The Cougar Link
October 2024

A letter from the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The spirit of homecoming is alive and well on our campus this week! We will battle against the Cypress Ridge Rams on Friday October 11th at Pridgeon Stadium – 7:00pm sharp! We will crown our 2025 homecoming king and queen during half-time.
It is an absolute pleasure to serve as your child’s high school principal. Fun fact, I am celebrating my own 30-year high school anniversary. Unfortunately, I will not be traveling home as I plan to spend this weekend with our Cougars celebrating homecoming at Cypress Creek!
The close of the first semester is quickly approaching and our goals remain the same. Quality first time instruction; Creating a Sense of belonging for all students; Identifying the needs of our students & modifying/adjusting our approach. I am aggressively optimistic that your child can reach their full potential and achieve remarkable success if we continue to work as a team to customize support for your Cougar!
We must continue to collaborate as we have a shared responsibility to ensure the safety and academic progress of all Cougars at Cypress Creek High School. I need your consistent support to develop and maintain a culture of excellence!
Please review and remind your child of the following topics and expectations.
Social Media Use
All threats and harassment utilizing social media outlets will be immediately addressed. If you or your child receives or observes any type of inappropriate threats via social media, please utilize our CFISD Tipline to report. Please refrain from reposting the message on your respective social media page as this will perpetuate resolved concerns. Tipline Link can be found on the CFISD webpage – top tool bar. I have included a link for your convenience.
Please continue to educate your child on the dangers of vaping. Students caught vaping will be suspended and receive a DAEP placement. According to the Dept. of Health, vaping and e-cigarettes contain acrolein, a pesticide. Acrolein can cause acute lung injury and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and may cause asthma and lung cancer. Vaping can also weaken your immune system. Some vape pods have as much nicotine as a pack of 20 cigarettes.
Cellphone Use
Students may not utilize cellphone and electronic devices in the classrooms. Upon entering the building, all electronic devices should be in silent/vibrate mode. Please encourage your child to exercise discipline with respect to excessive use of cellphones and electronic devices. Research indicates that excessive use of cellphones and social media can diminish the ability to concentrate/focus, cause depression, exasperate anxiety, and disrupt healthy sleep patterns.
We recognize that some of our Cougars are excited about the Halloween season however, students may not wear costumes, mask, or face paint to school. We ask that students leave bags of Halloween candy and treats at home. *Unless they are bringing treats for the principal – I love Nestle Crunch!
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” – Anatole France
Martin L. Drayton
Cypress Creek Principal
The Mental Health Minute
Cross Country Headed to Regionals
It's Basketball Season!
It's that time of year again, basketball season has arrived. We are calling all Cougars who are interested in trying out for the basketball program to join us for BOTH sessions on October 16th and October 19th. Freshmen ONLY tryouts will be October 16th at 6:30am till 7:00am. The second session will be on October 19th from 9am - 11:00am.
Grades 10 - 12 ONLY tryouts will be October 16th after school from 3:00-4:00pm and October 19th from 11:00am - 12:30pm. FINALIZATION FOR TEAMS WILL BE MADE AFTER BOTH SESSIONS.
There will be QR coldes to signb up located around the gym area, coaches office and hallways. See Coach Arnick, Coach Hamilton-Williams or Coach Lang for Questions.
National Speech & Debate Association Recognitions
Students earn recognition through points and degrees in the NSDA Honor Society. Each new degree represents hours of learning, practice, and improvement by our students thanks to dedicated coaching.
For the month of September, the following degrees were earned:
- Mia Arenas - Excellence
- Caleb Quinn - Honor
Cy Creek HS Homecoming Dance - A Disco Delight!
CCHS students, get ready to boogie at Cypress Creek High School's Homecoming Dance, hosted by the Student Council! This year's theme is disco, so dust off your dancing shoes and get ready for a night of fun on Saturday, Oct. 12 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Tickets are available for $30 for standard entry. Want the VIP experience? For $35, the VIP package includes a special entrance, unlimited access to a 360 camera, mirror camera, and an open-air pad booth, plus a special gift! Concessions will be sold at the dance, cash only.
Please note: All students must bring a photo ID to enter the dance. No exceptions!
We need parent volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact kimberly.stelly@cfisd.net.
Kimberly D. Stelly, M. Ed.
English III Team Leader
English III Dual Credit, L, and Student Leadership
Student Council and Senior Class Advisor
Cypress Creek High School
9815 Grant Rd.
Houston, TX 77070
Suicide Prevention Newsletter
Mr. Estelle and Ms. Shroff accept Award of Distinction from TxETA
Texas Education Theatre Association presents Cy Creek HS with "Exemplary" School of Distinction Award in Galvestion, Texas.
Boys and Girls Water Polo Win District - 3rd Time in a Row!!!
Boys Water Polo Team
Girls Water Polo Team
Parents & Guardians:
I’m going to be hosting a monthly Money-day Lunch and Learn event for seniors during B or C lunches, beginning October 21. Sign-up is open for the October 21 session. Link here.
The October event will focus on the Cy Fair Educational Foundation Scholarships and the Cypress Woodlands Junior Forum Scholarship.
This information is for your seniors, and encourage them to sign up.
Police Explorers Open House
FAA Accessibility Forum
2024 Dunk or Treat Event
Halloween Treats for Staff Appreation
It's no TRICK that our Cougar Crew are the best! Help the administration TREAT the teachers!
Please provide bags of fun-sized candies that the administration will use as teachers Trick or Treat through the school!
Please drop off donations to the main office by Monday, October 28th. Make sure to label bags "VIPS".