Parent Update

September 22, 2024
It has been a great first month of our school year. There have been many kids in our primary school entering Winfield 34 for the first time. It has been great to see them develop relationships with their teachers and their peers. We have had wonderful weather which has allowed me to see the smiles and hear the laughter they share as they actively play on the Primary school blacktop. A month in these new students seem to be having a great deal of fun. During this time, we have also done a fair bit of assessment. Students have participated in the NWEA Math and Reading assessments and our younger students have spent time doing the Fastbridge reading assessments. This data helps us understand where our students are at and develop plans to support their growth. This early assessment period also provides a baseline of data to measure growth throughout the year. Last week at our School Improvement Half Day, the staff had time to analyze their students data and begin to identify learning experiences that will help the students grow.
Every once in a while we have the opportunity to celebrate our graduates. It has been great to see many of our former students contributing at West Chicago High School, St. Francis, and Wheaton Academy. I have seen many football highlights with Robbie Lee, Roman Zolota, Josh Janowick, and Frank Ziberna as they have worked to a 2-1 early season record. I also received word that former students Maggie Stewart and Declan Tibble had earned National Merit Scholarship Commendations.
Board of Education News
The Winfield 34 Board of Education will be having their next Board Meeting on Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 7pm. Here are some of the highlights:
Presentations/Discussion - Student Recognition, Winfield Primary HVAC, Fall Data Presentation, & TIF 2
Approvals - Hiring of lunch supervisor, hiring of morning crossing guard, 2nd reading and approval of policies
Here is the agenda for the Regular Board Meeting.
Public comments can be shared through the Google form or live at the meeting.
Winfield Public Library Blood Drive
The Winfield Public Library will be hosting next Winfield Community Blood Drive on Thursday, September 26, from 3:00 – 7:00 pm. Click here for more information and here to register.
Winfield 34 PTO and Winfield Education Foundation (WEF) News
LAST CHANCE to order Spirit Wear!
Show your Tiger pride on Fridays (or any day!) with our spirit wear! We’ve extended the sale! Today is your last chance to order spirit wear for this school year! Check out the online store here!
Thank you for your donations!
Thank you to all the families that donated snacks and appetizers for the teachers on curriculum nights and candy for the teachers lounge! There will be other opportunities throughout the school year to donate items. We really appreciate your support!
Volunteers Needed for Student Directory!
We are still looking for a few more volunteers to help with folding and stapling the student directory. This project will happen at the end of September and days/times will be determined to fit with the volunteers’ schedules. If you are interested in helping, please sign up here.
Community Spotlight:
Lions Panzek Martial Arts Open House
Join our partners at Lions Panzek Martial Arts this Saturday from 1-4pm for martial arts intro classes, touch a truck by the Winfield Fire Department, Stranger Danger presentation by the WFPD, prizes, snacks, and an incredible enrollment special (parents need to be present to take advantage of the one day only enrollment special)! Check out the flyer in our virtual backpack or go here.
Winfield Public Library-Retirement Celebration for Miss Nuccia Winfield Public Library’s beloved children’s librarian Nuccia Choate has retired after 27 years of service. During that time she has instilled a love of reading and libraries in hundreds of Winfield children and families through storytime, crafts, and special programs. Her enthusiasm, kindness, and creativity helped make the Library welcoming to every child in our community. Please join community members in the meeting room at the Winfield Public Library this Saturday, September 21 between 10:00 a.m. and noon for fun and refreshments as we wish her well. There will be opportunities to take photos with Miss Nuccia and share your favorite stories.
Parent Learning Opportunities
The GPS Parent Series hosts a variety of Parent Education Events. Here is an overview of their parent learning opportunities for the year. Events coming soon include:
Dr. Andrew Solomon - Far From the Tree: The Many Ways of Unconditional Love and Acceptance (September 26, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Edward Hallowell - Driven to Distraction: The New Science to Shift from Deficits to Strengths – ADHD & More (September 30, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Mariana Proske Gutierrez, B-PAC: Early Childhood Event -- Criar al niño pequeño a través de crisis, mala conducta y rabietas / Parenting the Young Child Through Meltdowns, Misbehavior and Tantrumsl - Driven to Distraction: The New Science to Shift from Deficits to Strengths – ADHD & More (October 2, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Jeffrey Selingo Who Gets In And Why: A Year Inside College Admissions (October 8, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Lissete Ochoa and Lizette Ramirez Planificar el éxito en el instituto y más allá: El proceso de solicitud de ingreso en la Universidad / Planning for Success in High School and Beyond: The College Application Process.(October 10, 7 - 8:30pm) Please click here for more information.
- Dr. John Duffy Rescuing Our Teens: 8 Solutions to Our Crisis of Disaffected Youth (October 17, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Laura Koehler Teen Anxiety and School Anxiety: Dealing with Resistance and Refusal (October 22, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Melinda Wenner Moyer How to Raise Teens You Want to Spend Time With: Science-based Strategies for Responsible, Respectful Kids (October 29, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Ron Lieber The Price You Pay for College: An Entirely New Road Map for the Biggest Financial Decision Your Family Will Ever Make (November 7, 12-1:30pm and 7-8:30pm) Please click here for more information.
The DuPage Regional Office Of Education is leading a Mommy and Me Parent Support Group. Meetings will be October 11, November 8th, and December 13th. Please click here for more information.