The Gold Standard
Volume 2, Issue 8 | October 6, 2023
Upcoming Important Dates
Friday, October 6: College Application Day
Wednesday, October 11: PSAT Administration *No Delayed Start*
Friday, October 13 - Monday, October 16: Fall Break
Thursday, October 19: Last Day of Quarter 1
Thursday, October 19: Escolares Magnet Night
Tuesday, October 24: Deadline to Submit Quarter 1 Absence Excuses
Thursday, October 26: Quarter 1 Report Cards Issued
Friday, October 27: Irmo Theatre Company Haunted Theatre
Wednesday, November 1: Deadline to Submit Senior Quotes and Baby Pictures
Thank you from the School Counseling Department
The School Counseling Department would like to extend a special thank you to Ms. Charlene Bolton and Dr. Gerrick Hampton for sharing their expertise with families during our Financial Aid Night event on September 28th. Please use their presentations to assist you with college preparations for your student.
Custodian Appreciation Week
Thank you to our wonderful custodial staff!
Scholarship Directory
Please click here for our 23-24 Scholarship Directory.
Parents of seniors, please encourage your student to start checking the list of scholarships available on a weekly basis and complete applications by the designated deadline. If you have questions, please contact your child’s School Counselor.
The deadline for absence excuses for Quarter 1 will be October 24th, 2023.
Tardy Policy
See below for the Irmo High School Tardy Policy for the 23-24 school year.
Escolares Program
Join us on Thursday, October 19th at Irmo Middle School to learn more about the Escolares Magnet Program.
Order your 2024 Yearbook today for $55 (plus tax)! Only 190 copies remain. Prices increase to $65 (plus tax) on January 15.
Senior Quotes and Pictures
The deadline to select senior yearbook poses and submit baby pictures and senior quotes for the yearbook is November 1st. Please see the Senior Google Classroom for the Google Form to submit quotes and baby pictures
Irmo's Got Talent
Are you the most talented person or group at Irmo High School? Come and show your talent in our "Irmo's Got Talent!" school-wide talent show that will be held on Monday, November 27 at 7:00 pm in the Center For The Arts. Auditions will be held beginning on November 7 and the sign-up form can be found in your grade level Google classroom. First place will be awarded $150 - Second place $75 and Third place will receive $25. There is a $10 entry fee for each act to enter the competition. Come and show off your talent at the "Irmo's Got Talent! Talent Show!"
Homecoming Court
Student Council is happy to announce that on Friday, Sept. 29th, we crowned our 2023 Homecoming Court!
Health Room Information
Parents please be mindful of the following important information:
- All prescription medication to be given at school needs an order from the medical provider.
- All over the counter medication needs to have a parent consent on file and medication supplied by the parent.
- Students are not allowed to carry medication in book bags unless they have a signed order to self medicate for diagnosis of diabetes, severe allergies and asthma. All other medication needs to be kept in the health room.
- Students who need medical accommodations such as use of the elevator, extra time between classes, or frequent bathroom breaks due to a medical problem, must have a note from the medical provider given to the nurse.
- Only injuries that have occurred in school on the same day will be treated by the school nurse. Old injuries should be treated at home by parents.
- All immunization records that are updated need to be turned into the nurse as soon as you get a copy. Current immunization requirements for school can be found on www.dhec.sc.gov/health/vaccinations
- Please ensure that your student eats a good breakfast daily and keeps hydrated, this helps them to have a good healthy day at school!
*Per District 5 School Policy
PowerSchool Parent Portal
Parents and families should log in to Parent Portal to stay updated on student grades and attendance. See the presentation linked below for details on how to access Parent Portal.
Student Athletic Passes
Be a part of every Irmo Student Section ALL YEAR LONG for $25! Irmo High School students can join the IYJC as a Student Member and get a Student Athletic Pass to enter regular season home games for the Fall, Winter, and Spring seasons at no extra cost.
That means for $25, you can be at every single regular season home game for Football, Basketball, and more!
IYJC Irmo High School Student Membership also comes with a free t-shirt.
Please complete the form and pay $25 to get this IHS Student athletic pass! https://forms.gle/wcwpw6bzdJFXgYCv8
Updated Class Rank
Rank in class is determined at the beginning of the 10th, 11th and 12th grades, on the 16th day of school and in June for Palmetto Fellows eligibility. School Counselors will begin processing transcript requests in Parchment after this date. Official transcripts will be uploaded to Parchment no later than Friday, September 8, 2023. Updated transcripts will reflect current class rank and grade level for the 2023-2024 school year.
