Pierce School Weekly Newsletter
Monday, February 17th to Friday, February 21st
Public Hearing on Petitioned Warrant Articles - Bennington Residents Encouraged
Public Hearing on Petitioned Warrant Articles
The ConVal School District invites all residents to a Public Hearing at Pierce School to discuss the budget cap petition warrant article, and how this would affect students.
The event will be held on Thursday, February 20, 2025, at 6:30 PM in the MultiPurpose Room at Pierce School. A snow date has been scheduled for Saturday, February 22, 2025, at 1:00 PM.
We encourage all residents to attend, hear from key speakers, and participate in the discussion on these important topics affecting our community.
Thursday, Feb 20, 2025, 06:30 PM
Pierce Elementary School, Main Street, Bennington, NH, USA
Calling all 4th Grade Singers!
4th graders and DCS 5th graders are invited to participate in a group performance at this concert with students from PES, AES, GBS, SMS, and CVHS!
Wednesday, March 19th 2024
6:30pm ConVal High School
Students are asked to arrive at 6:15pm
Attire: Wear all black!
In the interest of time, each choir will perform one song followed by the finale with all singers.
Special of the Week: PE/Health with Mr. LeGraw
Reminder: Please send in sneakers for PE
Our Student Assembly on Monday, 2/10 was a hit! Students were celebrated...
Thank you to the families who were able to attend our rescheduled assembly date!
Art News from Mr. Melle
BES Art, February 2025
This week our BES artists started building sculptures for the Children and the Arts parade. They designed sculptures that are festive, sturdy, visible from a distance, and transportable. They began by brainstorming ideas, building structures, and constructing forms from cardboard. Next they will decorate their sculptures with texture and color.
I look forward to helping students complete their sculptures when I return for the week of April 7th. Students and family members are encouraged to carry their artwork in the Children and the Arts parade on May 17th. More information will be coming soon! Thank you for supporting creativity!
Justin Melle
Art Teacher 🖌️
Monday, 2/17 - Delayed Opening due to Inclement Weather, 10:20AM Arrival for Students
Wednesday, 2/19 -3rd Grade Walking Trip to GEP Dodge Library, 2:15 – 3:15PM
Thursday, 2/20 - 3rd Grade Field trip to GEP Dodge Library, 2:00 - 2:45PM
Thursday, 2/20 - Ski Program at Crotched Mountain, Students Dismissed at 3PM (Wk 5/6)
Thursday, 2/20 - Pierce Public Hearing on the Petitioned Warrant Articles, Residents Strongly Encouraged to Attend - 6:30 – 8:00pm
Friday, 2/21 - Last Day before vacation, please bring home student's snow gear to wash and clean items over the break 😀
Saturday, 2/22 - (Snow Date) Pierce Public Hearing on Petitioned Warrant Articles, Public strongly encouraged to attend, 1:00PM
*School Vacation - February 24 - 28 - No School for Students
Reminder: Mrs. Pope in Title I - Incentives
A grade level set of Family Literacy Activities was sent home with studetns and a Student Choice Board (Bingo Board) for each student in the school!
If your student completes four or five activities, or more, on their Bingo Board, and returns it to me, I will offer them a trip to my treasure chest for a small prize! Let the Fun Begin!
Mrs. Pope
Amy Pope M.Ed.
Title 1
Pierce Elementary School
Title I Newsletter
100th Day of School on Tuesday, 2/11
Students celebrated the 100th day of school this past Tuesday, 2/11! Lots of activities were done to honor the milestone...including dressing up! Nice work, Pierce School!
Ski/Snowboard Program at Crotched Mountain - 2/20/25
This will be our 5th week of Crotched Mtn. Ski/Snowboarding on Thursday, February 20th (due to the school cancellation last week). Remember to dress in layers and bring snacks!
Reminder: Gear can be left outside against the building if students are carpooling with another adult to the mountain. If students are carpooling, please notify the school by Pickup Patrol, or call the office before 2pm. Students will be dismissed from school at 3pm to go to the mountain to arrive in time for lessons.
Thank you again, Melinda Adams, for facilitating our Ski Club this year! Have a great fifth week out on the mountain and enjoy the trails! 🎿🏂