Smith Family Newsletter
We believe in the power of school and family partnerships.
Message from Dr. Rivera
The love of learning is in the air at Smith Elementary as we approach Valentine's Day! In addition to our Valentine's exchange, we have several events this month including Saturday's Father Daughter Dance, celebrating School Counselors Week, National School Resource Officer Day, Book Fair, and a parent meeting with Tessa Stuckey. We hope you can attend these events.
Speaking of attendance, our daily goal is 96%. Please have your kids at school every day unless they have an illness, and plan trips and appointments around school hours and on student holidays. Click here to bookmark the Smith Calendar. It lists all events currently scheduled from now until the end of the year.
For questions or feedback, contact me at drivera@magnoliaisd.org, visit our website, and follow us on Facebook. Click here for the Parent Quick Reference Guide.
Upcoming Events
February 3 - National School Counseling Week - We appreciate Mrs. McDonald!
February 5 - PTO Meeting at 6:30 - Smith cafeteria
February 6 - Valentine's Cookie Gram Orders Due
February 7 - MISD Staff Volleyball Tournament - Smith plays at 6:30
February 8 - Father Daughter Dance - Click here to volunteer.
February 10 - School Board Meeting at 6:30
February 11 - 3rd & 4th grade Progress Reports sent home
February 12 - PTO Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A from 4:00-8:00
February 14 - Valentine's Exchange; School Resource Officer Celebration - Thank you, Officer Jack!
February 17-18 - No School for Students
February 20 - Special Education Family Resource Night
February 24 - Book Fair Week
February 26 - Breakfast & Browsing at the Book Fair, 7:30 to 8:30 am
February 27 - Spring Photos & Class Group Photos; Raising Readers and Book Fair at 5:00; Parent Meeting with Tessa Stuckey at 6:00
February 28 - Go Texan Day
March 1 - Jaclyn Finke Memorial 5K Rainbow Run
Teacher of the Month
Para of the Month
Inclusion paraprofessional Lauryn Akagi is dedicated to helping all students and staff, she has contagious energy, and she is positive presence in our school!
Parent Presentation
Join us on February 27th at 6:00 for the "Raising Resilient Kids in a Tech-Driven World" presentation. Click the image for more info.
PTO News
I can't thank our PTO volunteers enough for their dedication to creating memorable events for all students and staff. Right now, we are down to just a few dedicated volunteers, so we need your help so ALL kids can have great experiences at Smith. With almost 750 students, if each parent helped with just one event, it would make a tremendous impact on our school.
Please join us for the next PTO meeting on Wednesday, February 5th at 6:30. The Father Daugher dance is on Saturday, and you and/or your teenagers can sign up to volunteer here. Tickets can be purchased here.
Click here to access the PTO's Facebook page or email smithptomagnolia@gmail.com.
Father Daughter Dance
Thank you, Mrs. McDonald!
Thank you, Officer Jack!
Positions Available at Smith Elementary
Want to work a schedule that allows you to also be home with your kids? We have the following positions open:
- Bilingual Paraprofessional
- Food Service Technician in the cafeteria kitchen
- Bus Drivers
Cedric C. Smith Elementary
Email: drivera@magnoliaisd.org
Website: https://ses.magnoliaisd.org/
Location: 28747 Hardin Store Road, Magnolia, TX, USA
Phone: 281-252-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087530285376