This Week @ PS 88Q
June 23, 2024
Last Day of School: Wednesday, June 26th
A Message From Mrs. O'Shaughnessy
Well here we are, the last three days of school for the 2023-2034 school year! I can only speak for myself when I say that this year FLEW BY! My mother always used to say "the older you get the faster it goes", and I never truly understood that statement until now. This seemed like the blink of an eye, but oh what a year! It truly was an impactful year, a year of growth, a year of success, a year of learning and a year to celebrate. On Friday, all of our student from 3K-Grade 4 enjoyed our very own PS 88Q Block Party, with Face-Painting, ices and cotton candy. Originally planned for the playground opening, but as they say, Plan B works too!
Here are some details for the week:
- All students must return their DOE devices to PS 88Q. In a change of policy, all central loaned devices are now school owned devices. Students returning will receive a device in September if needed from our inventory, and students who are leaving PS 88Q will receive a device from their new school. Currently, we have over 400 devices loaned to students. Please return the IPad or Chromebook on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Letters were sent home to families who have a Centrally owned device. When returned, a receipt will be sent home indicating you returned the device. If you lost the device, please email me ASAP at loshaughnessy@schools.nyc.gov
- The last day of school is June 26th. It is a full day.
- Report cards are release electronically on June 26th. Report cards can be found on your NYCSA or through teachhub.
- All families will receive an email from me in late August regarding your child's placement in September.
- Students accepted to Summer Rising report to their Summer Rising site on Tuesday, July 2.
- PS 88Q is a summer meal site, so come by for breakfast and/or lunch.
Have a wonderful week!
Check Out The 2024-2025 School Calendar
Incoming KIndergarten: Dual Language Spanish
This September, we will be offering our first Dual Language Kindergarten. This is something we are so excited for. Dual Language is a specific setting, where students are instructed in two languages. As we all know, being bilingual is an asset in our society. Please see below details about what Dual Language is (and what it is not:
- In Dual Language, students are taught in two languages, English and Spanish. The goal of this program is for students to be able to read, write, and speak in both English and Spanish. In Dual Language classes, English and Spanish are used equally.
- All academic subjects (ELA/Math/Science/Social Studies) are taught equally in English and Spanish.
- It is not exclusively for our ENL students, but rather for 50% of our ENL students and 50% of our students who will become bilingual learners.
- Dual Language bilingual education programs serve both ENL students in need of English Language Development and English Proficient students interested in learning another language
- Both groups provide good linguistic role models for each other through their interactions, and support language development in both languages.
If you are an incoming kindergarten family are are interested in this class, please email me. I will be hosting many meetings, both in person and virtually, during the summer for information.
What Is On The Horizon @ PS 88Q
It may be the ending of one school year, but we are already planning for the next. They say championship teams are built in the off season, and that is exactly what we do! Please continue to share out what you love, what you would like to see more of and what you would like to see introduced. Here are some of the events, opportunities and academic additions to expect next year:
- Our first Dual Language Kindergarten. For incoming kindergarten families, look for an email from me regarding this class.
- Three sections of Gifted and Talented @ PS 88Q (Grade 3, 4 and 5)
- Two sections of Nest (Kindergarten and Grade 1)
- Additional Afterschool Opportunities, as well as continuing such as:
- Partnership with Joffrey Ballet
- Partnership with Common Threads, Cooking Classes
- Disney Theater
- Concert Band
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Art
- Chess
- Debate Team
- Student Council
- Student Social Justice Committee/Social Emotional Committee
- so many more
- Opening of PS 88Q Playground
- Homecoming Weekend, Honoring the Class of 2020 (stay tuned for itinerary for weekend activities)
- In Person Meet the Teacher September 12th
- Late August/Early September (pre-opening) Meet and Greet for Families
- We are looking for a PAC Chairperson and PAC Team. Elections will be held in September. For more information, email me at loshaughnessy@schools.nyc.gov
- Class Parent's: In September, we will be discussing the opportunity to support both the teacher and the families in individual classes.
