Bear Necessities
McReynolds Middle School Newsletter for Parents and Students
October 20, 2024
McReynolds Mission Statement
McReynolds Vision Statement
McReynolds Core Values
Excellence is Expected
Resiliency is Learned
Collaboration is Welcomed
Integrity is Honored
Community is Necessary
Manifesting Academic Results & Victories for Every Learner
October Dates
21-25 - Character Counts Week
23 - SDMC meeting at 5:00 p.m./ McReynolds Vs Holland
24- McReynolds Vs Key Volleyball
25 - Bear Cave open during lunch
28 -11/1 - RED RIBBON WEEK
29 - McReynolds vs Williams Football
30- Passport Support Night 8th Grade Eligible students only
31 - Halloween
Campus Expectations
Excellence is expected. Students should be engaged in their daily learning and should take the opportunity to excel in all classes. Students will be provided tutorials, and interventions daily to be successful throughout the school year.
Expectations in the classroom
Students are expected to engage in all classroom activities which may include but is not limited to turn and talk ( students will turn and talk with a classmate or group about their learning), Whiteboard activity (students utilize a whiteboard to answer their questions), Response Card (students write their responses in complete sentences on a response card and share out), Think-Pair-Share (students will have think time, pair up with a partner and then share out). Students are not allowed to OPT-OUT, it is an expectation that they participate in each activity throughout the instructional period.
Expectations in the Hallway
Students are expected to walk to the right and on a voice-level zero. Should any student not meet those set expectations they will receive a campus consequence of after-school detention. Students must be mindful of others in the learning environment as they travel throughout the building as prohibited behavior can disrupt the learning environment.
Congratulations to McReynolds Teacher of the Month
Mrs. T. Truehill ELA 7th Grade
Congratulations to McReynolds Support Staff of the Month
Mr. L. Salazar 6th Grade Learning Coach
Congratulations to Principal Caesar
Central Division Principal of the Year and
HISD Principal of the Year
Pizza, Popsicles, and Principal of the Year
Campus Celebrations
Algebra 1 Class
Scored #1 in District, All Middle Schools, and in the DIVISION/NES on Cycle 1 Assessment
HISD Character Counts! WEEK
October 21 -25
Dress Code
At McReynolds Middle School we do REQUIRE ALL STUDENTS to be in uniform. If students are out of dress code parents will be contacted to bring/provide the appropriate clothing needed for the student.
Students who have continuous dress code infractions will have consequences per the code of conduct/student handbook. If you are in need of support for uniforms please fill out the form here.
Students are able to wear the color of the day shirt with appropriate bottoms during the week of October 21-25.
Free Dress/Theme Days
When students have been awarded free dress/theme dress day please make sure that your student adheres to the dress code for Free DRESS/Theme Day. Parents and Students will be notified when there is Free Dress or Theme Days.
- No tights, leggings, spandex
- No pants with holes, rips, tears,
- No shorts/skirts/dresses that are more than 1 inch above the knee
- No spaghetti strap shirts, crop tops, low cut
- No Crocs, slippers, slides, shoes without backs. Must be closed toed
- No HOODIES allowed at any time
- No clothing with inappropriate messaging/pictures
- No bandanas, head scarves, wraps
Women in TECH!
24- 25 School/Parent Compact
McReynolds School Market Food Bank
October 23, 2024 from 9-12
In Need of Assistance
Please submit a Student Assistance form
Getting Ready for 8th - Costa Rica 7th- Boston MS.
Click on picture below to complete Student Interest form by October 21st.
24- 25 Football
For all home games there will be a $5 entry fee for all guest. Only cash will be accepted. Concessions will be sold at all home games. Students will not be able to remain at school to wait until a game starts. Students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to all afterschool events.
Homecoming Game
Great Job Mighty Bears on bringing home the Win for Homecoming!!
24 -25 Volleyball
Urban Healing Houston Presents
This year, UrbanHealing Houston has hired a professional artist to create a large-scale chalk art piece on Benson Street, right in front of the Louis White Grocery store. We are collaborating with local students from the community, and we would love to engage McReynolds students in this exciting project.
We welcome participation from all grades, and there is no age limit. This is a wonderful opportunity for your students to create live art in the community, alongside a professional artist. If you would like for your student to participate please email your information to Urbanhealinghtx@gmail.com.
The event is free and open to all students and their families. In addition to the street chalk art, we will have a variety of cultural performances, live music, over 75 vendors, a reptile petting station, book giveaways, robotics engineering class opportunities, and much more.
Red Ribbon Week 24-25
October 28 - November 1
HISD Superintendent Holiday Card Contest
Superintendent Holiday Greeting Card Contest
This year the Houston Independent School District’s official Holiday Greeting Card will again feature student artwork on its cover. All student finalists, including the winning designs chosen by Superintendent Miles, receives recognition on the HISD website, a set of special HISD holiday cards, and are invited to a special reception hosted by the Superintendent. There will be a winner selected from each school level and announced at the reception.
Project Guidelines
•The submission exemplifies artistry is original; copy written images will be disqualified.
•The work should be balanced and colorful to sustain post-production.
•Each participating school should submit only ONE piece of artwork no later than Friday, October 25, 2024. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Good luck and thank you for your support of this project. The Superintendent looks forward to reviewing the creative designs of our very talented artists and showcasing their artwork to the greater Houston community.
Are you interested in Coding????
Be on the look out for sign up for Girls Who Code. It's not just for girls. Anyone interested in learning how to code can join! Be sure to sign up during your lunch time/breakfast time on the sign up sheet. More info to come soon.
District Parent Resources
Past Newsletters
August 2: https://secure.smore.com/n/h9m0p
August 11: https://secure.smore.com/n/u3s7a
August 16: https://secure.smore.com/n/jv6s9
August 18: https://secure.smore.com/n/jv6s9
August 25:https://secure.smore.com/n/5y4tm
September 3: https://secure.smore.com/n/qx1e4
September 14:https://secure.smore.com/n/cb8wj
September 29: https://secure.smore.com/n/u06hv
John L. McReynolds
Website: https://www.houstonisd.org/mcreynolds
Location: 5910 Market Street, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 713-671-3650
Twitter: @McReynolds_HISD
Principal at McReynolds Middle School in Houston Independent School District