7 Early Release - 11:35 AM
8 Band Spring Concert 7 PM @ PAC
8 Community Forum 6:30-8:00 PM at Learwood Auditorium
9 Orchestra Spring Concert 7 PM @ PAC
15 PTA Meeting 6:00 PM (McClain Painting)
21 Grade 7 Choir Spring Concert 6:30 PM @ PAC
21 Grade 8 Choir Spring Concert 7:30 PM @ PAC
27 Memorial Day ~ No School
5 Last Day of School. 11:30 AM
Chips, cheese cup, apple slices, carrots, and chocolate milk
As we approach June, we ask that you please zero out your balance before the end of the school year. As a reminder, all school fees need to be up to date for students to attend the 8th grade Washington DC Trip in October of 2024. Additionally, Pay to Participate fees need to be up to date for your child to participate in Fall athletics. If you are having trouble paying your school fees all at once, please contact Dr. Nuggud to figure out a payment plan.
8th Grade Recognition Assembly
On May 15th, we will be conducting our 8th Grade Recognition at the PAC at 9:15. Doors will open to families at 9:05 AM. Our recognition assembly is designed to highlight our students for their individual and group accomplishments over their years at Learwood. We have three distinguished awards that are presented to our students each year: Perfect Attendance (Students who did not miss a minute of school for their first 7 quarters at Learwood), Straight A's Only (Students who did not receive any grade over the first three 7 quarters below an "A". Students who receive an "A-" do not qualify for this award), and the Archie Griffin Award (Given to two students who show Leadership and Sportsmanship).
We will also recognize students for any awards they have won this year by having them stand up at their seat. At the end we will announce each student's name as they walk across the stage.
On Wednesday, May 15th, 2024, the Lake Erie Crushers will be hosting a School Day at their stadium. We have planned this day as a 8th Grade trip for our students, for their hard work and good behavior over the past two school years. We will start school as normal, and then proceed to the PAC for our 8th Grade Recognition Assembly. Right after the assembly ends, we will depart for the baseball game. Students not attending the game will have an academic day back at Learwood. Thanks to the support from Learwood’s PTA, the cost of the game and lunch (Hot dog, chips, and drink) will only be $7. Students may choose to buy additional food or beverages at the concession stand if they choose to do so. Students should dress appropriately for the game, nothing should be left on the bus.
In order for students to attend the game, they must be in good academic and behavioral standing during the 4th quarter, and must have good attendance. Students will be notified by an administrator if they are not permitted to attend by May 13th. Please complete, sign, and have your child return the permission section at the bottom of this letter to their third period teacher teacher by May 13th.
Back-to-School Forms
Over the summer months you will receive an email notifying you to complete your student’s back-to-school forms via your PowerSchool Parent Account. All forms are to be completed prior to the first day of school. This is a one-stop shop for reviewing and updating your child’s emergency and medical information as well as signing off on the annual permission forms for school district policies.
If you have any questions about your PowerSchool Parent Account, please contact:
· Maria Szarek – (440) 933-4829 or
· Theresa Martin – (440) 933-0984
Dear Learwood Families,
Current 7th grade students will keep their Chromebook over the summer. If you know that you will be withdrawing your child from the Avon Lake City Schools, please have your child turn in the assigned Chromebook and charger to the Media Center on the last day of school. In order to maintain battery life for next school year, please keep your Chromebook plugged in over the summer.
If your child is a current 8th grader, your child will be turning in their assigned Chromebook and charger on the last day of school. All current 8th grade students will receive a new Chromebook at the start of next school year. Your child’s teachers will let them know where and how to turn in their Chromebook and charger.
A fee of $250 fee will be assessed for anyone not returning their assigned Chromebook and charger. If you cannot locate the charger the fee is $25.00. Damaged Chromebooks turned in will have repair fees assessed over the Summer.
ALCS Technology Department
BUILDER'S CLUB 2023-2024
Clinics and Tryouts will take in the Learwood MPR
Monday 5/13 Cheer Clinic 3:15-5:15
Tuesday 5/14 Cheer Clinic 3:15-5:15
Thursday 5/16 Cheer Clinic 3:15-4:15
Sunday 5/19 - Cheer Tryouts 8:00 AM - 2:00ish PM