Summer Rising Update and Shuttle Bus Schedule
For our PS 88Q students who are attending Summer Rising, either at PS 91, PS 81, PS 153 or IS 77, there is a shuttle bus from PS 88Q to each individual school. Each school has their own bus, SO PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOUR CHILD MUST BOARD THE BUS FOR THE SUMMER RISING SITE THEY ARE ATTENDING. Route numbers, vendors, pick up times, and ridership should be available on June 25th and I will communicate them when they are. Here are some things you need to know about the bus:
- Parents, please escort your child to the corner of Catalpa and Fresh Pond Road. There is no staff at the bus stop daily.
- Buses will continue shuttle service until all students are serviced (in the occasion that all students do not fit on one trip)
- Students who are taking the bus back from Summer Rising will return approximately around 3pm, 2 hours before the end time of Summer Rising Program
- Students will not be dropped off at the drop off stop (Catalpa and Fresh Pond) if there is not a parent to pick them up. If nobody is there to pick up the student, the student returns to the Summer Rising site.
- PS 88Q is a summer meal site, so come by for breakfast and/or lunch daily.
I will be at the bus stop for the first week. Ms. Ivett will be at PS 91 to receive our students. Any questions, please reach out to me anytime loshaughnessy@schools.nyc.gov
Love is Love @ PS 88Q: June 24th
PS 88Q is proud to celebrate Pride Month in many ways. Our goal, as always, is to create a culture of acceptance and understanding. The city provides schools with many resources to utilize in regard to Pride Month. As a school, including our Social Justice Committee, we discuss how PS 88Q will celebrate and recognize our LGBTQ school community. Love is Love day is on June 24th. Each grade will wear a specific color. We will take a picture of our students, representing the rainbow.
3K-PreK will wear yellow
Kindergarten will wear blue
1st grade will wear purple
2nd grade will wear red
3rd grade will wear orange
4th grade will wear green
5th grade will wear their Senior blue shirt.
Below see ALL of the DOE materials, which are published for all families. Also, here is the policy, as per the DOE
June is Pride Month! Join us in honoring LGBTQ+ pioneers who fought for equality through art, culture, civic action, community service, and more.
All DOE devices must be returned by June 26
Return of DOE Devices
Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,
As we approach the end of the academic year, this is an important reminder that unless otherwise directed, students must return any NYCPS issued educational technology devices (iPads, Chromebooks, laptops, etc.) to PS 88Q.
We will collect devices and all supporting accessories including keyboards, cases, power cords, etc. that were distributed when you received the device as a Centrally funded loaned device.
Collecting these devices will allow us to assess device condition, address any necessary repairs and maintenance, update device software and operating systems, and prepare for distribution at the start of the new school year.
It is important to note that as per NYCPS policy, when a student transfers schools, including transferring from elementary to middle/intermediate school, transferring from middle/intermediate to high school, or if a student is discharged from the New York City Public Schools at any grade level, the device must be returned to the school the student is currently attending.
We want to assure you that if a student lacks a personal device at home and needs a school-issued device to complete their schoolwork, one will be assigned from the new school they attend.
If you have any questions, please contact Linda O’Shaughnessy Linda Oshaughnessy loshaughnessy@schools.nyc.gov
Linda O’Shaughnessy
"In the end, it is the journey that matters most"
What a wonderful week for our Grade 5 students. The heat couldn't take away the fun and excitement that comes with the end of a long journey. From senior breakfast, yearbook distribution, final walk through, commencement and the senior party, it was amazing. Grade 5 families, I am emailing you the link for all pictures from the week.
This was my first class that I have had the honor of seeing them through Kindergarten to Grade 5. Those curious, excited, and perhaps a little scared five year olds entered PS 88Q as eager kindergarteners, but are leaving as intelligent, prepared, young adults. I put together a video of their journey, through my pictures over the years. Enjoy!
Summer EBT Benefits
Beginning in 2024, New York State will launch Summer EBT, a new program that provides low-income families with food benefits to help buy groceries during the summer when kids might not have access to school meals. Most eligible children will receive Summer EBT food benefits automatically; however, some families may need to apply.
This website will be updated with more information as it becomes available.
PTA News
Hello PS88,
Before we all run off for the summer, we wanted to send a quick note.
Congratulations on another year full of growth and memories!
