Kirk Fenton News
24th January 2025
Please look on our website www.kf.starmat.uk for up-to-date information.
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome to the end of another busy week!
Year 6 were wonderful representatives for our school and all of the staff (both Peat Rigg and Kirk Fenton), were blown away by their willingness to have a go, kindness and good humour. They were wonderful company!
This week saw the final rehearsal before the big performance for our Young Voices club. They are in fine voice and I can’t wait to hear all about their concert next week.
Class Dojo is fully up and running and 6/8 classes have 100% sign up from families. If you need any help getting started, please call into the office. I have loved keeping up to date with the children’s learning by reading their class stories. It has given me lots to talk to them about.
Next week, I will be meeting with the governors and the Diocese to start a piece of work on communication of our school Vision and Values. We need to be really clear about what they are as they are the core of our school. Once this work has been done, we will be ensuring parents, children and staff are clear on what they are.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mel Walmsley
This week's attendance is 96.38%
Well done to Curie Class for their 100% attendance on their residential this week.
Good Work Awards
This week's certificates were awarded to the following children:
Goodall - Grace D and Theo
Shackleton - Alfie W and Lola
Wright Brothers - Charlotte and Holly
Carson - Benjamin and Chester
Newton - Austin and Hector
Muir - Alex and Freddie
Johnson - Alex and Lenny
Hot Chocolate Friday
Well done to the following who earned the hot chocolate award:
Goodall - Evelyn
Shackleton - Zara
Wright Brothers - Hugo
Carson - Darii
Newton - Seb
Muir - Annabella
Johnson - Matilda
Headteacher Award
Well done to Martha (Y3) who is the recipient of the Headteacher award this week.
It has been great to see lots of effort this week on TTR and Numbots. Your teachers can really see an improvement in your maths work in class so keep it up! Our Rockstars of the Week are Bea O, Clara M, Willow H, Hector T, Freddie T and Jaxon M. This week's Numbots superstars are Peggy G, Ashton M, Holly SW, Hugo O and Kieran O. Well done everyone!
This week's lucky raffle ticket winners are Cecily C and Jaxon M. Congratulations!
Lunchtime Awards
Thank you to Owen (Y2), Bea (Y4) and Willow (Y4) for helping us all to enjoy our lunchtime in the dinner hall.
Winning Team
School Lunches
Please remember to pre order school lunches on ParentPay so that your child gets their choice of dinner. If you are having problems, or need help with this, please contact the school office.
FREE 2 day course for parents and carers of children and young people with communication and interaction needs.
This annual event is an opportunity to find out more about autism and gain practical tools and strategies to help support your child or young person.
Parents will also meet others facing similar experiences or with a shared interest in the topic. Children do not need to have a diagnosis of autism in order for parents to attend. Parents need to be able to attend both days and will receive a copy of the content covered following the course.
Y4-Y6 Young Voices, Sheffield
Tuesday 28th January
Half Term
Monday 17th to Friday 21st February
Y6 Bikeability
w/c 3rd March
Science Week
w/c 10th March
Forest School
14th-21st March, days tbc
Parents Evenings
Thursday 27th March, 3.30pm-6.30pm
Tuesday 1st April, 3.30pm-6.30pm
Carson & Newton Class Trip
Thursday 3rd April
Easter Holidays
7th-21st April
Summer Term Begins
Tuesday 22nd April
Staff Thank You's
If anyone would like to say thank you to or has any positive comments for a member of staff then please complete and submit the form below.
STAR MAT Vacancies
Please click on the following link for details of our current vacancies:
St Mary's Church
Family First Magazine
Click on the link below for your free copy of the UK’s largest parenting title - Enjoy!