Endeavour Elementary
Eagle News - Volume 6 - May 6, 2024
From the Principals Desk
Dear Families,
May is a month of celebration! This week is "Teacher Appreciation Week." Endeavour is filled with teachers and staff who care deeply, work tirelessly, and make Endeavour a joyful place to be. Please consider taking a few minutes to send a teacher a quick email or note letting them know they are appreciated. Don't forget our non-classroom teachers, too! (Specialists, Support Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Nurse, Counselor and Dean). Let's let our teachers know just how blessed our community is by the incredible work that they do.
With gratitude,
A Month of Celebrations!
In May we also celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, as well as Jewish American Heritage Month. All throughout our school, teachers will be taking time to honor the history and accomplishments of these Americans through stories, art projects and discussions. We believe there is great beauty and strength in our diversity!
Parent Input on Class Placement
It's time already to start thinking about class placement for next year! If you would like to provide input, please click on the black button below and fill out the form. Remember, please do not request a specific teacher, rather share your thoughts on the best environment and teaching style for your child.
Forms need to be completed no later than May 17th.
Library Counter
Endeavour's Annual Summer Reading Round-Up
Are you planning on Spring Cleaning your family's bookshelves? The Endeavour Library would love to please have clean, gently-used books for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. If you donated after the fire, THANK YOU! Those books are being offered first to teachers whose rooms were damaged with water and then they’ll be made available in the library. If you’ve cleared out your bookshelves since then, we’d love books for the Summer Reading Round-Up!
Beginning on June 10th, students will get to select one book (or more, depending on inventory levels) to keep for summer reading (“Summer Reading Round-Up”).
• Please, no board books, adult books, or journals/activity/coloring books.
• Donations cannot be returned
Donations will be accepted beginning today until Friday, June 6th and may be sent in with your child or dropped off in the office (please label the bag with your child’s name).
Thank you, and happy reading!
Upcoming Events
Celebration of Learning
We will be hosting our annual Celebration of Learning open house on Thursday, May 30th from 6:00-7:00 pm.
This event provides the opportunity for all students to showcase their learning with the whole of the school community. Students are encouraged to reflect on what they have learned and how they have learned. These celebrations help deliver students a boost of confidence in their scholastic journey.
Incoming Kindergarten Open House
Our fabulous Kindergarten team will be hosting an open house to welcome all families of our 2024-2025 Kindergarten students!
When: Thursday, June 6th, 2024 6:00-7:00pm
Where: Endeavour Elementary Kindergarten Classrooms
Join us for this opportunity to meet the Kindergarten team, obtain general school and classroom details, and gain more knowledge on how you can help prepare your child for success in their first year of elementary school.
Band and Orchestra Concert
Band and String Families! Come and enjoy our final concert of the year on Tuesday, June 11th at 6:30 pm in the Endeavour Gym.
String students please arrive by 6:05 for tuning, and band students by 6:15.
Register for Kindergarten
2024-2025 Enrollment
Do you have a child who will be at least 5 years old by August 31, 2024? Registration for kindergarten classes in the 2024-25 school year is open.
Families can register online or visit your neighborhood elementary school between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on school days to pick up a registration packet.
Documents Needed
- Verification of child's birthdate
- Verification of address (i.e. current utility bill, lease or closing documents)
- Medically verified immunization records
- Emergency contact names and phone numbers
Questions? Give us a call at 425-366-2800 or the District Office at 425-356-1274 (Option #4)
No School Monday, May 27th, 2024
Mukilteo School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex,
race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation,
gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of trained dog guide or service animal and
provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following
employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Civil Rights Coordinator and Title IX Coordinator Simone Neal (425-356-1319),
nealsr@mukilteo.wednet.edu, Section 504 Coordinator Lisa Pitsch (425-356-1277),
pitschla@mukilteo.wednet.edu, and the ADA/Access Coordinator Karen Mooseker (425-356-
1330), moosekerkw@mukilteo.wednet.edu. Address: 9401 Sharon Drive in Everett, WA.
Inquiries regarding ADA/Access issues at Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center should be directed to
Wes Allen, Director (425-348-2220) allenwr@mukilteo.wednet.edu. Address: 9001 Airport Road
in Everett, WA 98204.
Endeavour Elementary School
Email: skeents@mukilteo.wednet.edu
Website: https://www.mukilteoschools.org/
Location: 12300 Harbour Pointe Boulevard, Mukilteo, WA, USA
Phone: 425-366-2800