Thank you so much to all of the parents who generously volunteered their time and donated in so many ways to our events this year! You made them the success they were.
Keep an eye out in September for exciting news and new opportunities to get involved. We’ll be rolling out a few new initiatives and bringing back the big favorites.
Mark your calendars now for the big PS88 Welcome Event on Sept 12!
To our class of 2024 - spread your wings, we’ll miss you!
To our returning families - see you on Sept 5!
Have the best summer,
Your PTA Executive Board
Summer Meals
Even when school is out, you can still enjoy free breakfast and lunch(Open external link)! Our 2024 Free Summer Meals Program is here for you all across New York City, and it's totally free for anyone who's 18 years old or younger. You can find these meals at specific places like select NYC Public Schools, community pool centers, parks, and libraries. And guess what? You don't need to sign up, show any papers, or have an ID to get these meals. Just head to one of our spots and enjoy a delicious breakfast and lunch. Have a great summer filled with good food and fun!
As summer approaches more additional information will be available.
Service Information
- All dates, times, locations and menus are subject to change.
- Thursday, June 27, 2024 – Friday, August 30, 2024
- There is no service Thursday, July 4, 2024 (4th of July)
- There is service Friday, July 5, 2024 (Day after 4th of July)
- Breakfast Service Time: 8am - 9:15am
- Lunch Service Time: 11am - 1:15pm
- Text: NYCFood to 304-304 (standard text messaging rates may apply)
- Call 311
- Find A Free Breakfast & Lunch Location Near You(Open external link)
- Open Community Locations(Open external link)(Open external link)
- Open Community Halal Locations(Open external link)
Summer Reading
Summer Reading
Reading is like any skill: it takes practice! Over the summer, reading together can help your child continue to develop their literacy skills and avoid any learning loss that might occur over their time outside of the classroom.
Our Summer Reading Guide—available online at schools.nyc.gov/LiteracyResources—is a great first step on your family’s next reading adventure. It contains tips for reading at home, recommended titles for students in all grade levels, resources where you can find books, and more. In addition to the guide, our Literacy Resources webpage also features at-home activities and other recommended reading lists that will help foster a lifelong love of reading and learning.
This summer, we also encourage you to use our Citywide Digital Library, Sora. Sora is the quickest and easiest way for NYC students to access thousands of e-books and audiobooks in multiple languages. You can log in to Sora using your NYC Public School credentials at soraapp.com/library/nycschools.
From Our Chancellor
Dear New Yorkers,
The school year may be about to end, but at New York City Public Schools, we serve delicious food year-round. Our summer meals program is free and available to all New Yorkers ages 18 and under. There’s no paperwork, sign-up, or ID required. Students can enjoy tasty and nutritious breakfast and lunch options such as cinnamon burst pancakes, white bean and pasta primavera, soft turkey tacos, and summer squash.
Here are some important details: Our summer meals service begins on June 27 and continues through August 30. Breakfast is offered from 8:00-9:15, and lunch runs from 11:00-1:15. Meals are served Mondays through Fridays, with the exception of July 4-5.
Summer meals are available at approximately 500 locations citywide, including select schools, parks, libraries, and community pools (which provide meal service on weekends as well). To find the location nearest you, call 311, visit our summer meals webpage, or, starting June 27, text “NYCFOOD” or “NYCCOMIDA” to 304-304.
In addition to our standard summer meals program, we also offer lunch seven days a week via food trucks in Brooklyn (Prospect Park), Manhattan (Sara D. Roosevelt Park), and the Bronx (Ferry Point Park). Interested families can learn more on our website.
Finally, I should note that students in grades K-8 participating in Summer Rising will also receive free breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack at their Summer Rising site.
No matter the time of year, healthy food is essential for children to learn and grow; the research shows us that physical health is the foundation for academic success, social-emotional development, and overall well-being. I’m proud to say that in New York City, we are deeply invested in ensuring all our students are nourished and well-fed.
Staff, please spread the word about our summer meals program. Families, please take full advantage of our meal sites this June, July, and August. And to all, I wish you a delicious and nutritious summer!
Soaring high,
David C. Banks