Bengal Happenings
January 24, 2025
Bell Schedules - Announcements
Contact Us!
Attendance - hhsattendance@helenaschools.org; (406) 324-2211
Main Office - (406) 324-2200
Website - hhs.helenaschools.org
Start of the Second Semester
As we wrap up the first semester today, I hope all students were able to gain a better understanding of the material presented and feel primed for a successful second semester as well. As students change classes or begin the new semester, we wish them luck and hope for a great 90 days!
A few reminders as we move into semester 2:
Last date to change classes - if a student is wishing to make a change to their schedule, the last day to do so without penalty is February 10. Students will need to meet with their counselor during a time that does not affect them missing another class to see if the change is possible. If a teacher change is being requested, the student will need to find time with their assistant principal to do so.
Grades Released - Teachers will be utilizing Monday, January 27 to finalize grades and update gradebooks for semester 1. Grades will be stored and finalized in our system by January 29 with report cards being emailed home on February 3.
Students of the Month
Our December Students of the Month are:
- Diego Barragan
- Gabrielle LaVoie
- Aaron Quackenbush
Our January Students of the Month are:
- Michael Erickson
- Delilah Mahkuk
- Melina Warden
Congratulations to these students on their hard work and for their work on following our Bengal Expectations!
Helena Education Foundation - Upcoming Series
As a continuing discussion item, the Helena Education Foundation is putting together a great series of discussions called Face2Face - Smart Conversations about Kids and Screens. This series is designed to engage the community in dialogue about phones, academics, mental health, safety, and childhood. More information, and the calendar of events, can be found on their website. If you are able to attend, the discussions and information presented will be beneficial to all.
Senior All Night Party Help Still Needed
Please see the note below from the Senior All Night Party Committee. If you have further questions, please reach out to Angela Terry at angelaterry2@gmail.com.
Senior families this message is for you! We are so excited to be sharing with you the all night party is scheduled and ready for volunteers! We are grateful to Laura Shirtliff for helping us get senior and junior parents and any others organized and involved. We are going to have a meeting for all high school senior parents (and willing junior parents) in the area on Wednesday, February 12th, at 6pm at the Capital High School cafeteria. Please show up or send someone so we can get you involved in whatever way you can help. This is all volunteer run. Also, please see the following information about how your business or you can sponsor. We will be acknowledging in writing sponsors of games at $1000 and higher. If you would like to combine with someone else with a $500 donation, we will put your name on that as well! Thank you so much for all who have volunteered and sponsored already. Ticket information will follow this spring! We are trying to keep the costs low, so all of our seniors across the Helena area can attend.
Upcoming Activities at HHS
1/23-25 - Thespians @ Thespian Festival - Missoula
1/24 - BBB vs Capital 2:30/4:00/5:30/7:30 p.m.; GWR @ Lewistown Invite
1/25 - GBB vs Capital 11:00/12:30/2:00/3:30; WR @ AA Duals - Great Falls, SW @ Great Falls
1/30 - GBB vs Butte 4:30 (Bryant)/4:00/5:30/7:00; BBB @ Butte
1/30-31 - The Importance of Being Earnest- 6:30 p.m. - Little Theater
1/31 - WR vs Glacier/Flathead 3:00/5:00 p.m.
1/31-2/1 - Speech/Debate @ State!
2/1 - BBB vs Big Sky 10:00/11:30/1:00/2:30; WR vs Capital 6:00 p.m.; GBB @ Big Sky
2/3 - 4 - AA Orchestra Festival
2/4 - GBB vs Great Falls High 4:30 (Bryant)/4:00/5:30/7:00 p.m.; BBB @ Great Falls High
2/7 - GBB @ Capital 4:30 (Jim Darcy)/4:00/5:30/7:00 p.m.
2/7-8 - WR @ Seeding Tournament
2/8 - BBB @ Capital 11:00/12:30/2:00/3:30
Year at a Glance
January 2025
27 – No School, Records Day
11-14 – RBHI Spring Screening in 2nd period classes this week
13 – Winter Pep Assembly
17 – No School, President’s Day
19 – RBHI Screening Make-up Date
26 – 8th Grade Tour – 8:30-11:30 a.m.
28 – 3rd Quarter Mid-term
From Last Happenings
From last time...
Welcome 2025!
As we roll into 2025, we are excited to see where life takes us and the amazing opportunities that lie ahead. Students are starting to prepare for their semester tests and thinking about what next semester may bring. Seniors are getting close to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (or maybe already think they are there - don't let the senioritis hit quite yet!). As a school we are gearing up for registration and starting to plan for the next school year. These next few months are fast and furious, but there is plenty excitement that comes as well. Let's make 2025 a great year!
Moving forward, this will become a twice-monthly newsletter.
As we wrap up our first week back to school, let's check in on PE, Social Studies, English, Science, and Math!
Physical Education - English, Spanish, Swahili
Social Studies - English, Spanish, Swahili
English - English, Spanish, Swahili
Science - English, Spanish, Swahili
Math - English, Spanish, Swahili
Bengal Cheerleader Performs at Pearl Harbor Parade
This past month, one of our HHS Cheerleaders made history when she was selected as an All-American Cheerleader! Quinn Guinyard became the first Helena cheerleader to participate in the Pearl Harbor Parade in Waikiki. Excellent job, Quinn!
Share Your Successes!
While we try to keep up on the amazing things our students are doing in the community, we are not always aware of all that is happening. We would love to be able to connect with students and congratulate them on these successes. If your child has a noteworthy accomplishment - success in sports or activities outside of the MHSA sponsored ones, performed in a play or ballet, completed their Eagle Scout, etc., please consider completing this form (this will also be listed on our website) so we can share their great news!