Pick Elementary School News
February 10, 2025
Please join us this Thursday night for PES STEM Night!
We look forward to an evening of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Fun!
- Doors will open at 4:50.
- Students will receive Habit team Spirit Points for attending!
- All students that attend will be entered for the chance to win a party package from Premier Spirit Academy!
- Students will have over 10 various STEM activities to engage in! 2 activities will include Robotics!
- All activities will take place in Pick's Multi-purpose room.
We look forward to next week's sister school celebration at CWES!
Mrs. Brown's Counseling Connections
News from Nurse Carolyn
Health Hero Vaccination Clinic will be at Pick on Tuesday April 8th for 5th Grade students needing their state mandated Tdap vaccine prior to 6th grade.
Attention Parent/Guardians of 5th Grade students:
What: School based vaccine clinic
When: Tuesday, April 8th
Where: Pick Elementary School conference room
Who: Eligible 5th grade students (NO PEEHIP insurance plans, and student MUST be 11 years old by April 8th, clinic date)
Why: To provide the required Tdap booster prior to 6thgrade and recommended MCV and HPV vaccines
How: Complete and return the consent form that is sent home the week of March 17th (forms to be sent home with each student in 5th Grade)
If your student is not 11 years old by this date, or you have PEEHIP insurance, you may receive the required vaccine by your MD or at a clinic over the summer prior to the start of 6th grade. Proof of the Tdap is required in order to attend Drake Middle School.
Please contact Nurse Carolyn for any questions or additional information.
Carolyn J. Hudachek, RN, MSN
Pick Elementary School Nurse
Mark your calendars for our Spring Musical Event!
Performances will take place during the school day. More details to come soon!
THANK YOU for your ongoing involvement and support!
Pick Elementary School
Email: dtreetz@auburnschools.org
Website: https://www.auburnschools.org/pes
Location: 1320 North College Street, Auburn, AL, USA
Phone: 334-887-2110