Shorewood Hills Shark Tooth
April 5th, 2024
We will develop a welcoming school community of global citizens through: Anti-racist practices, strong relationships, and high academic expectations.
I hope everyone has had a great week! Sending a friendly reminder that there is dismissal at 11:30 on Monday. Students who would like a school lunch will be able to have a lunch before going home. You may send a home lunch, as well. Secondly, we will have parent-teacher conferences on Thursday evening and all day Friday. We look forward to connecting with you!
Have a great weekend!
In partnership,
Anne Gillespie
Spring Sing!
You are invited!
Come join us for 2024 Shorewood student performances:
K-1 Program: Thursday, 5/09, 9:10 – 9:40am
2-3 Program: Thursday, 5/09, 10:00 – 10:30am
4-5 Program: Thursday, 5/09, 11:00 – 11:30am
All performances will take place in the main gym.
Nominations Needed for PTO 2024-2025 Positions
The Shorewood Hills Elementary School PTO is a nonprofit parent/teacher organization whose mission is to build and support a strong and inclusive community of parents, teachers, and students by advancing opportunities in the home, school, and the school community. The PTO sponsors programs and events for the school, and raises funds for teachers in the classroom, supplemental educational materials, and general school improvements.
Everyone from the school community is encouraged to join the PTO in an official capacity!
Elections for the 2024-2025 PTO Board will be held in May, and the PTO is looking for school community members who would be interested in joining the Board.
-->Please nominate yourself or another for any open position on the Board using this form.
News from the Library and REACH
Dear Shorewood Families,
We have had a busy third quarter in the library and makerspace. Please see below for information about what the students have worked on over the past few months.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you for your support!
Patricia Hill (library media and technology specialist)
Amanda Argue (REACH teacher)
Library Skills
The students have worked on independently finding and checking out books. Our kindergarten and first grade students have listened to a story every week and all students have been given time for independent reading. The students have also been exploring the online resources available through the library resources folder in Classlink.
The fourth grade and fifth grade classes are participating in a reading challenge program. The students could choose the assigned reading option, the reading survey option, or the Book Bowls option. The Book Bowls will be held on May 6 (fourth grade) and May 9 (fifth grade).
The students have been learning how to be safe, responsible, and respectful digital citizens. Depending on the grade level, the students learned about media balance, powerful passwords, clickbait, and the importance of not sharing personal information online.
Makerspace Projects
The students worked on a kindness week choice board and had the opportunity to be creators using the materials in Shorewood’s makerspace.
Spokes to School
Spring means Spokes to School is coming up! Dust off your bikes, scooters, skateboards, and helmets, and save the date: Wednesday, May 8.
As always, there will be people-powered trains to school and donuts to greet you. More details to come.
Eclipse Resources
A solar eclipse will occur on April 8, 2024 and it can be viewed across the United States. The max view in Madison will be around 2:06 p.m. We have mid-day dismissal that day at 11:30 so students will not be here. However, here are some resources if you are interested in viewing the eclipse with your student!
Learn how to view the solar eclipse safely. Also, here is a Wakelet with resources compiled from a variety of organizations. The Madison Public Library also has free eclipse glasses while supplies last.
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Please find food service menus linked here. There is also an option to subscribe to the menus on iCal or Google calendar.
Resources and Upcoming Dates
Upcoming Dates:
- Monday, April 8th: 4th quarter starts, Mid-day dismissal at 11:30
- Thursday, April 11th: Evening conferences
- Friday, April 12th: No school, all day conferences
- Monday, April 15th: No school
- Wednesday, April 24th, 11:00: Lockdown drill (more info coming)
- Wednesday, April 24th, 5:00-6:30: Science Night!
Help Lines:
Text “HOPELINE” to 741741
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 608-280-2600 or 1-800-273-8255
Briarpatch Helpline: 1-800-798-1126
Trevor Lifeline for LGBTQ+: 1-866-488-7386 or click here for Trevor Text & Trevor Chat
24/7 SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline - 1-800-985-5990
24/7 Parental Stress Line - 1-800-632-8188
- Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS) Help Line: 608-251-4445 or 800-747-4045, If you are in immediate danger, call 911.