Notre Dame News
November 18-22

Protect me, O God, for in you I take refuge.
Psalm 16
What's Happening
Monday, November 18
- Day A
- Cultural Connections (NDHS and Lunch)
Tuesday, November 19
- Day B
- Benelux, Paris & London Trip Meeting @ 7:00pm (amphitheater)
Wednesday, November 20
- Day A
Thursday, November 21
- Day B
- School Council Meeting @ 6:30pm
Friday, November 22
- Day A
Important Information
Thank you to all the families who signed up for Parent-Teacher Interviews! It was wonderful to connect with our families. As we reflect on the two nights, and think to the future of next semester's interviews, we are asking for parent/student feedback on the interview process and format. Please take a minute to complete this 3 question survey. Thank you!
School Messenger Text Messaging Service
Fun at Notre Dame
English 20-1 acted out skits for the banquet scene in Macbeth.
The highlight might have been when one of the French Immersion students, who played Macbeth, spoke French to represent how incoherent he was for everyone else around him.
Clubs and Activities
Guitar Club
All students interested in joining a Guitar Club please see
Mr. Johnston in Room 2501
Wednesday's during lunch.
ND Basketball
Tryouts are this week!
Boys Tryouts
Monday, November 18 (3:45-5:15)
Tuesday, November 19 (3:30 - 5:00)
Wednesday, November 20 (3:45 - 5:15)
Girls Tryouts
Monday, November 18 (5:15-6:45)
Tuesday, November 19 (5:15-6:45)
Wednesday, November 20(5:15-6:45)
Fine Arts
Grad 2025
Grad Fundraising
It's that time of the year - Grad poinsettia fundraising sale!
Each grad must pay a $45 fundraising fee, or participate in a school fundraiser.
Sell 8 plants and your fundraising fee will be waived
Orders with full payment are due to the ND office on Nov 21. Pick up your poinsettia vouchers from the office and exchange them for the poinsettia of your choice at Parkland Garden Centre.
Download your order form here
Orders due NOVEMBER 21
Learning Commons
Career Centre
Volunteer Opportunities
ND Blood Donation
Our next group donation is Nov 29! We still have 9 spots left between 12 and 1pm.
Join our team and save lives!
Our next group donation is set for Friday Nov 29 PD day.
We have 15 appointments between 11:55 and 12:45
Join us to donate then, or join the team and donate another time,
but please, join our team and donate!
Encourage your friends, neighbours, family, anywhere in Canada! Please join, donate and save lives!
International Trips
Important Trip Meeting: Benelux, Paris & London
Information meeting on November 19 at 7:00 pm in the amphitheatre.
This meeting is for new prospective travelers ONLY!
Those who have already signed up do not need to attend.