Springton Lake Middle School
Every Student. Every Day. No Matter What.
Springton Lake Middle School
Email: RSalladino@rtmsd.org
Website: https://www.rtmsd.org/Domain/12
Location: 1900 North Providence Road, Media, PA, USA
Phone: (610) 627-6500
Twitter: @SpringtonLakeMS
SEPTEMBER 27, 2024
Our annual Club & Activity Fair was held this morning. All students had a chance to attend the event to learn more about our offerings. We are appreciative of the club advisors and previous student participants for their work to make the fair a success. A special thank you to Dr. Layton for organizing the Club & Activity Fair. Now that students have had a chance to see what is available, they have been directed to complete the online sign-up form that we have shared with them in Schoology. The sign-up form will close on October 11th. Learn more HERE about all of our club offerings.
For students who participate in a club, a late bus is provided at 4:00 PM on Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays. Students may ask for assistance in the main office if they have a question about which late bus to ride. Once clubs officially begin the week of September 30th, participants will be added to a Schoology group for their specific club. Parents will also will be able to access information via the parent Schoology account. Schoology is the best place to check if clubs have been cancelled and to stay informed about upcoming events.
If you have specific questions, please contact the club advisor or Dr. Layton at dlayton@rtmsd.org.
This is a reminder that SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED on Thursday, October 3rd in observance of Rosh Hashanah. To our families who will be celebrating the holiday, Shanah tovah!
Overall, students are doing a good job of meeting the expectation regarding cell phones and other electronic devices - OFF AND AWAY. In addition to a daily reminder on the Spartan Scoop, teachers have been reinforcing this expectation in classrooms. To assist us with the positive momentum, I would ask for your continued help by doing the following:
- Let your child know that you are aware of the expectation that their phone will be off during school hours.
- Please do not text or call your child during the school day OR let your child know that you are not expecting a reply to a text message until their devices are powered back on after school.
- In an emergency, call the Main Office and we will get a message to your child.
By following these key points, we can reinforce with our students that all of the adults are on the same page. We appreciate your support in helping to create a distraction-free environment in our school.
The Springton Lake Athletic Department is please to offer apparel for the fall sports season. The online store will accept orders through Monday, October 7, 2024. Here is the STORE LINK. All questions about the sale should be directed to Mr. Booth.
Thank you for your help in making the car line go very smoothly in the morning and afternoon. Please keep in mind these important safety reminders:
- Drop-off and pick-up may occur curbside only. Students should NOT exit the vehicle on the driver's side.
- Drop-off and pick-up are not permitted in the parking lot area.
- Vehicles should pull all the way forward in the lane directly in front of the building, as directed by the staff member on duty. When all cars come to a stop along the sidewalk, students should be prepared to exit the vehicle at that time. Please do not wait for your car to reach the main entrance canopy for your child to exit the car.
Thank you for your assistance!
Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15th through October 15th. Be sure to check out our Hispanic Heritage Month showcase features which are included in each day's edition of the Spartan Scoop. To learn more about this monthlong celebration, here are some RESOURCES that may be of interest to you!
The school calendar is posted on the website for your review. We kindly ask that you keep the school schedule in mind as you make plans for your family throughout the school year. Holidays, early dismissals, and other days off for students are indicated. Also, be sure to access the calendar of events specific to our school so that you don't miss out on any of the fun that we have planned!
The Parent Teacher Group is made up of parent volunteers and teachers/staff who work together to plan and carry out fundraising events to raise funds for the school. The PTG sponsors several events throughout the year. Some of the events include the Turkey Trot, 8th Grade Dance, MLK Jr Day of Service, and staff appreciation. Your annual membership donation plays a major part in making these events possible for students and staff. If you have already submitted a membership donation, THANK YOU!! If you have not yet donated, we welcome membership donations all year. Membership donations can be made by check (payable to SLMS PTG), cash, or PayPal. If paying by check or cash please send your donation in a sealed enveloped to the school office. Mark your envelope "PTG Donation". A $10 donation per family is suggested; however, any amount is appreciated.
A second way that you can support the PTG is by attending PTG meetings. Meetings can be attended in person or virtually. During the meeting, you can learn about ways to volunteer, help plan events, provide ideas for new events, and hear from Dr. Sal and teachers about all the amazing things happening at SLMS. We hope to see you at our first meeting on October 15th at 7:00 PM in the SLMS Library!
For more information about the PTG, please contact:
President: Robin Hedley
Vice President: Ron Evancho
Treasurer: Ellie MacDonald
Secretary: Jennifer Reinert
Sixth grade parents/guardians - please send in documentation of a 6th grade physical if you have not done so already. The physical must be dated September 2023 or later.
Seventh grade parents/guardians - please send in documentation of a 7th grade dental examination if you have not done so already. The dental examination must be dated September 2023 or later.
Forms can be handed in to the nurse in the main office, emailed to khartner@rtmsd.org, or faxed to 610-627-6531.
State-mandated health screenings will be ongoing throughout the fall. All students will have their height, weight, and vision screened. In addition, students in the 7th grade will have scoliosis and hearing screened. Please contact the school nurse, Ms. Hartner, with any questions.
Once again this year, the Rose Tree Media School District will be taking advantage of an online parent portal/HAC to provide some of the information that would typically be included in hardcopy form in our summer mailing. Parents will be able to sign off and acknowledge receipt of several forms, including the Student Handbook and the Chromebook Loan Agreement. The online portal/HAC will also be utilized for parents to update the student emergency card. Parents who have not completed this process received an email from me again on Friday morning stating ACTION STILL REQUIRED. We appreciate your help taking care of this process as soon as possible.
Be sure to give us a follow on X/Twitter - @SpringtonLakeMS. This is the ONLY official social media channel for our school. In addition to receiving timely updates about our school, we always share photos of the cool things that happen in our school each day! Many of our teachers are also on X/Twitter and you will want to give them a follow, too!
Be sure to check out our daily video broadcast for all of the latest news and updates!
Wednesday - September 25, 2024