Believe and Achieve Times
Student and Parent Edition: August 28, 2023

October 14, 2024: Student and Parent Edition
PSAT Test day: October 16
All 9th, 10th, and 11th Graders will take the PSAT (Pre-SAT) Exam on October 16th.
This exam is given through the College Board and is the preparatory exam to the Indiana graduation pathway exam (the SAT given in March to all Indiana 11th graders). Testing room locations will be emailed to each student prior to the exam date. A master exam site rooming list will also be posted in the main entrance & the cafeteria. Attendance will be taken in exam room locations and submitted to CHS attendance
Below is the exam day schedule:
● 8:10 am Tardy Bell Rings – Students will report to their assigned exam site.
● 8:30 am - Exam instructions begin.
○ No students will be permitted to enter the exam room once the exam begins.
● 11:00 am – PSAT/NMSQT testing concludes
● 1:30 pm - PSAT 9/NMSQT (w/ accommodations) testing concludes
Lunch schedule
❖ A Lunch 11:20am – 11:50am
❖ B Lunch 11:35am – 12:05pm
❖ C Lunch 12:10pm – 12:40pm
❖ D Lunch 12:45pm – 1:15pm
1:30pm - 3:10pm: Students will attend a presentation on positive choices (includes anti-vaping, tobacco, and drug use) / safety drills.
● 12th Graders will have a college career readiness day. Students can work on college applications and essays, go on a college visit (In person or virtual), attend their internship, attend CTE courses, job shadow, or volunteer. If they are not utilizing this opportunity then your student should attend school as normal.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the following CHS Offices:
CHS Phone Number: 219.983.3730
CHS Data & Testing - Ext #7116
Asst Principal’s Office - Ext #7105
Attendance - Ext #7117
Retake Picture Day: October 22
Retake Picture Day is: Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Order Code is: 87556MU
Website: https://inter-state.com/
Your Unique Web link to order is: https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/87556MU
Security Threats/Threats of Violence
On Monday, October 7, 2024, the Duneland School Board approved a K-12 addendum for all school handbooks. This addendum addresses how school administration responds to threats of violence made by students. It is important that students know of the potential repercussions of their words. The schools will be addressing this addendum with students prior to it going into effect on Monday, October 14, 2024. This addendum, is also available in each of the school handbooks under Student Code of Conduct/Specific Rules of Behavior.
Dates to Remember!
October 16: PSAT Testing Day
October 18: End of the first grading period
October 24 & 25: Fall Break - No school
October 29: Community Event at CHS: Trick or Treat / 5pm - Enter Door 1
Guest Speakers from Liberia educate our 9th grade students in Geography
Guest speakers, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Menyongar, visited our Geography classes at CHS and shared their stories of survival in Liberia and Sierra Leone. Samuel wrote a book based on his miraculous experiences during the civil war in Liberia and Sierra Leone. Thank you to the Menyongar's and safe travels!
Trojan Guard earns Gold at Prelims
The Chesterton High School Trojan Guard Marching Band earned a Gold Rating this past weekend at the Indiana State School Music Association (ISSMA) Scholastic Prelims Contest hosted at Plymouth High School. In addition, the band received all three “With Distinction” awards for their high scores in music, visual, and effect performance. Receiving the highest score in Class A as well as the highest Prelims score in school history, the Trojan Guard will advance to the Scholastic State Finals Competition at Franklin Central High School in Indianapolis on Oct 19.
Wear Orange on Tuesday, October 22 for National SAVE Day!
The SAVE Promise Club is encouraging all students to wear orange on Tuesday, October 22 in honor of Alex Orange.
In April of 1989, students from West Charlotte Senior High School in North Carolina gathered at a party, a “stop the violence” jam. A carload of young men from a rival school showed up armed and looking for trouble. As teens panicked, 17-year-old Alex Orange stepped forward. Alex, a fullback on the West Charlotte football team, was a young man who looked out for other people. Alex told the intruders this was no place for violence. Sadly, shots were fired, and Alex fell to the floor. Surrounded by shaken friends and schoolmates, Alex lost his life to gun violence.
The following week, students returned to school mourning yet another young life lost too soon to violence. Joining together in their grief, they formed Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE).
In 2017, SAVE and Sandy Hook Promise combined efforts to educate and empower young people to help prevent gun violence and other forms of violence and victimization.
Educating our students about the dangers of vaping
This past July, the Town of Dune Acres gifted Chesterton High School with a donation towards drug awareness and education for students and families. Duneland School SROs have worked closely with Chesterton administration to cultivate educational opportunities, using materials purchased through Human Media Relations, to help students who may struggle with vaping and drug pressures.
