CBE Bison Bulletin
Dec 13th, 2024
Thank you for another great week! Here are some highlights:
- Sollevare...earned the most house points last week by 1 point. 239 pts to 238 pts. Way to go Sollevare!!
-Choir sang the National Anthem at the school board meeting, had their Winter Concert, and had their field trip today.
-5th grade visited Stockdick for their possible electives
- Holiday Shop took place all week. Thank you to our amazing PTA for making this possible.
- Winter Wonderland and pictures with Santa was a success! Follow us on social media for more pics.
-Gigi the Elf is BACK! She hung socks from the ceiling, used math manipulatives, made an obstacle course, and got caught drinking syrup!
- PreK had their milk and cookies event
- Thank you for our Watch D.O.G.S. this week!
Remember: "Perfect Attendance" for the this grading period will be hot chocolate!
The weekly attendance percentage for this week is 94.69.
I am completely honored to serve as your Principal and thank you for allowing us to educate your children.
All In,
Mr. Daniels
Choir singing the national anthem at the Board Meeting
PTA at work!
Thank you Ms Beth.
Please remember that the splash pad parking lot as well as the residential streets around our school are NOT for parent parking use for drop off/pick up students. It has become difficult for the homeowners to get in and of their street.
Thank you for being good neighbors and cooperating with us during arrival and dismissal.
To all our future 6th Grade Parents
We've had several parents signing up on the wrong dates. Please pay close attention to the sign sign up genius dates. Once you open the link please scroll down and find your desired date.
Unfortunately, we can not accommodate you if you show up on the wrong date.
You can sign up here https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084EAAA72CA6FDCF8-cbelunch#/
And please remember, we have a 24 hr. mandatory notice.
Thank you