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Mastering Cultural Identity Back to School Night!
What is Mastering Cultural Identity?
African American students in the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) lack support in developing a positive sense of cultural identity and an understanding of the unique assets and contributions Black people have made to the United States and the world. To disrupt persistently inequitable outcomes for African American students, the African American Achievement and Leadership Initiative (AAALI) believes that we must design classrooms that simultaneously increase academic capacity and skills while also building a sense of cultural self-esteem and identity. Furthermore, we hold that positive cultural self-esteem and identity are an entry point for success as a learner in school.
Originally developed through the African American Male Achievement (AAMA) department in Oakland Unified School District (OUSD), the Mastering Cultural Identity Course (MCI) is an academic mentoring model that offers classes taught by African American Facilitators, during the school day, in select K–12 schools. MCI lessons draw on historical and contemporary African and African American culture to support students as they explore their identity options, learn how to manage their emotions, learn how to channel their personal will, and develop a positive sense of purpose for themselves, their families, and their communities.
For more information, contact Bobby Pope, Elementary and Middle Schools Partnership Manager (popeb1@sfusd.edu)