Spartan Weekly
News from Glen Crest Middle School: November 24th, 2024
From the principal
We hope everyone is gearing up for some time off this week! A few announcements:
- Just a reminder: there is no school on November 27-29.
- There will be no newsletter on December 1
- All students will participate in our winter MAP testing on December 3 and 4
- All 6th and 7th grade students will start their Explore 3 rotation starting on Monday, December 2.
- Just a reminder: Trimester 1 grades can be viewed in Powerschool. Please review the steps to see these grades here.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Go Spartans!
Brett McPherson
Glen Crest Principal
Consider donating to the holiday personal item collection
Through Monday, November 25, the Glen Crest Middle School eighth grade team will be hosting a holiday personal item collection in partnership with Glen House Food Pantry.
On November 26, eighth graders will participate in a variety of service projects, including sorting the collected items and creating festive personal-care bags. The bags will be delivered to Glen House Food Pantry just in time for the holidays. Please consider donating to this great project!
Winners of Urban Legends Contest pizza lunch on Tuesday, November 26
The 6th-, 7th-, and 8th-grade winning authors of the Urban Legends contest will enjoy a pizza lunch in Spartan Hall on Tuesday, November 26. Winners have been notified via email and will receive pizza lunch coupons from their literacy teachers in class on Monday. Students should bring their own drinks.
Glen Crest math team performs well at Marmion regional competition
In the first regional math competition at Marmion Academy held on November 16, Glen Crest competed against 24 teams from various regional schools.
Glen Crest team A represented by Matthew Park, Kayla Curran, Mekael Sultan, Ellie Koger, and Wesley Bohmbach finished third in the team competition and also took the third for the overall placement.
In the individual competition, Kayla Curran was 4th, Wesley Bohmbach was 6th, Matthew Park was 8th, and Olivia Loftsgaarden was 9th. Our team was well supported by Team B represented by Srihitha Gandla, Avery Hammer, Dania Sultan, Olivia Loftsgaarden, and Krish Uppal.
Big thank you to the parents who dropped off and picked up our mathletes on a Saturday morning and afternoon.
Spartacus Reading Challenge runs through January 31
Looking for a great book to read? We have some suggestions! The annual Spartacus Reading Challenge kicked off Wednesday, November 6. It will run through January 31.
Students and staff will read from a list of 25 excellent books, all published in 2024, and considered to be in the running for the prestigious Newbery Medal for Children's Literature. Each time a student completes a book, if they fill out a Spartacus Kahoot! form and turn it in to the library, they will be entered into a weekly drawing for prizes. Visit the library website for more details.
2024-25 yearbooks will be ordered online from Lifetouch
Yearbook orders can be placed online directly with Lifetouch, which is the company we work with to develop the yearbook. We hope to have this information available for parents on supply pick up days. See the flyer for details.
2024-25 school calendar
The 2024-25 school calendar was approved by the Board of Education. Below are some important dates for 2024-25:
December 21-January 3, 2025: Winter break
February 27, 2025: Parent-teacher conferences - evening
March 31 to April 4 , 2025: Spring break
May 30, 2025: Last day of school (half day), if no emergency days are used
June 2-June 6, 2025: Emergency days
All schools closed November 27-29 for Thanksgiving break
All CCSD 89 schools will be closed from Wednesday, November 27 through Friday, November 29, for Thanksgiving break. The district office will be closed on Thursday, November 28, and Friday, November 29. All schools and the district office will re-open on a normal schedule on Monday, December 2.
