White Marsh Elementary School
2024 - 2025
B Week
Week of December 2-6, 2024
Greetings, White Marsh Families!
Welcome back from Thanksgiving Break! It is going to be a busy three weeks as we prepare for Winter Break! This week, the Bears will have a schoolwide assembly to review expected behaviors, and reminders of what it looks like to be Respectful, Responsible and Ready to Learn.
On Tuesday, the PTA will meet at 6:30.
Wednesday is picture retake day. Classic photographers will be photographing new students and students who were absent on the original picture day. If a parent has expressed interest in having their child’s picture retaken, this can be done on retake day. The student should bring the original photo package, including original envelope and all picture products, to turn into the photographer when they come to sit for a new picture. They do not need to fill out a new order form.
The PTA Family Fun Night is on Thursday from 5-6:30! See the flyer below. Thank you to our PTA and volunteers for all the time and efforts that have gone into making this such a special event for our Bears!
The week ends with Friday being a WMES Spirit Day! Wear your WMES shirts, or lots of blue!
Have a great week!
Principal Steele
The Bear Crawl is Coming!
This week, we will have the Bear Crawl for those students with Perfect Attendance (Bell to Bell) in November! Students will get to crawl like bears and ROAR down our hallways! Please be sure to check your students' attendance on HAC. If they have an absence that you feel should be excused to allow them participation in this event, email Principal Steele with the date(s) and the reason for the absence by 9 am on December 2, 2024.
News from Nurse Parrish
Hello White Marsh families! As the weather has gotten colder and we are dealing with all sorts of illnesses, I wanted to share a few reminders with you.
1. Chapstick is ok to bring to school and use. We have had quite a few Bears who have been uncomfortable this week as the dry air has set in. Our students may keep their chapstick in their bookbags, coat pockets or pencil boxes so that they can use it as they need. Please be sure it is labeled with their name, or in a labeled bag.
2. Don't forget hats and gloves and warm coats. We make every attempt to get our Bears outside daily for recess, even when the temperatures are colder, and we want them to be dressed appropriately.
3. Cough drops are not permitted. Cough drops are considered medication and students are not permitted to be in possession of medicines. If your child requires cough medicine, we ask that the medicine be given prior to school. Encourage your child to blow their nose and stay hydrated. Please reach out to me if you have any questions.
4. If your student is unwell please keep them home. If you would like to discuss your student's symptoms with the nurse please call the school or send an email (alparrish@smcps.org).
Wear a Coat!
The weather is getting colder! Please be sure that students come to school dressed appropriately especially with a coat for outside. Recess is 30 minutes, and we want our students to be dressed for the weather.
The Winter Concert is Next Week!
Our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students will all be performing! This concert will be held in the gym at 10:00. Doors will open at 9:40 am, and guests will enter through the rear gym door. There will be no evening performance.
WMES students will be invited to view the performance at a separate time, and will not be permitted to leave class to attend with family members.
We are looking forward to having an opportunity for our Bears to perform for you!
Online Code: 24whtmrshstm25
Upcoming Spirit Week- December 16-20
Upcoming Events
Dec 10 Character Tea
Dec 10 Dr. Smith and Student Board of Education Member meet with Grade 5
Dec 12 Winter Concert, Grades 3-5, 10 am
Dec 20 2 hr Early Dismissal
Dec 23 - Jan 3 Winter Break
Jan 6 Schools Reopen
Jan 8 PTA Meeting, 6:30 pm
Jan 10 WMES Spirit Day!
Band and Strings Schedule
A Week: Wednesday and Friday
B Week: Wednesday and Thursday
Students should bring their instruments and supplies with them on Wednesday. It's not expected for students to have all supplies and materials the first week or two of instruction. Students who are interested in renting an instrument from WMES will be notified if an instrument is available to rent from the school.
In order to participate, Band and Strings students must have their supplies!
Click Here for Band Supplies
Click Here for Strings Supplies
The following are general reminders:
Call the Office
Our staff is also impacted by new guidelines regarding the use of cell phones during instruction. Please know that if you reach out to teachers during the day via Class Dojo or email they may not receive the message until after dismissal. For changes to your student's dismissal procedures, or other important messages, please call the Main Office.
Here Comes the Bus App
Here Comes the Bus®
Available to parents of students riding SMCPS School Buses
- View the real-time location of your child’s bus
- Access the app from your smartphone, tablet or computer
- Receive push notifications or email alerts
- Send your child to the bus stop at just the right time, every time
How to get started:
- Download the Here Comes the Bus app* or visit herecomesthebus.com
- Click the Sign Up button
- Enter school code (86563) and click “Next” followed by “Confirm”
- Complete the “User Profile” box
- Under “My Students,” click “Add.” Enter your child’s last name and student ID number
- Once you confirm your information, you’re ready to begin using Here Comes the Bus!
Absences Add Up
All absences count towards a child's school attendance, including both lawful and unlawful. Remember, students missing 1 day will miss 7 hours of instruction. We need the Bears here all day, every day. See the Student Handbook for more information on absences. Feel free to reach out to Nurse Parrish if student health concerns/questions arise.
You will receive a weekly Smore newsletter from Principal Steele on Sunday evenings. The newsletter will be sent to the email we have on file in the Main Office. Newsletters are also posted on our website. Please be sure to be familiar with the information in each newsletter; current information is kept at the top, and review information is posted under the "General Reminders" section.
In addition to the School Newsletter, your child's classroom teacher will communicate with you on a regular basis. You are invited to sign up for the Class Dojo.
WMES Family Handbook
Text Alerts
SMCPS Text Alerts are a great way to get information quickly. They are not sent often, and usually only in the event of an unexpected school delay or closure. On occasion, WMES will send a text alert about a late bus, substitute bus, or school event. Click the link for information about registering for text alerts.
School Supplies
A copy of the current School Supply List can be found on our school website. Feel free to have students bring their school supplies to Open House so that they don't have to carry them on the bus the first day of school.
Student Laptops
As a reminder, returning students should have their devices (and charger) at home. Students in Grades 3-5 will transport their device to and from school daily. Students in Grades 1 and 2, wait for information from your teacher about bringing your device to school. This device is checked out to your student, and families may be responsible for replacing the device if damaged or lost.
For more information including replacement fees, see the SMCPS Student Device and Resource Accountability document.
Sign out Procedures
Please note- when signing out a student from school you will be asked to present your photo ID every time.
Chronic Absenteeism
Chronic Absenteeism: Students are chronically absent when absent 10% or more of the school days while enrolled at that school. For example, a student who is registered to attend a school for 30 days and who is absent 3 of those 30 days is considered chronically absent.
WMES will follow up with chronically absent students through the Pupil Services Team, Pupil Personnel Worker, and the Department of Student Services. In order to reduce the number of our students with Chronic Absenteeism, incentives to encourage good attendance include participation in the Bear Crawl, Running Club, and School Dance.
White Marsh Elementary School
Email: jwsteele@smcps.org
Website: wmes.smcps.org
Location: 29090 Thompson Corner Road, Mechanicsville, MD, USA
Phone: (301)472-4600