Bear News/Oso Noticias- November 14

News for November 14, 2024
- This is a link to our updated Calendar of Events.
Reminder: No School November 28 and 29
Dear Little Canada Families,
By working together with the students, staff, community and families we hope to create a welcoming and safe learning environment for all learners. A positive and safe learning environment is essential for students to thrive academically and developmentally. Today we’d like to share with families some of our bully prevention and response that aligns with the MN Safe and Supportive Schools Act.
Bullying is defined as intimidating, threatening, abusive, or harming conduct that is objectively offensive and there is an actual or perceived imbalance of power. The conduct is repeated or forms a pattern; or materially and substantially interferes with a student's educational performance or ability to participate. This includes cyberbullying which is the use of technology or other electronic communication transmitted through an electronic device to bully.
In our school, we review bullying and bully prevention with students. Each class will have a community circle to discuss bullying. They discuss how to stop bullying from occurring as well as some of the places it may occur. Teachers give students the tools to prevent bullying. We also teach social and emotional skills to create a welcoming school environment and prevent bullying. This includes:
Self Awareness
Self Management
Social Awareness
Relationship Skills
Positive Decision Making
Families also play a key role. Your child will be asked to tell an adult if they are bullied or sees bullying happening at school. Having a safe school experience is something that all students should be able to enjoy. If your child reports to you that he/she has been bullied we ask that you make a report and contact the teacher or building administrator. We take bully reports seriously. We will investigate and be responsive. We want your child to feel safe and protected when coming to school.
If you have any questions or would like to talk more, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
Dr. Becerra & Mrs. Keleny
Estimadas familias de Little Canada:
Al trabajar en conjunto con los estudiantes, el personal, la comunidad y las familias, esperamos crear un ambiente de aprendizaje acogedor y seguro para todos los estudiantes. Un ambiente de aprendizaje positivo y seguro es esencial para que los estudiantes prosperen académicamente y en su desarrollo. Hoy nos gustaría compartir con las familias parte de nuestra prevención y respuesta al acoso que se alinea con la Ley de Escuelas Seguras y de Apoyo de MN.
El acoso se define como una conducta intimidante, amenazante, abusiva o dañina que es objetivamente ofensiva y existe un desequilibrio de poder real o percibido. La conducta se repite o forma un patrón; o interfiere material y sustancialmente con el rendimiento educativo o la capacidad de participar del estudiante. Esto incluye el acoso cibernético, que es el uso de tecnología u otra comunicación electrónica transmitida a través de un dispositivo electrónico para intimidar.
En nuestra escuela, revisamos el acoso y la prevención del acoso con los estudiantes. Cada clase tendrá un círculo comunitario para discutir el acoso. Se discute cómo evitar que ocurra el acoso, así como algunos de los lugares en los que puede ocurrir. Los maestros dan a los estudiantes las herramientas para prevenir el acoso escolar. También enseñamos habilidades sociales y emocionales para crear un ambiente escolar acogedor y prevenir el acoso escolar. Esto incluye:
Conciencia social
Habilidades de relacionarse
Toma de decisiones positivas
Las familias también juegan un papel clave. Se le pedirá a su estudiante que le cuente a un adulto si es acosado o si ve que se está acosando en la escuela. Tener una experiencia escolar segura es algo que todos los estudiantes deberían poder disfrutar. Si su estudiante le informa que ha sido intimidado, le pedimos que haga un informe y se comunique con el maestro o el administrador del edificio. Nos tomamos en serio las denuncias de acoso. Investigaremos y responderemos. Queremos que su estudiante se sienta seguro y protegido cuando venga a la escuela.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o desea hablar más, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo.
Dr. Becerra y Sra. Keleny
The third PTA meeting of the 2024-25 school year is next Thursday, November 14 at 5:30pm (Little Canada Media Center). Join us for a LC community post-election environment discussion, learn about upcoming events, meet other families and LC staff, and share your input/ideas regarding your child’s school. Childcare and pizza will be provided. Please use this form to RSVP so we can plan accordingly. It is also possible to join via Zoom where it is possible to view captions translated into your preferred language (link will be sent to those who RSVP). See the full agenda.
