Weekly nEWSletter
November 22, 2024
A Message From Your Principal
Greetings, Eames Way Families,
It's been a busy couple weeks at EWS so we're featuring TWO weeks in today's newsletter! Last week, we observed Veteran's Day and showed our gratitude to all that have bravely served our country. We were also fortunate to have PTO sponsor two enrichment programs presented by the Children's Museum of Easton - "Fossil Discoveries" for Grade 2 on 11/14 and "Structures & Foundations" for Grade 1 on 11/15. Lastly, we celebrated Ms. Mealey during School Psychologist Week. Her commitment to supporting the mental health and well-being of our students is greatly appreciated and we are thankful to have her at EWS!
We also want to extend a heartfelt thank-you to the Hurley family for kicking off our first Lunch Around the World! Their presentation about Sweden was both engaging and educational, and it was wonderful to see students so eager to learn about a new culture.
This week, EWS hosted hosted both the Marshfield School Committee Meeting and PTO Meeting. EWS also celebrated our amazing Educational Support Professionals on 11/20 and our Permanent Building Substitute, Ms. Massa, on 11/22 - their expertise, kindness and contributions are greatly appreciated! Lastly, this weekend PTO is hosting a Holiday Movie Night on Friday 11/22 featuring "The Grinch" - we hope it's a festive and fun night for all!
Finally, we have four more excellent submissions from our most recent student journalists! Thank you again for your partnership in creating such meaningful experiences for our students. Wishing you a restful weekend!
Warm regards,
Ms. Bishop
Important School Information
Eames Way School
Website: mpsd.org
Location: 165 Eames Way, Marshfield, MA, USA
Phone: (781) 834-5090
Eames Way School Hours 2024-2025
Start Time:
- 8:45 AM
- Note - Dining Hall Door #3 opens for morning drop off at 8:35 AM
- 3:25 PM - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
- 1:10 PM - Wednesday (early dismissal every week)
Dates and Events to Remember
- Friday, 11/22: PTO Holiday Movie Night (The Grinch!) at The Reel in Scituate at 4:00 pm
- Tuesday, 11/26: PTO Holiday Shopping Fundraiser at The Toy Box of Hanover from 9:00 am - 6:00 pm (*Please Mention "EWS" at Check Out!)
- Wednesday, 11/27: Early Release at 12:05 pm (No Lunch Served)
- Thursday, 11/28: No School (Thanksgiving Break)
- Friday, 11/29: No School (Thanksgiving Break)
- Monday, 12/2: EWS School Council Meeting at 4:45 pm
- Friday, 12/6: Festive Friday!
- Monday 12/9 - Friday 12/13: Scholastic Book Fair at EWS Library
- Tuesday 12/10: Field Trip - Grade 1, Blake Planetarium
- Friday, 12/13: Enrichment - Kindergarten, Meteorologist Visit
- Friday, 12/13: Festive Friday!
- Monday, 12/16: Festive Week - Pajama Day!
- Tuesday, 12/17: Festive Week - Sports Day!
- Wednesday, 12/18: Festive Week - Wear Green/Elf Day!
- Wednesday 12/18: EWS Winter Concert (9:15 am for Students and 10:30 am for Families)
- Thursday, 12/19: Festive Week - Crazy Hat/Hair Day!
- Friday 12/20: Early Release at 12:05 pm (No Lunch Served)
- Monday 12/23 - Wednesday 1/1: No School (Holiday Break)
Click Here for: Marshfield Public School Academic Calendar 2024-2025
In our efforts to increase opportunities for student voice at Eames Way School, we have enlisted the writing talents of our 4th and 5th graders to create original articles for our weekly newsletter publications! This opportunity is on a voluntary basis from students and a great way for them to share their experiences at EWS in a unique way. Thank you to this week's student journalists for going above and beyond to create and submit this week's publication!
