
9/19-Winston Vs Barrington Station @ 4:15
9/23 Winston Vs PG @ 3:15
9/25 Winston Vs Barrington Prairie @ 3:30
If you have any questions, please contact the coaches: 6th/7th:Michael Mauro (maurom@ccsd15.net) & 7th/8th: Diane Hellard (hellardd@ccsd15.net)
Cross Country
9/19-Winston vs Crusader Invite @ 3:30
9/23-Winston vs Plum Grove @ 3:00
9/25-Winston vs Thomas Jefferson @ 3:00
If you have any questions, please contact the coaches: Alex Soto (sotoa3@ccsd15.net), Susie Gronwick (gronwics@ccsd15.net), Kyle Reid (reidk@ccsd15.net), Parker Buetow (buetowp@ccsd15.net) & Gina Ruta (rutag@ccsd15.net)
WCMS Choir
- Love to sing and want to learn some great music? Then Winston Campus Middle School Choir is for you! The WCMS Choir is open to all 6th-8th grade students. Our first rehearsal will be in Room D104 (Music Hallway) on Thursday, October 3rd from 2:20-3:45pm. If you have any questions, you can email holtk@ccsd15.net. We hope to see you there!
Help Wanted!
Winston Campus Middle School is hiring program assistants– Apply here! You Belong Here!
District 15 is still hiring bus drivers, program assistants, and substitute teachers, along with a few other positions. If you or someone you know is interested in applying to join the D15 team, please visit our employment website!
Power Up Learning! Charge Those Chromebooks Every Day!
To ensure a smooth start, we kindly request that you help your child develop the habit of bringing their fully charged Chromebook to school every day.
A charged Chromebook is like a backpack filled with essential learning tools – it opens doors to interactive lessons, research projects, and creative activities. By having their device ready to go, your child will be well-prepared to dive into each day's learning adventures.
PTA Meeting this week:
Please join us this Wednesday September 18th for our general meeting in the school library at 7:00 pm.
Exciting Times for Our 6th Graders!
We’re off to a great start with our first year as a middle school, and we’re excited about all the wonderful things happening in 6th grade! This month, our students will be focusing on building strong foundations in their core subjects, developing positive routines, and participating in engaging activities designed just for them. We encourage families to stay connected by checking in with their students about their learning experiences and keeping up with upcoming events. Let’s continue working together to ensure a successful and fun school year for our 6th graders!
~Assistant Principal
Starr Caldwell S.Ed
Annual Safety Drills
The safety of our students is always a top priority at our school. Our goal is not only to provide a safe environment, but to also prepare our students, staff, and school community to know how to respond if a crisis arises. To that end, each year, schools are required by Illinois School Code to conduct safety drills.
This year, as in years past, we will do 2 lockdown drills, 3 fire drills, 1 bus evacuation drill, and 1 shelter in place drill. For lockdown drills, parents have the option to opt their student out of the drill. The student will still be in the building during the drill, but will sit in a room with a different teacher and talk through the steps of the lockdown procedure instead of taking part in the drill with their classmates. If you would like to opt your student out of lockdown drills, please complete the Safety Drill Opt-Out Form. Our first fire drill will be 9/20/24 and our first lockdown drill will be 10/14/24.
Our App
If you have not done so, please download our MyRide12parentapp. Please visit the MyRide K12 page for instructions on how to acquire the parent app in English or Spanish. Login information for the app will be provided soon.
Culvers Dine N Share
Please support our cross country dine n share next Tuesday October 17th from 5:30-8:30 pm at the Rand Rd. location. Show this flyer and our team gets a portion of the sales that will help the team. Please contact coach Alex Soto if you have any questions: sotoa3@ccsd15.net
District News:
Multilingual Department
Our Spanish Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee would like to invite our D15 families to our 4th Annual Welcome Back to School Picnic on Saturday, September 21, from 10:00-1:00 pm at Winston Campus. Please see this flyer for details.
Parent Night Workshop
The United Palatine Coalition and District 15, along with a few other local agencies, will be hosting a parent night workshop entitled, Starting the School Year Strong!
Join us for a free parent workshop targeting students 3-14 years old. Learn tips families can use at home to develop skills for a positive school year. Use this opportunity to ask the experts your questions.
Topics include:
Tips to calm and reduce anxiety
Mindset for a healthy relationship
Tools for a successful school year
Importance of daily routines
Time for questions!
Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Time: 6:30-7 pm - meet local service providers; 7-8 pm - panel presentation followed by audience questions
Location: Palatine Library, 700 N North Ct, Palatine.
Registration: Please register here: https://forms.gle/KJqv1vEVwPBnCJew6
See event flyer for more information.
Childcare and translation services will be offered.
For more information contact Anne Campbell at acampbell@upcoalition.org
Upcoming Dates to Remember,
- September 18th-PTA General meeting 7:00-8:00 in the school Library
- September 26th-Half Day Of Student Attendance
September 30-Picture Day