Parent Series: Reduce parent burnout and raise competent kids (December 4)
At noon and 7 p.m. on Wednesday, December 4, author and psychologist Dr. Emily Edlynn will discuss a science-based parenting framework called “autonomy-supportive parenting” that can help parents encourage children’s confidence and autonomy while maintaining boundaries. This free online event is part of the GPS Parent Series. Preview. More info: https://bit.ly/3YK04aB
Parent Series: Find your future at college night (December 5)
At 7 p.m. on Wednesday, December 5, professor Timothy Fields will share information to help families navigate career and college planning. Participants will learn strategies to support students’ transitions to higher education. This free online event is part of the GPS Parent Series. More info: https://bit.ly/4fx6Zet
Parent Series: Encuentra tu futuro en la noche universitaria (December 5)
A las 7 p.m. El miércoles 5 de diciembre, Glenbard 87 Susanna Melón, subdirectora de servicios estudiantiles, compartirá información para ayudar a las familias a recorrer los numerosos pasos involucrados en la planificación profesional y universitaria. Los participantes aprenderán estrategias para apoyar la transición de los estudiantes a la educación superior. Este evento gratuito en línea es parte de la serie GPS para padres. Más información: https://bit.ly/4hWLp4s
Enjoy band, choir, and orchestra performances in December
December will be filled with musical performances. The Glen Crest chorus will perform on December 13 and 14. The Glen Crest jazz band performs on December 16. There will be an orchestra concert on December 18 and a band concert on December 19, both at Glenbard South. Community members are welcome to attend. Times and more info: https://bit.ly/3Z0JuDD
Free flu shots available through Jewel-Osco through February
Uninsured and low-income families can receive a voucher for a free flu vaccine at any DuPage County Jewel-Osco until February 25. No appointment or prescription is needed, but supplies are limited. Info: https://bit.ly/3AgjrzF
Health departments are offering tips on how to tell the difference between a cold and the flu and information on the flu vaccine. Your family’s doctor or the school nurse can help resolve any questions. More information about immunization, health, and dental resources are available at: www.ccsd89.org/Page/534
Students, families can report crises and threats through Safe2Help
Students and families can confidentially call, email, or text the Safe2Help tip line to report bullying, threats, or classmates in crisis. Students or families can call (844) 4-SAFE-IL, (which is 844-472-3345); text SAFE2 (which is 72332); email Help@Safe2HelpIL.com; or submit tips through the online form. Safe2Help submissions are monitored every hour of every day. More info: https://bit.ly/3BPxObO
November 27-29: No school (Thanksgiving break)
December 4: Parent Series: Reduce parent burnout, raise competent kids, noon and 7 p.m.
December 5: Parent Series: Find your future at college, 7 p.m.
December 5: Parent Series: Encuentra tu futuro en la noche universitaria, 7 p.m.
December 10: Parent Series: Skills for better grades, less stress, noon and 7 p.m.
December 11: Parent Series: Preparing students with disabilities for college, noon and 7 p.m.
December 13: Glen Crest winter chorus concert at Glen Crest, 7 p.m.
December 14: ‘Carols and Cocoa’ chorus concert at Glenbard South, 10 a.m.
December 16: Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m.
December 16: Glen Crest jazz band at Glenbard South, 7:30 p.m.
December 17: Parent Series: Strengthening teen socialization skills, noon and 7 p.m.
December 18: CCSD 89 orchestra concerts at Glenbard South, 6 p.m., 7:30 p.m.
December 19: Parent Series: Estrategias para ayudar a familias y adolescentes sanos a prosperar, 7 p.m.
December 19: CCSD 89 band concerts at Glenbard South, 6 p.m., 7 p.m., 8 p.m.
December 23-January 6: Winter break/School Improvement Day
January 7: Students return from winter break
CCSD 89 online backpack
See all the CCSD 89 community fliers at www.ccsd89.org/backpack
Glen Ellyn Public Library November youth programs
Christmas on State Street history presentation (November 23)
Free Thanksgiving dinner (November 28)
B.R. Ryall Winter Wonderland (November 30)
Santa’s Wintery Wonderland (December 15)
B.R. Ryall co-ed youth basketball league (January-March)
Butterfield Park District Daddy-Daughter Date Night (February 7)
Free flu vaccine at Jewel-Osco (through February 28)
Wheaton Briarcliffe Youth Baseball
People’s Resource Center Literacy Classes
One-on-one computer help classes
Glen Crest Middle School
Email: info@ccsd89.org
Website: www.ccsd89.org/glencrest
Location: Glen Crest Middle School, Sheehan Avenue, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 469-5220
Facebook: facebook.com/CCSD89
X: @GlenCrestMS