La tercera reunión de la PTA del año escolar 2024-25 es el próximo jueves 11 de noviembre a las 5:30 p.m. (Little Canada Media Center). Únase a nosotros para una discusión sobre el entorno postelectoral de la comunidad de LC, conozca los próximos eventos, conozca a otras familias y al personal de LC y comparta sus comentarios/ideas sobre la escuela de su hijo. Se proporcionará cuidado de niños y pizza. Utilice este formulario para confirmar su asistencia para que podamos planificar en consecuencia. También es posible unirse a través de Zoom, donde es posible ver los subtítulos traducidos a su idioma preferido. Ver la agenda completa.
Plan ahead for future PTA meeting and school events here/Planifique con anticipación para futuras reuniones de la PTA y eventos escolares aquí:
Volunteer to Deliver Meals with Meals on Wheels! 🚗 🚙 🍴🍲
We need your help! Volunteer with our Meals on Wheels program to deliver nutritious meals to older adults and adults with disabilities in our community. Meals on Wheels also serves as a wellness visit from friendly volunteers and a way to connect older adults to other community services!
We are seeking more volunteers to pick up the prepared meals from Aŋpétu Téča Education Center around lunch time and deliver them to local houses and apartments. The time commitment is typically from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. on weekdays. If you can’t commit to a regular schedule, we are also looking for people who may be able to sub occasionally!
If you are interested in volunteering and would like more information, please contact mealonwheels@isd623.org or 651 604-3524.
Learn to Sew! 🧵 🪡
Is your child creative and crafty? In this class, Nena will teach students how to sew! Students will learn about basic techniques, different sewing tools, types of stitches, and how to use a sewing machine. They will create a sketch of garments and sew a project of their own design. Student can work at their own pace to sew new and exciting projects!
🗓️ Monday, December 2 (Non-School Day!)
⏰ 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
🌟 Ages 8 - 13 | $115
🟨 🟦 Family LEGO Night - December 9! 🟩 🟪
Calling all builders, inventors, and creative thinkers! Bring your whole family for an evening of creativity and teamwork at our first Family LEGO Night! Unleash your imagination and build unique creations using everyone's favorite building blocks. Spots are limited, so register early.
Enjoy team challenges, LEGO-themed prizes, and family fun for all ages and skill levels. Create your own LEGO mini-fig to bring home! There will also be an optional LEGO swap table at the event. Bring in your gently used LEGO sets to swap them for others that are new to you! Light refreshments and snacks will be available for purchase.
🌀 $45 per team (up to 4 people)
🌀 $5 per additional person
🌀 Monday, December 9 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Taylor's Birthday Pool Party! 💧 🎵 🥳
Is your student a Taylor Swift fan? Do you consider yourself a Swiftie? Come celebrate Taylor Swift’s birthday weekend in the pool at Aŋpétu Téča Education Center! Our musical legend was born on December 13th, 1989. Make a splash to Taylor Swift’s sick beats and embrace her iconic style by testing out our Lover backdrop for the perfect photo op to capture those #SwiftieMemories. $10 child entry, $8 adult entry. Add on a $20 Swiftie party pack with friendship bracelets, goggles, dive toys, glitter beach balls, and more for the ultimate experience!
🗓️ Saturday, December 14, 2024
⏰ Times from 9:30am - 1:15pm (Choose the 45-minute time slot that works best for you!)
Join Us for an Important Community Conversation on Safety & Security
Families, community members, and staff are invited to attend Roseville Area Schools' community meeting on November 20. We'll outline our district’s safety initiatives and explore ways we can all partner to keep our students and staff safe.
We're honored to host Dr. James Densley, a nationally recognized violence prevention expert, award-winning author, and co-founder of The Violence Prevention Project. Dr. Densley will share his valuable insights into preventing school violence, offering a unique learning opportunity for all.
- Date: Wednesday, November 20
- Location: Roseville Area High School
- Time: 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Your presence and partnership matter—let's work together to make our schools safe for everyone!