Middle School Update

March 20, 2025
Upcoming Events
Tues, March 18 - Fri, March 21: Francoparty Week. Lunch activities for students all week!
Wednesday, March 26: Purple Shirt Day supporting epilepsy awareness
Wednesday, March 26: Parent Academic Information Evening - Grade 8 parents only. Details below.
Friday, March 28: Last day of phys. ed. classes for winter (Term 2)
Monday, March 31: Ped Day - no classes for students
Tuesday, April 1 and Wednesday, April 2: First days of phys. ed. Term 3 classes
Thursday, April 3 and Friday, April 4: Senior School Play performances 7pm each evening
Friday, April 18: Easter holiday - school closed
Monday, April 21: Easter holiday - school closed
Saturday, April 26: Red Cross Babysitting Course at ECS
Need to Know
Middle School announces February Veritas Students of the Month: We are proud to honour students each month, nominated by teachers in recognition of going above and beyond Veritas culture. Congratulations to the students: Alexis Robitaille (7-2), Shane Brown ((7-4), William Elhami (7-4), John Sabbagh (8-1), William Rémillard (8-1), and Oliver Speirs (8-2). We thank them for their outstanding contributions! Wear your Golden Tie with pride!
Congratulations to students who achieved high honours (90% or above) in their overall average on the Term 2 Report Card. We are also extremely proud of the students who received the highest possible Effort and Conduct scores in every one of their subjects this term. Students were acknowledged and received certificates at MS Assembly this week.
Grade 7: Marco Bai, Zach Beckerleg, Elies Boukadoum, William Elhami, Ben Fraenkel, Matthew Gelber, Brandon Hao, Abner Hu, Theo Kau, James Lalli, Alex Maietta, Mmuso Makgala, Edi Obenaus, Liam Sarhan, Winston Tang, Liam Velan, Haiyuan Wang, Nico Ward, Connor Wei, and Nicholas Yotis.
Grade 8: Matej Blasch, Luke Brydges, Bernie Gao, Darshan Gursahaney, Arvin Kazemi, Vincent Landry, Matthew Li, Adi Raisman, Oliver Sierra Veilleux, Leo Vainberg
Effort and Conduct: Matthew Gelber, Abner Hu, James Lalli, Alex Maietta, Edi Obenaus, Haiyuan Wang, Nico Ward
Get organized for Term 3! Term 3 is worth 60% of the overall grade. We encourage students to take advantage of our tutorials in math, science, French, and geography. Focus (supervised after-school homework room) is available on a drop in basis from 2:50-5:50pm Monday-Thursday and 3-4:30pm Friday. For more details and fees contact Ms. Beech.
2025-2026 Parent Academic Information Evening on Wednesday, March 26 @ 7:00 pm. This presentation is for parents of students currently in Grade 8. At 7pm, Grade 8 parents will meet in the Rossy Agora with Mr. Banerjee, Head of Senior School, regarding the transition to Senior School, and then move to Coristine Hall to hear about Grade 9 course option selections for 2025-2026. Students are welcome but not required to attend; presentations will be made to students at school. For more information contact Mr. Matt McCarney. All parents will be emailed a copy of the presentation after March 26.
Écoutez bien! Le membre du personnel du Middle School, dans le cadre de la semaine des Francofolies du Middle School, a répondu à un court sondage. Voici une liste de lecture musicale avec les suggestions données par les membres du Middle School! Pour découvrir de nouveaux artistes et de nouvelles chansons, vous devez cliquer sur les images des artistes! Bonne écoute!
Purple Day - March 26: Started as a grassroots movement, Purple Day (also known as "The Purple Day Act") is a day dedicated to raising awareness and educating people about epilepsy worldwide. Falling on March 26 every year, it started in 2008 when Cassidy Megan from Canada wanted to share her story and experiences living with epilepsy and end stigmas about it. She chose purple because lavender is the flower recognized for epilepsy. Students are invited to wear a purple shirt in place of their school uniform shirt on Wednesday, March 26 to support Purple Day and raise awareness about epilepsy.
Math League Competition Winners: Congratulations to everyone for their participation and to our winners! For context, students with a score of over 14 should be commended, and VERY few students on a national level achieve a score of 24 or higher. We are very proud! In Grade 7: Allen Qi (26 points), Edi Obenaus (24 points), and Brandon Hao (22 points). In Grade 8: Leo Vainberg (26 points), Bernie Gao (24 points), and Marc Wu (22 points).
Register Now! Red Cross Babysitting Course: Sign up here! This certification course will be held at ECS on Saturday, April 26, 2025 from 8:30am-4:00pm. Grade 7-9 students from ECS and SHS will learn first aid skills, leadership and professional conduct for use in any capacity (babysitting, day camps, sports teams, etc.). It is also a great addition to a young person’s CV. The cost is $80/person.
Visit our MS Update page for news and action items you may have missed, such as:
- Important Dates document for the 2025-2026 school year
- Des ressources pour devenir un griffon francophile - L'édition pour le mois d'octobre et l'édition pour décembre
- Clubs, Tutorials and Activities for Middle School Students - descriptions and calendar