NAKHE Newsletter
March 2024
Strand areas to consider for Proposal submission
Recruitment and Retention
Offers opportunities to inform the field about current initiative and research associated with recruiting and retaining students and/or faculty within the discipline of kinesiology.
Policy and Advocacy
Encourages submissions related to policy and advocacy efforts within and across disciplines in kinesiology. Policy and advocacy can be considered broadly to include both formal and informal actions and/or initiatives.
Professional Standards
High work being done to revise, improve, and/or challenge standards within the disciplines of kinesiology. Issues associated with program revisions and accreditation fall within this strand.
Leadership and Administration
Provides opportunities to share best practices & research focused on fostering leadership and/or current issues within administration. Leadership and administration can be considered broadly to include both formal and informal leadership and administration roles.
Call for Proposals for 2025 Annual NAKHE Conference (Link Below)
Friday, Mar 1, 2024, 07:00 AM
Check out our highlight reel from the 2024 Conference!
A short note about LDW & DHTC from our President, Dr. James C. Hannon
Hello NAKHE Members:
The spring conference season in upon us. We have a diverse membership in NAKHE who span varied kinesiology program areas. As our members are out at other conferences such as SHAPE America and ACSM don't be shy about talking with your colleagues about NAKHE and our place and contributions in the promotion and fostering of leadership. Tell people about the LDW and DHTC, promote our 2025 conference in beautiful Puerto Rico. This is an amazing organization, and our members are our greatest promoters! Be well my friends.
I encourage everyone to take advantage of our upcoming 2024 Leadership Development Workshop and Department Head Certification Training.
Thank you, members, for your continued participation and enthusiasm in our professional community. It is all of you who make NAKHE such a special organization.
2024 Leadership Development Workshop & Department Head Certification Training
2024 Leadership Development Workshop and Department Head Certification
The NAKHE Leader Development Workshop (LDW) aims to develop young leaders by bringing together emerging and experienced leaders every year to participate in varied learning experiences and engage in insightful discussions on contemporary leadership issues in the field.
NAKHE invites faculty, administrators, and doctoral students who are interested in moving into leadership roles to participate in the workshop.
- For more information, contact: Jeremy M. Elliott, Ph.D at Jeremy.elliott@uah.edu or Jamie Mikell, Ed.D., MPH at Jamie.Mikell@athens.edu
Also, The NAKHE Department Head Certificate Training (DHCT) is held alternate years in conjunction with Leadership Development Workshop (LDW). This year's DHCT will be held at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.
Attendees must register for both DHCT and LDW.
- For more information about the Department Head Certification Training, please contact Mark Tillman at mtillman3@ju.edu 904.256.7977
Wednesday, Jul 10, 2024, 06:00 PM
The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Sparkman Drive Northwest, Huntsville, AL, USA
2025 Leadership Development Workshop Call for Hosting Proposals
The intent of the NAKHE Leadership Development Workshop (LDW) is to bring kinesiology leaders together to brainstorm solutions to some of the complex problems facing higher education. The LDW is part of NAKHE’s Leadership Institute, which fosters, promotes, and sustains mentoring and networking opportunities for professionals in higher education. In advance of the 2025 Leadership Development Workshop, we invite proposals to host the summer 2025 event, which will be held during the week following the July 4th holiday. The tentative dates for that year are July 9-11, 2025. If you and your institution are interested in hosting the LDW in 2025, please complete the following form: * Name of NAKHE member and contact information: * Host institution: *Proposed Topic: * Rationale why NAKHE will support the proposal: In 1-2 paragraphs, explain why the topic is relevant and describe why the site will be an attractive venue (e.g., vacation location, affordability, access to airports, convenience from lodging options to workshop/session rooms, technology availability, special events/networking activities like group excursions, boat tours, ropes course, etc.). Proposals are due by May 15, 2024. Thanks for your interest in hosting the Leadership Development Workshop in 2025. The NAKHE Leadership Team.
Email Doug Hochstetler (hochstdr@jmu.edu).
It's that time of year! Nominate a NAKHE member for an Award!
It's time to nominate a NAKHE member for the following award categories:
- Distinguished Administrator
- Hally Beth Poindexter Young Scholar Award
- Joanna Davenport Graduate Student Poster Award
- NAKHE Fellow
The Deadline for nominations is August 1st, 2024. Click HERE to nominate!
Meet our NAKHE Member of the month: Dr. Nathan Hall
Dr. Nathan Hall, Associate Professor
Affiliation: Brock University (Canada)
Research/Teaching Focus: Physical Education Pedagogy
- Why are you a NAKHE member?
I am a member of NAKHE as a means of broadening my international network of colleagues, to learn from and engage with like-minded scholars, and to attend the phenomenal yearly conference.
NAKHE Member Highlight Form 🤩
The NAKHE Marketing Committee would like to highlight our members in our social media and newsletter! Please fill out the information form by clicking here to be considered as our next featured member. If you have any questions, please contact Kanae Haneishi (the committee chair) at khaneishi@western.edu.
Thank you so much!
NAKHE Marketing Committee
OPERA (Opportunities in Physical Education and Related Areas) Jobs
Looking for a career move?
Check out the NAKHE website for current job openings at higher education institutions. The most recent position postings are listed below.
Department Chair, Health and Human Performance
The position is a 12-month appointment with 50/50 (teaching and administrative) duties. Responsible for the daily operations of the department and the department programs. The Department Chair will promote excellence in department programs within the University.
Assistant Professor of Sport and Fitness Management (tenure-track)
The Department of Kinesiology seeks a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Sport and Fitness Management. Duties include teaching 9 hours per semester, engaging in scholarly activities, professional service, and serving on departmental, college, and university-wide committees.
Head of the Department of Health and Kinesiology
Purdue University announces the nomination and application process for the position of Head, Department of Health and Kinesiology (HK) at Purdue's West Lafayette main campus. The department has over 565 undergraduate students and 27 graduate students, with 20 full-time tenured, tenure-track, and clinical faculty members.
Get Published!
Please consider submitting an article to #NAKHE ‘s Journals-
IJKHE - https://www.nakhe.org/submit-to-the-journal.html
Featured Article
Featured Article
Have Exciting News?
The purpose of the NAKHE Newsletter is to send updated information to NAKHE members and friends. Much of the information overlaps with our social media sites. If you have any questions and comments, feel free to reach out to NAKHE at admin@nakhe.org.