ID Policy
All students received their student ID this week. Beginning Monday, August 28th, students are required to wear their student IDs at all times. Students may order their own temporary and permanent ID replacement using this form. Temporary IDs are $1 and Permanent ID replacements are $5. All charges will be billed to student accounts.
Mentoring Program
The Richland County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is pleased to announce that the Delta GEMS Mentoring programming is accepting applications for the 2023-2024 program year.
This program addresses the needs of minority young women ages 14-18, in grades 9-12. The goals of Delta GEMS are:
- To instill the need to excel academically
- To provide tools that enable girls to sharpen and enhance their skills to achieve high levels of academic success
- To assist girls in proper goal setting and planning for their futures – high school and beyond
- To create compassionate, caring, and community-minded young women by actively involving them in service-learning and community service opportunities.
For additional information about the Richland County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., please visit https://www.richlandcountydeltas.org/.
Sylvan Test Prep
See below for information on Sylvan's test prep program.
Irmo Theatre
Irmo Theatre Company's annual Haunted Theatre is Friday, October 27th! See the flyer below for more information.
Student Dropoff
Students should only be dropped off and picked up in front of the Center for the Arts.
Afternoon Bus Pickup
Afternoon buses pick up at both the East Wing and West Wing. See below for locations for each bus.
Student Parking
Student Parking Passes are now available. The cost for the 23-24 school year is $50. Students must have a valid drivers license, have completed the Alive at 25 course, and pay for the pass in full before receiving their pass. Students can pay online through their student account QuickPay (preferred) or with the bookkeeper in the main office.
Click below to apply for a parking pass and to review all parking pass requirements. Applications will not be processed until the student has completed the Alive at 25 course.
Senior Study Hall
Seniors that have a study hall 1A, 4A, 5B or 8B may be allowed a senior study hall with parent/guardian and administrator approval. Only one block of senior study hall is permitted per day. After it has been approved, all students must sign in and out through the Attendance Office. It is the students’ responsibility to be on time for all classes. A student who has senior study hall may not be on campus during this time without administrator approval. The form below must be printed, signed, and returned to the attendance office for approval. Students may also pick up a printed copy from the attendance office.
2023-2024 Bell Schedules
2023-2024 Regular Bell Schedule
2023-2024 Delayed Opening Bell Schedule
Delayed Opening
Irmo High School will operate on a delayed opening schedule on most Wednesdays throughout the school year, beginning August 23, 2023. A list of Wednesdays with no delayed opening is below.
Senior Portrait Makeups
Did you miss Senior Portraits? Make up pictures will be September 1, 2023. To sign up visit www.prestigeportraits.com. Please enter the 8 Digit Appointment Code that was emailed to you in June. If you cannot find your code, please search Columbia, SC, look for Irmo High School and enter your name.
If you cannot find your name, you must call Prestige Portraits to get scheduled: 1-800-736-4775.
This will be the final opportunity to take Senior Portraits.
Paying for College Webinar
Families of all grade levels can join this free webinar to learn about options for paying for college. Register using this link: https://cfcsc.com/. See the flyer below for more details.
Student Nutrition Department Updates
The Student Nutrition Department is excited to announce that our district has a new website for the Free & Reduced Meal Application as well as the cafeteria meal payments platform.
Effective immediately, all meal applications & cafeteria meal payments for our district can only be accessed through www.linqconnect.com.
All student cafeteria accounts which had a positive balance at the end of the 22-23 school year within the previous system will be automatically transferred into LINQ. Families should be able to see any available balance before school begins.
For questions or concerns regarding these services, families can email the Student Nutrition department at nutritionservices@lexrich5.org.
Athletic Tickets
All tickets must be purchased online at https://gofan.co/app/school/SC1145.
Kids under 5 are admitted free. Students 8th grade and below must be accompanied by an adult.
Irmo High School PTSO
If you are interested in serving on the Irmo High School PTSO Board, please email irmohighschoolptso@gmail.com.
School Volunteers
In order to become a volunteer or chaperone, please complete the Volunteer Application and Confidentiality Agreement for School Volunteers and return it to the IHS volunteer liaison, Cindy Zakhar, in the main office. Please reach out to Ms. Zakhar at (803) 476-3001 or czakhar@lexrich5.org with any questions.
Business Partners
Do you want to know more ways you can support Irmo High School? We are always looking for business partners and would love to hear from you. Please contact Shauna Dorn at (803) 476-3011 or
Irmo Yellow Jacket Club
Support Irmo Athletics by joining the Irmo Yellow Jacket Club! Members can receive parking passes, tickets to regular season home games, and reserved seating, depending on membership tier. Join online today using the IYJC Membership Form or by downloading and returning this registration form to IHS or the Athletic Office.
"In ourselves, our future lies"