Our NOVEMBER PARENT CALENDAR is available on our website and all relevant event
and important dates have been added to our EVENTS CALENDAR.
All of these dates can be added to your own GOOGLE, ICALENDAR or OUTLOOK calendar.
Please review the important updates to the 2024-25 academic calendar, recently approved by Broward County Public Schools to address recent weather disruptions. These adjustments ensure a balanced academic schedule across quarters.
- January 6: Now a regular school day; students return on January 6 instead of January 7.
- January 10: Changed to a teacher planning day.
- Quarter 3 Start: Moved from January 7 to January 13.
- Quarter 4 Start: Moved from April 1 to March 17.
- Q4 Interim Reports: Distribution moved from May 6 to April 29.
Thank you to all those that joined us for our Boosterthon Fun/Color Run events! We appreciate your physical and financial support as we performed our Boosterthon fundraising events for our students and our campus. Your genorisity and spirit do not go unnoticed. We appreicate all you do for us.
Character Counts! K-5 Citizenship:“I try to be a part of the solution for myself and my community.”
- Elementary students that stay informed, are cooperative, and respect authority are showing the Character Counts! pillar of citizenship during November, 2024.
- Those students do their share to make their home, school, and community better by obeying laws and rules.
- Those elementary citizens understand the importance of protecting the environment, being a good neighbor, and voting in elections.
MYP IB Learner Attribute Risk-takers: “I like to try new things and ideas.”
- MYP students that approach unfamiliar situations, and uncertainty, with courage and forethought are recognized as risk-takers during the month of November.
- Those risk-taking students have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas, and strategies.
- Those MYP students are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs.
Character Counts Assembly
Only invited families should attend to see their child(ren) presented with their award for showing their citizenhship or for being a risk-taker.
Wednesday, Nov 20, 2024, 08:45 AM
18800 Pines Boulevard, Pembroke Pines, FL, USA
Quarter 1 Report Cards will only be delivered to email addresses on file in PowerSchool for parents/guardians via BrightArrow messaging on Friday November 1, 2024.
The end to daylight saving time for 2024 means clocks in most parts of the U.S.
"fall back" one hour in the early morning of Sunday, November 3, 2024.
Please take a moment to review the newsletter provided below
about our student voting event on Monday November 4, 2024.
- Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines is partnering with A Place in Time for our Thanksgiving Food Drive from Monday November 4 to Monday November 18, 2024.
- Please demonstrate your own gratitude for the things you are thankful for by helping those in need this season.
- We are encouraging each grade level to donate from the list on the flyer.
Let us come together as a community to make a meaningful impact for
families in need in our own community. We are truly thankful
and appreicate your generosity and support of our Food Drive this month!
- There will be no school for students on Tuesday November 5, 2024, and we will have limited office assistance, due to mandatory attendance for all staff for their professional development and planning.
- Classes resume for students on Wednesday November 6, 2024, when we also resume our regular office hours.
Parent Academy: State Assessments (Grades K-2)
Join us for our Parent Academy : F.A.S.T. Progress Monitoring. This 45-minute session will provide insights into statewide testing and strategies to support student success.
A copy of the presentation will be shared via email after the event.
Wednesday, Nov 6, 2024, 05:00 PM
Parent Academy: State Assessments (Grade 3 )
Join us for our Parent Academy : F.A.S.T. Progress Monitoring. This 45-minute session will provide insights into statewide testing and strategies to support student success.
A copy of the presentation will be shared via email after the event.
Wednesday, Nov 6, 2024, 06:00 PM
Parent Academy: State Assessments (Grades 4-8/MYP)
Join us for our Parent Academy : F.A.S.T. Progress Monitoring. This 45-minute session will provide insights into statewide testing and strategies to support student success.
A copy of the presentation will be shared via email after the event.
Thursday, Nov 7, 2024, 05:30 PM
- We are currently preparing our last and final order for our 24-25 Field Day shirts!
- Each shirt costs $15.00.
- Orders and payment must be submitted by Friday November 8, 2024.
- Please complete and submit your Field Day Order Form and payment (check or money order made payable to Franklin Academy PTO) and give to your child's homeroom teacher by the deadline.
Veterans Day Ceremony | 11/8
We are delighted to announce that our Veterans Day Ceremony will take place on Friday November 8, 2024, at 8:45 am and our Concert Choir will be performing during the event!
This is an RSVP-only event. Only invited attendees are expected to participate.
Friday, Nov 8, 2024, 08:45 AM
There is no school for students on Monday Novemebr 11, 2024,
and our offices will be closed, in observance of Veterans Day.
FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows students to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials. The link provided below will give you access to our specific webpage on our website for more information and direct links.
Franklin Academy - Pembroke Pines
Building Better People, Every Day
Website: https://ppk8.franklin-academy.org/
Location: 18800 Pines Boulevard, Pembroke Pines, FL, USA
Phone: 954-703-2294
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FranklinAcademyCharter
Twitter: @FranklinCharter