"Observations of EWS" by Brinley Morin, Grade 5
Walking around Eames Way, it is a fascinating school with a lot of cool details. It has a lot of work put into it and I like the decor. When I walk in the door from the bus, I like how the teachers greet me. A lot of them stick out their hands to give me a high-five when I walk by. It makes me feel good to start my day like this. I like the art that is done by students in the front entrance of the school. I like the yellow hallway because I can see other people’s art and ideas. It’s all really unique so it’s hard to pick a favorite. I really like the outdoors and playing at recess, especially with the kindergartners because they are really cute.
We don’t have a lot of play structures in the back fields, but they’re nice and open for other games like soccer and kickball and cheerleading. I really like the play structure because it has a lot of nooks and crannies to have fun with.
I also really like my teacher, Mrs. Simmons, because she is preparing me for sixth grade. We are doing a postcard exchange that is almost finished up and the way we do it is by writing out a paragraph about us and then sending it to other students in a different state in the United States, and then they write back to us. I have written to four states so far: Georgia, Mississippi, North Dakota, and Wyoming. Mr. Larson is back at Eames Way after his baby was born, which is really great. One really important detail about EWS is that the teachers are all really nice and willing and easy to have fun with. We are a really small school but inside, we are a big community.
"Recess Choices at EWS" by Sam Zadrozny, Grade 5
EWS has a lot of wonderful recess choices. There are two playground structures. There is also a kickball field, a soccer field, and open grass. One is for 3-5 grades, with two slides and a monkey bar. The other play area is for K-2 they have a big slide they all love. One cool thing about recess is that 5 and 4 grades go over to play with kindergarten. Their favorite thing to do is play tag with them. It seems like kindergarten loves the big slide. From month to month, it changes what 4th grade and 5th graders do. As of right now, we are playing soccer. The 5th-grade boys and girls play against the 4th grade. I think most kids would agree with me that recess is the best time in school. The teachers like recess too because they can get fresh air and play and socialize with students. If you bring your snow gear, you can play in the snow during the winter. That is how good EWS recess is.
"Eames Way Cows" by Henry Silva, Grade 4
Eames Way School is a fun place. It has two cows in 5th and 1st grade. The first grade cow for Mrs. Daley’s class is named Spot and the second cow for Mrs. Simmon’s class is named Bonnie. Bonnie’s birthday is September 13th. She was 90 pounds and 31 inches tall when she was born. Now she’s 143 lbs 34 inches tall. The reason why students got the cows is to learn about dairy farms. To clarify, the cows don’t live at EWS! They live in Vermont at Dianna Farms.
Bonnie is a Brown Swiss cow, which is a type of cow that is used for meat, but the girl cows are used for milk.
Spot is a girl cow. Her birthday is September 12, 2024, so she is about three months old. The breed is a Viking Red Cross cow breed. Spot is black and white, and at birth she was 28 inches tall and 75 lbs. It takes two days for the milk to be processed before you can drink it. A full grown female produces six to seven gallons of milk per day and 2,000 gallons in one year. Spot’s farmer is named Courtney. Courtney is also Bonnie’s farmer.
That is all about the 5th grade and 1st grade cows.
"Holiday Movie Night" by Evelyn Ellis, Grade 4
The Eames Way School PTO will be hosting The Holiday Movie Night on November 22, 2024 at 4:00 PM. The movie "The Grinch" will be shown at The Reel Theater at 1 Mill Wharf Plaza, Scituate. Tickets are $10 and snacks and merchandise will be for sale there. Wear your pajamas and feel free to bring an item for the EWS food pantry! Bring your family to share some fun and festive memories!
“Christmas doesn’t come from a store, maybe… Christmas perhaps means a little bit more.”
~ From How the Grinch Stole Christmas By Dr Seuss
* As a follow up, Student Journalist Evelyn Ellis will be contributing a review of the Holiday Movie Night in next week's newsletter! *
Enrichment Update
EWS PTO sponsored two enrichment programs last week presented by the Children's Museum of Easton. Grade 2 learned about "Fossil Discoveries" on 11/14. As junior paleontologists, students excavated fossils and engaged in discussions about various extinction theories while learning fun facts about creatures that once roamed the Earth. On 11/15, Grade 1 learned about the fundamental principles of engineering and physics in a program called "Structures & Foundations." Students experimented with a range of different materials and explored how simple machines help with construction. Thank you to all who generously donate to BOOST, which funds valuable enrichment programs like this!