Deferment course materials, in tandem with family conferences, are aimed towards giving students more knowledge about the dangers of vaping and controlled substances, as well as establishing trusted working relationships between the school, SROs, and families.
CHS Announcements!
Work Ethic Certification Program for all CHS students!
In our efforts to prepare every student for life after high school we have an opportunity for your student to learn what we believe are the most important traits to help them be successful. At Chesterton High School every student has the opportunity to sign up to participate in our Work Ethic Certification program. We will be giving every student the opportunity to sign up to work toward earning a Work Ethic Certification during their Advisory period on Tuesday, September 17. This credential can be used in potential interviews for jobs, college admissions, and scholarship opportunities. If you have any questions please contact Doretta Kurzinski at dkurzinski@duneland.k12.in.us or Brent Martinson at brmartinson@duneland.k12.in.us.
Why Work Ethic Certification?
Employers have indicated that mastery of Work Ethic Skills is one of the top characteristics needed in employees.
One of the fundamental goals of Northwest Indiana Workforce Board is to produce an emerging workforce that has the 21st Century Skills needed to face the challenges of a global marketplace.
What is the Work Ethic Certificate?
A filter for employers when hiring or selecting candidates
A common identifiable metric of work habits
A credential demonstrating knowledge of skills, abilities and commitment to work
Development of needed behavioral characteristics in emerging workforce
Who is eligible to earn a Work Ethic Certificate?
High school students who demonstrate mastery of 10 employer expectations (See below)
Top 10 Employer Expectations
1. Show a positive attitude
Encourages & assists others when needed, sees the best in situations, responds positively to authority, demonstrates willingness to learn new tasks
2. Work well with others
Sees different perspectives, collaborates/cooperates with others, communicates effectively, encourages others to participate,
3. Be honest and have integrity
Is trusted by others, is truthful/does not lie or cheat, acknowledges one's own work, shows up, follows through on tasks
4. Arrive to work on time
Arrives on time, anticipates and adjusts for potential delays, meets deadlines
5. Follow directions
Follows rules and procedures, clarifies directions, completes assignments
6. Recognize problems and find solutions
Thinks critically, accepts challenges, considers choices, finds alternative solutions
7. Apply good listening skills
Values and respects other opinions, knows when to speak & when not to, demonstrates patience, asks questions for clarification
8. Manage time effectively
Routinely plans and prioritizes, sets realistic and attainable goals
9. Maintain a safe work environment
Understands the need for healthy lifestyle, laws, & regulations in the workplace, is aware of purpose of passing drug & background checks
10. Respect diversity and exercise tolerance
Recognizes and respects others’ differences
Class of 2025 Yard Signs!
CHS Girls' Lacrosse Fundraiser!
K-6 Basketball League Sign Ups!
K-8 Girls' Basketball
1. Chesterton Girls Basketball Winter League at Chesterton High School
- Girls in grades 2nd-6th
- Registration is open now until September 26th.
- Player Evaluations on October 6th, League begins November 17th
- Register at www.chestertongirlsbasketball.org
2. Chesterton Girls Basketball Middle School Winter League (Club1 League)
- Girls in grades 7th/8th
- Registration opens Monday, September 16th
- League begins Nov. 10th and runs for 4 weeks at area schools.
- Register at www.chestertongirlsbasketball.org
3. Chesterton Girls Basketball Fall Girls Hoops & Handles Skills Academy
- Girls in grades K-8th
- Registration opens Friday, September 13th
- Ball Handling, Shooting, Offensive and Defensive concepts
- Register will open on www.chestertongirlsbasketball.org
CHS Girls' Basketball Trivia Night set for October 5!
The Chesterton High School Girls Basketball program is hosting a trivia night fundraiser on Saturday, October 5th, in the Chesterton High School cafeteria. Join the Trojans for a night of trivia, food, basket raffles, music, and fun! Bring an entire trivia team with costumes and compete for prizes. Or, you can also purchase individual trivia seat tickets as well. To purchase trivia tickets, make a donation, or if you own or work at a business that is interested in being a winter season sponsor, please visit www.chestertongirlsbasketball.org. We are a 501c3 Not-For-Profit Group and all transactions have no processing fees and receipts are issued immediately for tax purposes. If you have any questions, please contact Chesterton High School Head Coach Candy Wilson at chestertongirlsbbchs@gmail.com.
Porter County Youth Healthcare Career Expo
CHS Fundraiser for the 2024-25 school year!
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures off to a Good Start!
Thank you to all of our students and parents for helping us get off to a good start regarding our arrival and dismissal procedures! We will continue to make adjustments to effectively get our buses out and on their routes. When we work together then we can accomplish anything!
