MN National Guard BTYR Bulletin
March 2025
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon efforts warm service members at cold-weather training
Minnesota's Beyond the Yellow Ribbon provided food, warm beverages, and support on the last day of the Minnesota National Guard's cold-weather operations course at the Camp Ripley Training Center on Feb. 8.
The annual 14-day training consists of three phases that tested every ounce of the 70 students' grit and resilience in extreme cold weather. In the final phase, they traveled on foot in sub-zero temperatures, used land navigation skills, and built camps with a 10-person Arctic tent or thermal shelters made from natural materials. The exercise culminated in a jump into the freezing waters of Camp Ripley's Ferrell Lake.
"Participants braved the icy depths, hitting the first stage of hypothermia faster than they could yell, 'Somebody get them a hot coffee and a cookie!'" said Stefanie Hurt, community outreach coordinator for the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon, or BTYR, program.
However, through BTYR’s Operation Warm-Up, Hurt and fellow outreach coordinator Taunja Moe Forbes provided 15 gallons of coffee and hot chocolate, granola bars, muffins, and cookies to help the students and staff keep warm or thaw out. The Hugo BTYR network provided donations for the effort.
"Despite the single-digit temperatures, the BTYR crew kept smiles on their faces and hands wrapped around hot drinks. If you think it's hard to stay positive when your eyelashes freeze together, you should've seen us power through the cold with enough energy to rival a coffee-fueled snowplow," Hurt said. "BTYR's coffee and treats may have stolen the show because, let's be honest, a hot cup of coffee is the best way to thaw, but the real MVPs were the brave service members who jumped into the lake and completed the course without hesitation. Cheers to you!"
BTYR's Operation Warm-Up wasn't just about coffee and snacks.
"It was about showing up, sharing a laugh, and reminding our service members that the community is behind them, no matter how cold it gets," Forbes said.
BTYR thanks everyone who helped make this effort possible, especially the Hugo BTYR network.
"Thank you for being the warmth on a freezing day," Hurt said. "Until next year, stay warm, stay strong, and keep the coffee flowing."
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon maintains a community and corporate support network that connects agencies, organizations, and resources to meet the needs of Minnesota’s military veterans, service members, and families in all branches. Visit the the BTYR website to learn more about the program.
See more photos on the BTYR page on Facebook.
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon community network takes plunge in fundraiser
The Northeast Metro Beyond the Yellow Ribbon raised $3,800 at the Forest Lake Rotary's Pledge or Plunge event at Lakeside Memorial Park on Feb. 22. Dressed in her bright yellow and blue outfit, Dorothy Radermacher, Northeast Metro BTYR chair, led a group of volunteers in taking the plunge into the freezing lake to raise money for the community network and fund its many efforts that support the military community. Each of them also made a donation. BTYR thanks Dorothy Radermacher, Frankie Tedtaotao, Ben Brieze, Emmie Scharf, and Chelle Scharf for their bravery, generosity, and commitment to Minnesota's military community.
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon serves up welcome home meal for service members
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon partnered with the Camp Ripley Training Center’s vehicle maintenance shops to provide a welcome home meal on Feb. 13 celebrating the return of 34th Infantry Division service members from deployment.
The turkeys for the meal that was locally prepared and served to 175 service members were donated by the Minnesota Wild and Hunters Harvest as part of BTYR’s Hero Meals initiative.
Each year during the holidays, Hero Meals also provides food for those in need in the military community.
“By building strong partnerships and using local resources, Hero Meals make a meaningful impact on the military community,” said Stefanie Hurt, BTYR community outreach coordinator. “BTYR is committed to finding new ways to serve those who serve us, ensuring every meal becomes a symbol of appreciation and connection. To the service members of the 34th ID, welcome home, and thank you for your service!”
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon supports families at pre-deployment session
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon volunteers supported military families at a Minnesota National Guard Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program pre-deployment session on Feb. 15.
The day-long session helps military families prepare for a deployment and informs them about the many resources available to them while they are separated from their loved ones. BTYR was one of many organizations on site that provided materials about their program. Volunteers with recognized BTYR companies and organizations, including Boston Scientific, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, Hennepin Technical College, and the Minnesota Department of Transportation, served lunch, bussed tables, and thanked families for their service.
“It was a great way for our companies to get involved and show their appreciation for those who are military-connected, and we hope to continue this tradition at future YRRP events,” said Taylor Kristoffe-Jones, BTYR corporate outreach coordinator.
Visit the YRRP website to learn more about the program.
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon corporate network volunteers supported the Minnesota National Guard Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program pre-deployment session for military families on Feb. 15. Pictured are (left to right) Matt Jacobson and Ashley Jacobson, Minnesota Department of Transportation; Michael Crider, Hennepin Technical College; Taylor Kristoffe-Jones, Beyond the Yellow Ribbon corporate outreach coordinator; and Cassandra Van Heel, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota. Not pictured is Krista Rose, Boston Scientific.
Radio show highlights Beyond the Yellow Ribbon community network
Stefanie Hurt and Taunja Moe Forbes, Beyond the Yellow Ribbon community outreach coordinators, will be guests on the Minnesota Military Radio show March 6. Tune in to this and previous shows.
Children's Minnesota, a recognized BTYR organization, will be featured in April and Fairview Health Services, also a BTYR organization, will be the guest in May.
Minnesota celebrates Month of the Military Child
The Month of the Military Child is observed each year in April. It highlights the important role of military children in the armed forces community and provides a way to recognize and show support for them. See all the flyers for Month of the Military Child events and other opportunities for military youth and their families. For more information, e-mail the Minnesota National Guard Child & Youth Program coordinators at Joy.l.luedeman.ctr@army.mil or nicki.schneider.cys@gmail.com or call (651) 268-8378 or (651) 268-8695.
Programs for Military Families & Youth
Visit the Minnesota National Guard Family Programs website and follow the Family Programs Facebook page and Child & Youth Program Facebook page. Click here to volunteer for events. For more information, e-mail Joy.l.luedeman.ctr@army.mil or nicki.schneider.cys@gmail.com or call (651) 268-8378 or (651) 268-8695.
Military youth, families enjoy day of ice fishing
Military youth and families spent a day of ice fishing with professional anglers at the Veterans Campground at Big Marine Lake, Marine on St. Croix, Feb. 8. See more photos from the event on the Minnesota National Guard Child & Youth Program at Facebook page.
Teen Leadership Forum
This annual event provides educational, leadership learning, and social connections opportunities for miliary teens. See the flyer for more information.
Drill weekend childcare available
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Networks and Partners Events
Hugo BTYR to host pheasant hunt
The Hugo Beyond the Yellow Ribbon is hosting its annual pheasant hunt to welcome home returning deployed service members who missed a hunting season. Although the flyer mentions the 34th Infantry Division and 148th Fighter Wing, any soldier or airman who was deployed in 2024 is welcome to register. This month, Hugo is celebrating its 15th anniversary as a recognized BTYR city and part of the BTYR community network.
Minnesota Wild to host career fair
The Minnesota Wild is a recognized BTYR organization.
The Xcel Energy Center provides special offers for Beyond the Yellow Ribbon companies and communities, veterans, service members, and military families. The center is a recognized BTYR company. Visit https://www.xcelenergycenter.com/groups/offers/military.
Rosemount BTYR Patriots in the Park
To learn more about this event, go to https://rosemountbtyr.org/patriots.
934th Airlift Wing, Air Force Reserve to host Family Day
Focusing on health, wellness for families
To learn more, e-mail Holistic Health & Fitness at H2F-Internal-Project-Management@army.mil.
Commentary: Know your value, dream big
By Air Force Chaplain (Maj.) Keith Beckwith
Minnesota National Guard Operations Chaplain
The best definition of leadership that I have heard over the years is, “Leadership is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it." Did you see the nugget there? They want to. It seems counterintuitive to so many of the self-help, manager, or leader language that we have all heard, but it's not. Let’s be honest. Sometimes, we all need to give each other a gentle push to dream big and not allow dreams to be squashed by failure or setbacks.
Inspirational speaker Simon Sinek said, "If you want to change an organization, stop trying to convince people." When he was starting out, Sinek, author of Start with Why and Leaders Eat Last, exemplified the characteristics of an entrepreneur. He had no money, but lots of charisma and was full of dreams. One day, he got a call from a potentially lucrative partnering agency. The caller said, “Convince me to hire you.” Sinek said no. He would never work with someone who needed to be convinced. Instead, he signed on and partnered with organizations that were curious and felt that he had something innovative and worth the risk.
I had the privilege on my first of day of drill at the 133rd Airlift Wing almost 15 years ago to hear Sinek speak. I have been inspired to dream bigger ever since. What’s holding you back? May you be inspired to live largely, dream boldly, and do what you are uniquely gifted and talented to do and find purpose and meaning through it.
Reach out.
The mission of Beyond the Yellow Ribbon is to establish and sustain a comprehensive community and corporate support network that connects and coordinates agencies, organizations, and resources to meet the needs of Minnesota's veterans, service members, and families in all military branches.
The BTYR Bulletin informs, connects, and supports Minnesota's military community and its many partners across the state.
Subscribe: E-mail beyondtheyellowribbon@gmail.com.
E-mail: ng.mn.mnarng.list.j9-beyond-the-yellow-ribbon@army.mil
Follow: X @BTYRmn and Facebook
Visit: BTYR website
Download: Minnesota National Guard app.
Resources: Minnesota National Guard Family Programs
Editor: cristina.f.oxtra.nfg@army.mil