SHS Weekly Newsletter
January 24, 2025
Student Attendance Reporting - Phone Call, E-mail, & NOW SKYWARD
It is crucial that you communicate with Southport High School when your student is not in attendance, whether it is planned or unplanned. There are several ways you can get in contact with our office:
- You can leave a voicemail on the SHS Attendance Hotline (317-789-4820) at any time. If you need translation assistance, you can call 317-789-4881 with attendance information.
- You can email Attendance at any time.
- You can use your Skyward account to “Add Absence Request” at any time.
If you call or email, please include your student’s first and last name (with spelling), your name and relationship to student, date of absence, date of birth, grade, your phone #, student ID # (if known), and reason for absence or leaving early with pick-up time. If you do not contact SHS before 2:45 pm, you will receive an automated attendance call/text informing you of your students absence via Parent Square. Please do not contact your student’s teacher(s), counselors, etc. to report an absence as this could delay the message the attendance office would need to receive to create a pass for a student.
Additionally, if a student is at school and starts to feel unwell, they will need to report to the nurse’s office. If the student would then need to go home, the clinic will contact the parent and/or guardian directly for pick up. If you are receiving emails and/or text messages from your student, please encourage them to go to the clinic. We want to keep our students in a learning environment providing they are well.
- Login to Skyward
- Open the Main Menu and select the correct student if you have multiple students in Perry Township
- Select Attendance
- Select Absence Requests
- Select Add Request
- Select date(s), all day or times, reason from drop-down (vacation, dr. appt, ill, or funeral), and add comments
To change your login or password information in Skyward
- Log into Skyward Family Access
- Select the ‘My Account’ link in the upper right corner next to your name
- Click on the ‘Change Password’ or ‘Change Login’ button on the right side
- Enter the requested information
- Click ‘Save’ to finalize the change
If you do not know your login and/or password, click on the Forgot your Login/Password? link on the Skyward Family Access login page.
For questions regarding Skyward Family Access, absences, or how to report an absence, please email Attendance.
Free Dental Clinic for Kids
February 8, 2025
9 - 12 pm
up to 16 years old
No Appointment Required
Student Drop Off - Door 12 (Auditorium Entrance)
Please follow the traffic pattern shown below for morning student drop off in order to get cars off of Shelby Street and into the parking lot safely. There are lines painted at the entrance to guide you into this traffic formation.
If you are the first vehicle to unload, pull up and around the circle. Please have your child ready to exit the vehicle when stopped. We would like to have at least 5 vehicles unloading at a time to speed up this process. Do not pull around vehicles that are stopped when students are unloading. Be safe and always watch out for pedestrians.
As we move into colder weather please remember that blankets are NOT permitted on Perry Township school buses or in school buildings.
Graduation Orders
Class of 2025 Families,
We wanted to let you know that Jostens presented graduation order information to all SHS Seniors. During the meeting, students received packets with all of the ordering information and products available. If a student was absent or has misplaced their packet, extras are available in the SHS Main Office and Counseling Office.
Families are able to order online at Jostens.com . There are a lot of items available to purchase, but the ONLY thing you MUST order if you plan to participate in the graduation ceremony is the cap, gown and tassel. This is called the "Cap & Gown Unit" which costs $39. All students need to wear the Jostens red cap and gown with the 2025 tassel in order to participate in the SHS graduation ceremony on Friday, May 30th. All other items from Jostens are optional for you to order.
If you have any questions about ordering or payment, please reach out to our Jostens representative, Mr. Brad Long, at 317-501-8853 or brad.long@jostens.com . Mr. Long even shared this brief video to remind you about ordering.
We know senior year is an exciting and stressful time so please feel free to reach out to SHS if there are any additional questions we can answer.
As Always, Go Cards!
Financial Assistance Forms
In order for Southport High School and Perry Township Schools to receive the appropriate state and federal funding, it is necessary that ALL eligible families still complete the financial assistance form. Directions on how to apply are linked below.
Financial assistance directions - English
Financial assistance directions - Chin
Financial assistance directions - Spanish
Students please remember to check Naviance for Scholarships
The FAFSA is NOW Open!!
Prepare To Fill Out the 2025–26 FAFSA® Form
Before you start your FAFSA form, here are some ways you can get ready:
Learn about the documents you may need to fill out the FAFSA form.
Determine your dependency status and whether your parent(s) or spouse will be required to contribute information on your FAFSA form.
If you’re a dependent student, use the Who’s My FAFSA Parent? wizard to identify which parent(s) will be a required contributor on your form.
Scheduling for the 2025 - 2026
Scheduling for the 2025-2026 school year has begun! Counselors are meeting throughout November, December and January with students to finalize their course selections. We appreciate your patience as we work to meet with every student.
