The Petty Post
Sunday, December 17th
W.C. Petty Elementary
Location: 850 Highview Drive, Antioch, IL
Phone: 847-838-8101
Twitter: @WCPetty34
Puede Ver Este Boletín en Español.
Important Dates
Monday, December 18
- Holiday Hat Day
- Concert Orchestra practice @ AUGS, 7:30 am
- Percussion Rehearsal @ AUGS, 7:30 am
- Volleyball Intramurals until 4:30 pm
Tuesday, December 19
- Mismatch Day
- 5th Grade Band rehearsal@ AUGS, 7:30 am
- Cadet Orchestra practice @ AUGS, 7:30 am
- Beginning Orchestra rehearsal @ 7:30 am
- Yoga Intramurals until 4:30 pm
- Diversity Club until 4:30 pm
- Board of Education Meeting @ Petty, 6:30 pm
Wednesday, December 20
- Stuffy Day
- Beginning Band rehearsal @ AUGS, 7:30 am
- Early Release @ 2:35 pm
Thursday, December 21
- Grinch/Green Day
- 5th Grade Band Rehearsal @ AUGS, 7:30 am
- Concert Orchestra practice @ AUGS, 7:30 am
- Early Release @ 2:35 pm
Friday, December 22 - Friday, January 5th
- No School: Winter Break
Monday, January 8th
- School Resumes
- Concert Orchestra practice @ AUGS, 7:30 am
- Percussion Rehearsal @ AUGS, 7:30 am
Tuesday, January 9th
- 5th Grade Band rehearsal@ AUGS, 7:30 am
- Cadet Orchestra practice @ AUGS, 7:30 am
- Beginning Orchestra rehearsal @ 7:30 am
- Diversity Club until 4:30 pm
Wednesday, January 10th
- Beginning Band Rehearsal @ AUGS
- Early Release at 2:35 pm
Thursday, January 11th
- Concert Orchestra @ AUGS, 7:30 am
- 5th Grade Band rehearsal @ AUGS, 7:30 am
- Student Council until 4:15 pm
- Yearbook Club until 4:30 pm
Friday, January 12th
- Intermediate Orchestra @ AUGS, 7:30 am
- Beginning Band rehearsal @ AUGS, 7:30 am
School Hours This Week
Monday: 8:30-3:20
Tuesday: 8:30-3:20
Wednesday: 8:35-2:35
Thursday: 8:35-2:35
Friday: No School - Start of Winter Break
Dear Petty Families,
I'm excited to share some uplifting news about our remarkable students! This Tuesday evening at the Board of Education meeting, we will proudly recognize six outstanding students who have each earned the coveted Pawsitive Petty Bobcat award during the 1st trimester. Following the end of the trimester, the specials teachers met to choose a grade-level trimester winner from the list of 57 students. These young individuals exemplify remarkable characteristics, making us incredibly proud. Congratulations to Nicole Balaban, Hattie Olszewski, Kennedy Moore, Adeline Nampel, Tagg Cleveland, and Gemma Bock!
Additionally, we'll be shining a spotlight on our dedicated Student Council officers who go above and beyond in their roles. Landon Barbosa, Alexis Eagon, Matthew Salgado and Hayley Taylor serve as role models, efficiently plan the meetings, take attendance, and skillfully lead whole-group meetings. It's truly inspiring to witness the positive impact all of these students bring to our school community. Join us in celebrating their achievements and contributions!
Joanna Gerritsen
W.C. Petty Elementary Principal
Calling All D34 Veterans!!!
The D34 Military Wall of Honor represents our commitment to honoring our D34 graduates who have selflessly served our great nation.
The next phase of our initiative involves collecting and displaying the names of U.S. veterans who graduated from Antioch CCSD 34. If you or a family member is a D34 graduate who served or is serving in the United States military, we respectfully invite you to complete a submission form to have the veteran's name added to our Military Wall of Honor.
Please help us spread the word so we can recognize as many D34 veterans as possible! Verified submissions received by January 1, 2024 will be added to the wall and recognized during our inaugural ceremony on February 20, 2023. All submissions received after January 1st will be added to the wall annually during the Antioch Upper Grade School Veterans Day reception.
Military Wall of Honor Submission Form:
If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Hogan at (847) 838-8481
December Lunch Menu
Next Boosters Meeting: January 16, 2024
Information from Human Resources
We are hiring! Please see our open positions at W.C. Petty, specifically, is looking to hire a permanent substitute and a lunch/recess supervisor. If you have any questions about these positions, please reach out to the Petty office at 847.838.8101.
Information from the Technology Office
iPad concerns The technology department has seen an increase in headphone plugs breaking off in the iPads. Please help us remind students of the proper way to put headphones in the port and to never transport the iPad with the headphones attached. If the piece breaks off inside, please have your son/daughter report it to the teacher ASAP. The sound will not work with this piece broken off in the port. Please encourage your student to be very careful with the headphone jack. Common Sense Media The link below is a great link for parents to help teach their students about proper technology use and how to keep them safe using the internet. Antioch CCSD 34 uses some of the resources from this website as well to help with digital citizenship. Additionally, Common Sense Media has information that can help with internet services or home devices. Please click here to find out if you qualify for free internet. iOS Update Apple has released the new operating system, iOS 17.2, which the Technology Department pushed out to all devices Tuesday. If you notice a student’s iPad is asking to be updated, please push the button to allow it. It may ask to be updated at night, which is fine as long as the iPad is connected to the internet. This update should help with certain program issues that we are seeing in the district. The district will send the command to force the update, but students/staff may interrupt the download. If this happens, the students/staff should manually install the update. To install update go to: Settings → General → Software Update
Information from Student Services
Is your family experiencing homelessness?
Please reach out to your school’s principal, social worker, or the Antioch CCSD 34 Homeless Liaison for support.
More information can be found on our website:
Information from the Business Office
School Fees
Monthly invoices for outstanding fees were emailed on 12/1/2023. Payments of check or cash can be made at the District office. Please make checks payable to Antioch School District 34. To pay fees online, please access the Rycor link available in your students PowerSchool account. Below is the link for PowerSchool:
or you can call Cheryl Masnova to make a payment with your credit card at 847-838-8423.
Please note that if you are looking for your school fees to be waived a separate application must be completed and submitted)
2023-2024 Fee Waiver: English / Spanish
All required financial documentation must be submitted.
Lunch Fees
Please add funds to your child’s lunch account. We are currently carrying high negative balances. If you need assistance please contact JulieByczek, Food Service Coordinator at 847-838-8409 between 7am-1:30pm or via email at To make payment of a check or cash can be made at the District office. Please make checks payable to Antioch School District 34. To pay fees online, please access the Rycor link available in your students PowerSchool account. Below is the link for PowerSchool: or you can call Cheryl Masnova to make a payment with your credit card at 847-838-8423.
Families receiving Free/Reduced Benefits are reminded to re-apply each year. This benefit does not automatically renew. An Income Eligibility Application must be filled out to renew your benefits for the current school year.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please help us work together to be good stewards of all taxpayer dollars. If you have any questions about your account or if payment has been made and you have received this notification in error, please email