Fossil Discoveries - Grade 2:
Structures & Foundations - Grade 1:
Thank You For Teaching Us About Sweden, Hurley Family!
School Psychologist Week - Thank You Ms. Mealey!
Educational Support Professionals Day!
Substitute Educators Day - Thank You Ms. Massa, Permanant Building Substitute!
Congratulations To This Week's Jr. Ram Award Winners!
Keep Up The Great Work!!!
PTO News
Want to win a $100 Amazon gift card?
If you make a donation to Love for EWS - BOOST, through November 26th, you will be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card. Anyone that has already donated to BOOST will also be entered. The drawing will be Wednesday, November 27, 2024 and sent home with your student. Click the link to learn more about BOOST or to make a donation: https://eamesway.ptboard.com/formvw?store=5690&form=1
As a reminder, BOOST stands for "Bringing Outstanding Opportunities to our Students and Teachers". This is our primary fundraiser of the year and every dollar donated goes directly to support educational and enrichment initiatives for our students. Thank you to all that generously donate to BOOST!
Library Update: Book Fair is 12/9-12/13!
Art Update
Hello Families!
We have a wonderful opportunity to support our students and the amazing artwork they have done this year through Square1Art!
Simply search for your child's art using This link: Art Search, and enter the state, school name, and student's first and last name. Your student's art and code will appear, and you may order whatever you'd like!
These make excellent gifts for any occasion! You can even upload additional art if you like, using Art Upload!
Orders are due by: 11/12/2024
If you have questions or need anything at all, contact customer care online. Examples of some items for purchase would include (but are not limited to):
- Stickers
- Tiles
- Aprons
- Mugs
- Greening Cards
- Water Bottles
- Tote Bags
- Pillowcases
This is not an official fundraiser, but we do hope you'll enjoy this very exciting way to celebrate your student's art achievements! EWS does receive a small percentage of profit from this event which is used for school supplies for the art room and classrooms.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Ms. Voss directly at evoss@mpsd.org.
Nurse Update
Annual Screenings Completed: Hearing, vision and BMI screenings have been completed for all grades. If it is recommended that your child needs to be referred for further vision or hearing assessment, you will receive a letter with details. Please feel free to contact Alison White, RN at 781-319-0493 with any questions or concerns.
Illness Prevention:
Please be vigilant in monitoring your child for any symptoms of illness prior to sending them to school. If you have concerns about illness/symptoms in the morning, please call Nurse White to discuss them before sending your child into school. If you have questions regarding absences or attendance related to illnesses, Nurse White will be happy to discuss these with you. The Health Office phone number is 781-834-5090, ext. 44500. Please continue to keep Nurse White updated on any health-related absences by emailing to awhite@mpsd.org.
Guidelines for return to school after an illness:
For fever over 100 degrees, your child must be fever-free for 24 hours, without the use of Tylenol or Motrin, to return to school
For vomiting and/or diarrhea, your child must wait 24 hours after the last time they experienced vomiting or diarrhea before returning to school
If your child is diagnosed with a communicable disease such as strep throat or conjunctivitis and prescribed antibiotics, your child can not return to school until they have been on the antibiotics for at least 24 hours. A doctor's note should be brought to school via their backpack, emailed to awhite@mpsd.org, or faxed to 339-244-2475.
Physical Exams:
If you have a child in Kindergarten or fourth grade and have not sent in an updated physical exam, please do so as soon as possible. You can send the updated physical form in your child’s backpack, email it to Nurse White at awhite@mpsd.org, or ask the pediatrician to fax the most recent physical to 339-244-2475. Thank you!
Volunteering at EWS
Lunch Menu
Memories From Our Week Together!
Marshfield Community News
Please visit the MPSD Community Events webpage for details on upcoming local events!