Please reach out to our Counseling Department if you have any questions. We look forward to a great year ahead and thank you for the support guiding your student toward a successful future!
Parents/Guardians are able to create Canvas accounts to follow along with their students. When creating a new account, use the pairing code provided by your student. Your student can obtain this code on their Canvas settings page under: Account->Settings->Pair with Observer. This will generate a code valid for 24 hours. Use this code to create a new account on the “Parent of a Canvas User?” link on the top of the login page.
Attention Parents and Students!
It is required by the state that every student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Before you dive into the FAFSA application, you will need a special key – your Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID. This unique identifier is your ticket to accessing and signing your FAFSA securely. Here's a quick guide on how to create your FSA ID:
Step 1: Gather Your Information. Make sure you have your Social Security Number, email address, phone number and some basic personal information handy. It's also a good idea to have your driver's license if you have one.
Step 2: Go to the FSA ID Website. Visit the official Federal Student Aid website at FSA ID Look for the "Get Started" button and click it.
Step 3: Start the Process. You'll be prompted to enter your basic information, including your name, date of birth, and social security number. Make sure the information you provide matches what's on your official government documents.
Step 4: Choose Your Username and Password. Select a unique username and password. Make it something you can remember easily, but secure enough to protect your personal information.
Step 5: Enter Your Email Address. Provide a valid email address that you have access to. This email will be used to verify your identity and receive important information about your FSA ID.
Step 6: Complete the Challenge Questions. Set up challenge questions and answers. These will serve as an additional layer of security to protect your FSA ID.
Step 7: Verify Your Email Address. Check your email for a verification link. Click on the link to confirm your email address. This step is crucial to completing the FSA ID creation process.
Step 8: Review and Accept Terms. Carefully read through the terms and conditions. Once you've done that, accept them to finalize the creation of your FSA ID.
Congratulations! You've successfully created your FSA ID! Keep this information in a safe place, as you'll use it every time you log in to complete or update your FAFSA.
Important New information for the School Year
Please review the Dress Code Guidelines and Electronic Device policy
The expectations for student dress at Southport High School are outlined here.
The expectations for student personal electronic devices are outlined here.
Important information for students regarding expectations, safety and student success. This was shown to students at school on 7/31/24. Students are responsible for knowing the information in this video.
Community Pantry
The food pantry previously housed at SHS has now moved to the Perry Township Academic Center. If you have students/families in need of food and supplies, feel free to reach out to our social worker, Kelly Dudley, so she can work with the family.
Perry Township Community Pantry @ Perry Township Academic Center Door 12 (2115 East Southport Road) on Tuesdays from 3-6pm
Parents & Student Drivers
Drivers must get a school parking permit in order to park at SHS. You must fill out this form and it will cost $5. Please slow down when arriving to and leaving from school. The morning drive to school can be very dark and we have many students who walk or ride their bike to school. Our school is surrounded by neighborhoods in which speed limits are reduced. Please drive safely.
Student Drivers
Students who drive to school must meet the following criteria:
Students must have a valid driver’s license
Students must park in the student parking lot at Southport High School and not on surrounding streets or parking lots.
Students who legally drive to school must purchase a parking pass from the main office
The SHS parking pass needs to be displayed in the registered vehicle that parks at school
Students must observe posted speed limits and drive safely
Only students that are approved as “Senior Unassigned” are permitted to leave campus and return during their senior unassigned times.
Students who drive to school that do not have a valid driver's license:
First Offense
Will receive a parking ticket
Car keys will be confiscated
The student’s parent or guardian will be contacted and will be responsible for driving the vehicle in question off of school grounds.
Second Offense (and every offense after the second offense)
The car will be towed at the cost of the registered owner of the vehicle
CIESC Driver Education at DriverEdSafety.com
Is your 15 year old student ready to learn how to drive a car? If so, check out our partners at CIESC Driver Education at DriverEdSafety.com. There you can find information about how to register for the 30 hour online course and 6 hours of behind the wheel training. If you have additional questions you can call 317-759-5560 or speak with Mr. Cissell in the Business Department.
New Classroom Restroom Protocol
Parents and Students: Our MSD of Perry Township has a great resource available in our Student Success Handbook. In the Student Success Handbook you will find many helpful resources regarding school attendance, behavior expectations, academic expectations and other important resources for students and families. Please click the link above and familiarize yourself with this important information.
Beginning 10/24/2023 Southport HS will be implementing a new restroom policy in order to increase classroom time for students and reduce the number of students in the hallways and restrooms during class time.