Key Changes:
- Morning Drop-Off: All students being dropped off before 8:10 AM must be dropped off at Door 34 or Door 31.
- Afternoon Pick-Up: All students being picked up after 3:10 PM must be picked up at Door 34 or Door 31.
This change is being made to ensure that our buses can enter and exit CHS safely and on time.
We appreciate your cooperation in following this new policy and helping us maintain a smooth and efficient arrival and dismissal process for all students.
Thank you for your continued support.
Student Parking!
In efforts to help with our arrival and dismissal procedures at CHS the following procedures will be implemented for all student drivers.
All student drivers must purchase a student parking pass and display visibly to park at Chesterton High School. You can pick up a student parking application in the main office. All students need to have a complete application and student parking pass by the end of the day on Wednesday, August 21. There will be no fee for the student parking pass.
Parking Guidelines:
- Students are only allowed to park by Door 31, Door 34, and in the back of the school by the tennis courts.
- Students are NOT allowed to park in the front of the building (west side), which includes the faculty lot and the visitor lot.
Failure to follow this policy could result in disciplinary action and/or loss of driving privileges.
Thank you for your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines.
Dual Credit Opportunities at CHS!
CHS currently offers 67 Dual Credit courses! Our goal at CHS is for 75% or more of our students to earn dual credit while they are in high school and 40% of our seniors to earn 1 years worth of college credit. We have dual credit partnerships with Ivy Tech Community College, Purdue Northwest, Ball State University, University of Southern Indiana, Vincennes University, and Indiana University. Ivy Tech is our main partner for dual credit opportunities. We offer many courses through our Dual Credit partnerships that are part of the Indiana College Core (ICC) Transfer Library. This means that students who take these FREE courses will be able to transfer those college credits to any state funded institution. The current cost of a year of college at a state funded school (ex. IU or Purdue) is approximately $10,000 for tuition plus room and board. By earning these credits at CHS you could save A LOT of money!
To be eligible for dual credit, students need to apply to Ivy Tech AND earn a score of 70 or higher on both English and Math STEM Knowledge Assessments BEFORE registering for a dual credit course.
Scan the QR Code below for the steps to apply for Ivy Tech Dual Credit courses. Once you apply, you will be able to register for dual credit courses. If you have any questions or need assistance contact Mrs. Tiffany Hawkins, CHS Assistant Principal, at 219-983-3730 or thawkins@duneland.k12.in.us.
New Policy Regarding Wireless Communication Devices at CHS!
On July 1, 2024, the Indiana Legislators enacted a new law for all K-12 schools in Indiana. The law reads as follows:
Electronic Devices (P.L. 108-1994, HEA 1202): Wireless Communication Devices
Per IC 20-26-5-40.7: the use of wireless communication devices, including but not limited to cellular telephones, tablet computers, laptop computers, gaming devices, smartwatches, etc., is strictly prohibited during academic class periods unless explicitly authorized by the teacher for educational purposes.
Students are permitted to use a wireless communication device in the event of a health or safety emergency or to manage health care as specifically defined in the student’s Individualized Health Plan (IHP), Individualized Education Plan (IEP), and/or Section 504 Plan.
A wireless communication device is defined by Indiana law as any portable wireless device that has the capability to provide voice, messaging, or other data communication between two (2) or more parties.
Chesterton High School’s new policy regarding wireless communication devices includes cell phones, earbuds/headphones, smartwatches, and any other auxiliary device that can be paired with a cellular phone. When a student is directed by a teacher or staff member to follow the established classroom phone/wireless communication policy, noncompliant students will be referred to the office and are subject to disciplinary action for insubordination.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in helping us create a focused and productive learning environment at CHS.
Duneland Early Learning HUB - Enroll today!
Learn more about the Duneland Early Learning Classes at the the HUB. Click on the image below to enroll.
The Chesterton High School Alumni Association is seeking nominations from the community to be considered for the CHS Alumni Association Hall of Fame for 2024.
“Many accomplished and dedicated individuals are not necessarily in the public eye; they are the unsung heroes and quiet warriors among us impacting students and staff every day,” said Mike Anton, CHS Alumni president. “The 2024 recognition committee invites alumni, community members, parents and others throughout the Duneland community to submit their nominations.”
Please consider nominating a candidate for Alumnus, Teacher, Administrator, and Support Staff based on the following qualities:
Exceptional Contributions
Giving Back
Courageous Acts
The CHS Alumni Association is accepting nominations for 2024 now through Friday, November 1 at 3 p.m.
Learn more about the past Hall of Fame recipients and about the CHS Alumni Association at the CHS Alumni Association website.