OCTOBER 27, 2024

Volume 4; Issue 12; October 27, 2024
- A Message From the Director
- Senior News
- Upcoming Events
- Community Events
A Message From The Director
Dear NWI Families,
As mentioned in previous newsletters NWIOS does not provide middle of the semester report cards. Families will receive semester report cards after the second grading period--or first semester--ends in December. Remember, at any time you are able to see your child's progress through the weekly updates that outline the current course grade and relationship to pacing. You can also log into the system everyday to see progress. Check out the helpful resources at the end of this newsletter.
Middle of the semester is a good time to review goals however and possibly set new ones for a path to success. Good goals take these easy steps.
Vision: Set a goal - Think about the results you want to see. Before you set a goal, take a closer look at what you're trying to achieve.
Visual: Write your goals down - Then, put the goals in a place where you see them regularly.
Plan: Create an action plan. A good plan includes steps needed to achieve the goal.
Time: Get out a calendar. Develop a timeline or schedule for when you will be working on and want to achieve the goal. Also set time aside to work on it.
Act: Take action. You’ve set a goal, written it down, and created a plan. Now It's time to get busy and get working on your plan.
Monitor: Create a checklist to help you stay on track. Re-evaluate and assess your progress. Hold yourself accountable to stay on track.
As a caregiver, how can you help?
If your child needs help staying on pace. Then, help them create a daily schedule and weekly check-ins with you.
Does your child need help with grades? Then, make sure they are attending the live class sessions, participating in the overview sessions, rewatching the recordings, redoing assignments and taking the time to complete their assignments.
Whatever the goal may be, take the time to set some and teach them how to do so. These are skills that span across a lifetime.
Thank you for choosing Northwest Indiana Online School for your child(ren).
Mrs. Christy Jarka, Director, & The NWIOS Team
Sophomores - Learn About Adding CTE Classes to your 25-26 Schedule
Don't Miss Out!
Sophomores enrolled in Northwest Indiana Online and who reside in Porter County, plan to join the Porter County Career & Technical Education (PCCTE ) as they share information about Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes.
When: Thursday, November 7, 2024, at 6:00 pm
Where: Chesterton High School Auditorium at the High School for an exciting event about adding Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses to your 2025-2026 schedule!
What are CTE classes? CTE offers hands-on learning and career-focused courses. Applications open on November 1, 2024.
In addition, on December 3 and January 23, you'll have the chance to attend preview nights at the different CTE locations to explore specific classes and see what they have to offer! (See attachment)
It's Almost Time to Fall Back --November 3, 2024
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, November 6, 2024 - ACADEMIC SUPPORT SESSION
- In-person 10:30am -12:30 pm
- NEW Location~ Duneland School Corporation ANNEX 411 S 5th Street, Chesterton IN 46304
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 - ACADEMIC SUPPORT SESSION
- VIRTUAL 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
- RSVP and we will send you a link to join the virtual support session.
Monday, November 18,2024
- NWIOS Enrollment for the second semester opens
- If you're already enrolled, you do not need to do anything--except to tell your friends to enroll 😀
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
REMOTE: Grades 3-8 ILEARN Checkpoint #2 -- Watch for specific details in November.
Friday, November 15, 2024
Grade 12 Naturalization Exam VIRTUAL study session
- 9:15 am -9:45 am
- Watch for an email from Mr. Chris Richardson, DSC Teacher
Monday, November 25, 2024
Grade 12 Naturalization Exam VIRTUAL study session
- 1:15 - 1:45 pm
- Watch for an email from Mr. Chris Richardson, DSC Teacher
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
- Picture Retakes
- Grade 12 REQUIRED ONSITE 10:30 am -12:30 pm Naturalization Exam (Location: 411 S 5th Street, Chesterton IN 46304)
- REMINDER- Grades K - 8 WILL NOT have an onsite testing day
Monday, December 16, 2024 by 11:59 am
- All assignments due in EdOptions Academy for NWIOS Students
NWIOS is designated Purple Star School by the State of Indiana
The Indiana Purple Star School Designation honors schools that have displayed a significant commitment to service members, veterans, and students and families connected to our nation's military.
Our Next Academic Support Sessions
Don't miss out on our in-person and virtual support days! Students attending these sessions are getting one-on-one or small group help from our skilled team. They receive guidance on using resources, academic support, and help catching up on classes, plus help creating schedules to stay on track. Use the button below to sign up or click here.
Our next in-person Academic Support Session will be on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2024, from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm.
Duneland School Corporation ANNEX
411 S 5th Street, Chesterton IN 46304
Then, our first virtual Academic Support Session will be on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2024 from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm.
RSVP and we will send you a link to join the virtual support session.
For more information, call 219-983-3743.
REMINDER: Picture Make-Up Day is December 3, 2024
For any NWIOS Student who did not get their picture taken or is otherwise interested in retakes, they are scheduled for December 3rd.
More information will be forthcoming as the date gets closer.
NWIOS Calendar of Events
Are you on pace?
Login to Edmentum
Login to Academy - Genius
Login to Edmentum. Click the button to the above or type
Need a Reminder of How to Navigate Edmentum?
NWI Online School Staff from Duneland
Mrs. Lorenz, Success Coach
Miss Lewis, Success Coach
Mrs. Christy Jarka, Director
Mr. Doug Adams, Mental Health Counselor - for Duneland
Mrs. Michelle, Palko, Administrative Assistant
Northwest Indiana Online School Office Location
The NWI Online School Office is located at Duneland's Trojan Learning Center at 601 W Morgan Avenue, Chesterton, IN 46304 -- Please use Door 9.
Call 219-983-3473 to reach Mrs. Palko and the NWI Online Office
Duneland District Announcements
DSC Developmental Preschool is Hiring!
Instructional EXL Aide - Preschool
Duneland School Corporation's Developmental Preschool is looking for staff to work in an instructional aide capacity. If interested, please visit the DSC website for more information.
Chesterton High School will again host their annual inside Trick or Treat event at the school on Tuesday, October 29. Mark your calendars for this annual tradition!
Candy Collection for U. S. Troops
Once again, Hurst Orthodontics, PC will collect Halloween candy in our schools to be donated to a non-profit organization called Supporters of the Military (SOM). For the last 22 years, the candy has been shipped to US soldiers serving both domestic and abroad. This year, many Indiana veterans will also enjoy the candy. Many of the candy recipients have been Indiana National Guard members, as well as members of the US Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines.
Last year Hurst Orthodontics, PC, with the help of local schools, other community organizations and the public collected a total of 632 pounds of candy for the troops.
Candy donation boxes will be placed in each school beginning on Tuesday, October 29 - November 7. Donations from the public are welcome. Letters and cards for the troops from the students would be very welcome as well.
Duneland Early Learning HUB - Enroll today!
Learn more about the FREE Duneland Early Learning HUB Classes at the Trojan Learning Center
Click on the images below to enroll.
What is the Early Learning HUB?
Come explore and learn about Porter County’s first Birth-to School Duneland Early Learning HUB! Hosted by the Duneland School Corporation.
Join us for Open Playtime
Looking for support for your online classes?
Common Support Needs
While not an inclusive list, but rather a short list of common NWIOS support needs. If you're not sure who to contact? Call 219-983-3743. Mrs. Palko, Administrative Assistant, will help guide you in the right direction.
Questions about classroom work:
Your Edmentum Teacher
The DSC NWIOS Success Coaches (Coach Sara and Coach Gabby)
Special Education Teacher, if applicable
Questions about technology support:
If it’s a Duneland issued device: https://duneland.incidentiq.com/requestor/dashboard
If it’s an Edmentum login issue: Edmentum Support or Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Palko mpalko@duneland.k12.in.us
Looking for parent or guardian login information: Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Palko mpalko@duneland.k12.in.us
Questions about scheduling:
Email: nwionline@uneland.k12.in.us
Questions about pacing status:
Success Coaches (Coach Sara and Coach Gabby)
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Palko mpalko@duneland.k12.in.us
Director, Mrs. Jarka cjarka@duneland.k12.in.us
Questions about attendance:
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Palko mpalko@duneland.k12.in.us
Director, Mrs. Jarka cjarka@duneland.k12.in.us
Contacting IT (Technology) Support
Contact the Duneland School Corporation IT department via one of these methods:
- Open a IncidentIQ ticket by sending an email to: helpdesk@duneland.k12.in.us
- Log into IncidentIQ and submit a request duneland.incidentIQ.com
DSC 2024-2025 Calendar
The new 2024-2025 Duneland School Corporation Calendar has been adopted by the Duneland School Board of Trustees. Click the link above to see all the date for next school year.
Procedures for Delaying/Closing School
Click on the button below to learn more about the procedures.
Community Connections
Community Connections
The goal of the Duneland School Corporation district school newsletters is to inform students, parents and the school community about school-related information.
This year, the Duneland Schools will share information that pertains to opportunities our students may be interested in outside of school on a special page on our website. These available opportunities are offered by not-for-profit partnerships and organizations within our school district boundaries and local communities. Follow this link to Community Opportunities.
Want your event/activity/camp posted on this page? Submit a request by email with the flyer/information to the Duneland Schools Administrative Center to ahicks@duneland.k12.in.us and bmartinson@duneland.k12.in.us.
DSC School Fundraisers/Camps/Activities
For more information on ALL the current Camps being offered at CHS visit Athletic Camps/Events on the CHS Athletics webpage.
NorthShore Clinic for All DSC Students
To make an appointment please call 219-763-8112. Let NorthShore know you are a Duneland School student or staff member and that you would like to make an appointment at the Duneland School Clinic located at the old CMS.