Classroom Restroom Protocol
1. Student requests to use the restroom.
2. Upon teacher approval, students will take their student ID and exchange it for the classroom restroom lanyard and ID.
3. Upon return from the restroom the student will return the classroom restroom lanyard and ID and reclaim their own lanyard and ID.
4. Students who do not have their ID can go to the restroom with teacher permission and the teacher will submit a Student Conduct Referral for "refusal to wear ID"
Students will need a handwritten yellow pass to take with them to the restroom in this scenario.
No Student Food/Beverage Deliveries OR Outside Food Allowed
Attention Parents:
Please remember that NO FOOD deliveries are allowed for students, and there is NO outside food permitted in the building. If food is brought in, it will be kept in the main office and may be picked up at the end of the day.
Donations Needed
The clinic is in need of the following donations: NEW packages of womens underwear, gently used women's leggings and sweats. Donations can be dropped off at the main office. We appreciate your support.
We’d like to extend a HUGE thank you to PLATO’s Closet for their recent clothing donation to the clinic!
Medical Plans
Medical plans must be updated every year. If your student has a medical condition that requires care at school please contact the clinic at 317-789-4841.
Students are required to be compliant with immunizations to remain in school. If you have questions regarding your student’s immunizations please contact the clinic at 317-789-4841.
Athletic News
Southportcardinals.com - Same Name, New Look
The athletic department has launched our new website in conjunction with Eventlink (the same company we use for scheduling, contracts, and tickets). Visit Southportcardinals.com to get all of your information in one place! We are excited to have one centralized location for real time information.
Upcoming Events
GBB JV/V vs Crispus Attucks 6/7:30pm
Bowling Regionals @ Classic Bowling Lanes 9:00am
Freshman Wrestling County @ Speedway 9:00am
JV Wrestling State @ Ben Davis 10:00am
BBB F/JV/V vs Terre Haute North 12:00/1:30
GBB JV/V @ Franklin Central 6/7:30pm
Freshman BBB vs Cathedral 6:00pm
Swimming vs Warren Central 6:00pm
GBB JV/V vs Greenfield Central 6/7:30
Student Admission + Ticket Prices
All Sports Passes
SHS will be offering all-sports passes to students, adults, and families for the 24-25 school year. Passes are available either digitally or in card form and can be purchased online (credit/debit) or in the athletic department office. We will be selling passes at the first home game of all varsity sports as well
Student Pass: $30 (cash/card/online) (Must have student ID at event)
Adult Pass: $75 (cash/card/online)
Family Pass: $200 (cash/card - not available online)
To purchase your digital pass, please visit southportcardinals.com/tickets and click on the Season Passes tab.
The Southport Sports Med program is in search of charitable donations of miscellaneous medical supplies (crutches, walking boots, braces, etc.) If you have any of these supplies just cluttering up your space and would like to donate them to the athletic training department, it would be greatly appreciated! We will accept all items, in any condition. If you have a donation, you can bring your items to the Athletic Office at any time during the school year. We would like to thank you in advance for your generosity. Every little bit helps!
Physical Information & Final Forms
In order for your child to try out, they will need to make sure that they have 1) an approved Physical Examination completed by a doctor and 2) their online FinalForms filled out.
Click here to download a copy of the IHSAA Sports Physical.
Click here to complete your FinalForms.
IHSAA Pre-Participation Guidance
All students need to turn in a Pre-Participation Physical Exam form and complete the Perry Township FinalForms online forms prior to the first practice. Paper copies are available in the Athletic Department office. Digital links for a physical form and FinalForms can be found here:
Online Enrollment—Secured Accident Coverage can be purchased any time throughout the year.
Volunteers and Visitors
All visitors must present a picture ID and scan their ID with the front office staff. This scan will check the National Sex Offender Registry but a full background check is not necessary. The visitor background check is free of charge.
A visitor is anyone who:
- Has a meeting with the principal
- Has a meeting with the teacher
- Guest speakers are considered visitors
A volunteer is anyone who:
- Attends a classroom party
- Assists in a classroom such as tutors/helpers/room parents
- PTA volunteers
A SafeVisitor volunteer background check is $15.95 and is valid for three years. (These background checks can take three to six days to process, so please plan accordingly.) The background check is a national screening process that includes a Social Security and address verification and checks the following: National Criminal Database, National Sex Offender Registry, Statewide Criminal, County Criminal, and Federal Criminal Courts. This background check also includes the Arrest Alert program, which will notify Perry Township Schools of arrests after the initial background check has been approved.
Once your background check is approved, you will receive an email from info@safevisitorsolutions.com with a badge in PDF form. You can print it and carry it with you, save it to your phone as a picture, or save the email with the approval and the barcode.
Please use the following link to apply for a volunteer: