BRMS Newsletter Week Of 11/1/24
Everything you need to know!
Important Upcoming Dates
Nov. 1: Round One Of Choice Enrollment Opens (See below for new rules)
Nov. 1: Round One Of Open Enrollment Opens (See below for new rules)
Nov. 3: Daylight Savings Time Ends - set clocks back one hour
Nov. 4-Dec. 5: Annual Food Drive
Nov. 6: LHS Open House - 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Nov. 13: MVHS Open House - 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Nov. 14: Drama Fall Production - PUFFS - 7:00pm
Nov. 15: Drama Fall Production - PUFFS - 7:00pm
Nov. 19: BHS Open House - 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Nov. 20: TVHS Open House - 5:00pm to 6:30pm (Updated)
Nov. 20: Loveland Classical Open House - 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Nov. 25-29: Thanksgiving Break - No School
Dec. 5: LISA AAA Showcase - 5:30pm to 6:00pm
Dec. 12: Band Concert - 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Dec. 13: Winter Dance - 4:15pm to 6:00pm
Dec. 17: Choir Concert - 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Dec. 20: Round One Of Choice Enrollment Closes
Dec. 23-Jan. 3: Winter Break - No School
Jan. 6: No School For Students Only - Teacher Work Day
Jan. 7: No School For Students - PD Day For Teachers
From the Principal's Desk
BRMS Families,
Halloween happened. And it was SO MUCH FUN! Our 6th graders got to participate in a treasured tradition of touring the infamous BRMS bunker, hearing the tales of the lucky brick, Leonard the ghost and more. Our students showed up in costumes, staff transformed into minions. In the middle school adult world, we are definitely treasuring the rest this weekend, but it was so great to see our students having fun with the Halloween holiday.
Here are some of the things I want you to be aware of for the coming week(s). I will cover some of this in detail in the video below.
Parent Engagement Night
SAVE THE DATE! I want to invite you a night of food and connection here at BRMS on Tuesday, 11/19 from 5:00-6:30.
There will be a special presentation from Dr. Kleiber (Who you ask?) Dr. Kleiber is an amazing educator who is working extensively to break barriers down for students and parents in the world of mathematics. (She is also married to your principal!)
There will be breakout sessions with your teachers, food, fun, and giveaways!
More info and details will continue to come- but for today! Please mark your calendar! I hope to see as many of you as possible!
Chronic Absenteeism Update
As you know, we have set a goal to reduce the number of students who are missing a significant amount of school. At this same time last year, 28% of our students were missing 10% or more of their school year. We are down to 26%. It may not seem like much. But the bottom line is, more students were in school for more days. And I’ll take that celebration any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Make each day matter by partnering with us to have your student in school every day!
Panorama Survey-
We hit 94 surveys (this surpasses how many we had last year! THANK YOU! Naturally, we want to push for more! Right now the surveys sent in represent 18% of our available families. I want 25% or more. Click the button below this newsletter to submit yours
As an added bonus, if you submit your newsletter this week, AND submit your name for the panorama survey drawing- you could win a new BRMS lanyard!
Astronomy Club!
Coming to the best middle school around! The First Ever BRMS Astronomy Club. We have a family that is passionate about astronomy and has incredible area connections that want to partner with us to show our students the cosmos!
The first scheduled meeting is on November 14th 4:30-5:30.
See the Flyer below, or click on the button below to RSVP for this amazing club and event!
A special thank you to the Owen family for choosing to make this opportunity available to the Wolf Pack!
- Weather is changing
- Please remind your student to dress in layers for school. We do go outside after lunch.
- Please do not drop your student off before school before 8:30. It is unsafe to have students sitting outside in the cold unsupervised.
One final note before I head into the schedule for the week. The process for choice and open enrollments have changed for 25-26. There is information below this letter. Please read it carefully, and call if you have questions. This is particularly important for 8th grade parents hoping to open enroll/ choice enroll for high school or if you are already open enrolled to BRMS.
School Events and Schedule For Next Week:
Monday 11/4-
½ 6th grade is headed to CYO (Colorado Youth Outdoors)
Boys Basketball vs. PVA @ BRMS
Tuesday 11/5
½ 6th grade is headed to CYO (Colorado Youth Outdoors)
Q2 LISA AAA @ 4:05
BRMS Homework Club 4:10-5:10
Wednesday 11/6
Late start Wednesday schedule (school doors open at 9:40 AM)
8th grade field trip to MVHS to see Laughing Stock
Boys Basketball vs. HPS @ BRMS @ 4:15
LHS Open House for 8th graders @ 5:30
Thursday 11/7
JV Basketball scrimmage before school
Q2 LISA AAA begins @ 4:05
BRMS Homework Club 4:10-5:10
Friday 11/8
JV Boys Basketball scrimmage after school
As of Friday, 94 BRMS parents have filled out the TSD Annual Panorama survey. Thank you! We’d absolutely love to have as many of your voices in that survey as possible!
You can use the link below to access the survey. Thank you again for taking the time to add your voice!
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
John Kleiber
Updated Choice Enrollment And Open Enrollment Information
Choice Enrollment versus Open Enrollment: New Board Policy effective October 2024
Your current boundary is based on the address you have listed in Parent Portal: TSD School Boundary Locator
If you have moved, please email proof of address to Angela Wilson at angela.wilson@tsd.org today!
Proof of address is either the top page of your lease showing your name and property address OR your utility bill (water or electric) showing your name and service address.
Choice Enrollment:
The 25-26 School Year Round One of Choice Enrollment will open November 1, 2024 and will close on December 20, 2024. You do not need to complete this application IF you are a TSD resident (your current address is within the TSD boundaries) and your student is already enrolled in the school they want to attend in the fall.
If you live inside the Thompson School District and wish to attend a school that is outside of your designated attendance area, please apply for Choice Enrollment: Choice Enrollment
Open Enrollment:
Per the NEW Board Policy, families who live outside of the Thompson School District MUST now reapply EVERY year. If you live outside the Thompson School District (your current address is NOT within the TSD boundaries) and wish to attend a TSD school, you MUST apply for Open Enrollment for the 25-26SY (and each year after)! Families living outside of the Thompson School District boundaries should use the Open Enrollment process for their students. Open Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year opens on November 1, 2024 and closes on August 14, 2025.
More information is located at tsd.org/choice.
If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to choice.enrollment@tsd.org or call 970-613-5355.
Climate And Culture Survey
Please take a few minutes to give us this important feedback!
Student Fees
All instructional fees, class course fees and sports fees as applicable have been posted to your student's portal account. Please check your student's portal account for any outstanding fees they may have.
Online Payment Option: Campus Payments
Campus Payments is an online payment system for parents to use as an option to make fee payments by credit or debit card. Parents can pay student fees directly from their parent portal accounts. Parents can pay fees in the portal account by navigating to the fees tab and adding fees owed to their cart. Campus Payments currently accepts Visa, MasterCard and Discover.
You can also pay in the BRMS main office with a credit card, cash or check. Please be advised that all fees that are unpaid remain on your student's account through high school and may delay them from getting their diploma when they graduate.
If you have applied and been approved for free and reduced meals and still see a fee on your student's account, please email a copy of your approval letter to Tracy Ubrun at tracy.ubrun@tsd.org so we can clear your student's fees.
Annual Food Drive Is Coming!
BRMS Athletics News And Updates
Hey Wolfpack!
Boys basketball has two home games this week! Come out and support the team! Playing order is 6,7, 8. JV will scrimmage Thursday morning and Friday after school.
Fees still need to be paid for several athletes - this can be done through the school store or through Infinite Campus under Fees.
Jayna Custer
Physical Education/Health
Athletic Director
Bill Reed MS
970-613-7261College Athletic Recruiting Night
On Wednesday, Nov. 6th at 6:00 p.m. in the Mountain View High School Auditorium there will be a presentation from Todd Kelly. Todd is an expert around the college recruitment process. With the landscape of college athletics having major changes over the last year, it would be good for families to be equipped with this information.
We will also have free pizza for those in attendance.
LHS Open House
The BRMS Wolfpack Store for Swag is OPEN!
Each year we work with Gonzo Screen Printing and Embroidery to create some FABULOUS BRMS gear for you in our community and our students. Their products are quality made, and so comfy!
Your orders can be shipped to your home, or to the school.
Take a look, and start rocking that BRMS Wolfpack PRIDE!
Click here to access the store (or scan the QR code to the right on your phone).
BRMS After School Homework Club
The BRMS After School Homework Club has begun. See flyer below for more information.
BRMS Arts Integration Update
Updates BRMS LISA: 11.1.2024
- Orchestra Intro: Fall 2024
Tuesdays 4:05pm-5:15pm
November 12th
Contact mark.kubichek@tsd.org for additional information - BRMS Drumming Workshops: Wednesdays, 1st Semester
- Q2 LISA AAA Classes:
- 2nd Quarter LISA AAA Details: (October 24–December 5)
Classes Begin: Thursday, October 24 (6 weeks), Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays
Showcase Date: Thursday, December 5, 5:30pm-6:00pm *Mandatory Attendance*
- BRMS 6th Grade @ CYO/Loveland Art Museum: Monday/Tuesday, November 4 & 5
- BRMS 8th Grade @ MVHS: Laughing Stock, Wednesday, November 6
- BRMS Drama Fall Production: PUFFS
School Performance: Tuesday, November 12
Thursday, November 14 @ 7pm • $10 cash/check at the door • $5 5/under
Friday, November 15 @ 7pm • $10 cash/check at the door • $5 5/under
- MHVS LISA @ BRMS: (Advisory) Wednesday, November 13
- BRMS Creator Day: Tuesday, December 10
- BRMS Choir @ Hillcrest: 6th/8th Thursday, December 12
- BRMS Band Concert: Thursday, December 12
- BRMS @ Thescon: Thursday, December 12
- 5th Grade Holiday Concert: Monday, December 16
- BRMS Choir Concert: Tuesday, December 17
BRMS 2024-2025 Yearbooks On Sale Now
Order your 2024-2025 BRMS Yearbook now using the QR code!
8th Grade Parents Only!
Mile High Basketball With The Denver Nuggets
Awesome opportunity to come out to a game at a discounted rate and help raise funds for the Thompson School District.
Turkey Trot
Thanksgiving and the Turkey Trot are quickly approaching! The Turkey Trot is an awesome way to kickstart Thanksgiving Day! Please see the flyer below for details.
Thompson Educational Equity Council- Parent Opportunity
Are you an adult family, staff, or student member of the TSD Community who is interested in learning about how TSD addresses equity, diversity, and inclusion? If so, sign-up to join the TSD Educational Equity Council (TEEC)! We will host quarterly meetings this school year to increase knowledge of the equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) work throughout TSD.
We are seeking broad and diverse community participation to help us move our work forward in alignment with the TSD Strategic Plan and TSD Board Policies related to Educational Equity (Policy ADB), Equal Educational Opportunities (Policy JB), and Non-Discrimination/Equal Opportunity (Policy AC).
Weekly Family Character Dare!
Parenting Classes
Parent Portal Information
Please make sure you can access your Parent Portal account TODAY: Parent Portal
If you do not remember your log in (it is usually your email address) and/or your password: hit the "Forgot Password" and/or "Forgot Username" buttons. If you do not hear back in 2-3 business days, please email helpdesk@tsd.org and give them your name and your students name/date of birth and ask them for your login/password information.
Almost all communications are sent out through email. Please make sure your email address is updated through Parent Portal. You may also find grades, teacher emails, missing assignments, and attendance information on Parent Portal.
Student passwords can be found through parents Parent Portal accounts. The three lead characters necessary for your student's new password can be found on the parent's portal main page. On the left hand side menu choose "more", under "quick link" click on "student log in information".
Please make sure your student's primary household address, listed on Parent Portal, is up to date: https://thompsonco.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/thompson.jsp
IF you need to update your students primary household address, please send a picture of your most recent City of Loveland/Xcel bill OR the top page of your lease to angela.wilson@tsd.org . The picture needs to be of the entire page, listing YOUR name and the SERVICE/RESIDENTIAL address. It cannot be updated through Parent Portal.
To find your boundary school, please click: SCHOOL BOUNDARY LOCATOR and enter your address.
2024-2025 Meal Application
The Thompson School District Nutrition Services department is dedicated to providing delicious meals that support student growth and achievement.
Great care is taken by highly qualified staff to ensure Thompson School District’s breakfast and lunch menus meet or exceed United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) quality and nutrition standards. We source clean label, fresh and local items to include in our recipes and menus. Our department adheres to strict food safety standards and practices to keep customers safe and healthy.
With the passage of Healthy School Meals for All in Colorado, we are excited to be able to offer breakfast and lunch at no cost to students, regardless of income or meal benefit status.
All families are still asked to fill out an application. Why? The Healthy School Meals for All (HSMA) program is funded in partnership with federal nutrition programs that rely on income information to support meals for all students. Other state and federal grants are awarded based on free and reduced meal eligibility rates. Additionally, families that qualify may receive discounted or waived fees for programs inside and outside of the school district. Applications are available to all households at school sites and online at https://linqconnect.com/main.
Applications need to be completed annually (after mid-July) for the new school year. The information provided on the application is confidential and is not shared without your consent. If you would like to share the information with the school, please be sure to check the box on the application. This will help us in ensuring fees are cleared as applicable.
While meals are free for all students this year you may want to have funds available for additional meal components and / or a la carte purchases like snacks or milk.
Nutrition Services is excited to share that we have contracted with a new software company to manage our meal and application program. My School Bucks is no longer active but the new software is called LINQ Connect and all student balances have been moved to the new software. There are many new features that this program offers which weren't available before so we're sure you're going to love it!
Please visit the link below to register and create an account along with frequently asked questions.
LINQ Website: https://linqconnect.com/main
LINQ FAQ's: https://linqconnect.com/main/faq
We also accept cash and checks at each school’s cafeteria; please give cash or checks directly to your school’s cafeteria staff.
Please help sustain the meal programs by keeping your student’s account current or filling out an application for benefits.
Transportation Information
Some things to be aware of as the school year get's under way...
Picking Up Your Student
Please remember to bring your ID with you when you come to the school to pick up your student. Anyone signing a student out from school before the end of the school day will be asked to present an ID before the student will be released each and every time.
Please also be aware that the curbside in front of BRMS is the designated unloading and loading lanes for school buses. Please do not park in the bus lanes during designated hours as posted.
What time can my student be on campus?
Classes are from 8:50am to 4:05pm on M-T-Th-F. The cafeteria opens at 8:30am and the front door at the main entrance will open at 8:40am. Students cannot be on campus before 8:30am and must leave campus when they are released at the end of the day. Classes begin promptly at 8:50am. Students arriving after 8:50am will be considered tardy.
Wednesday, classes are from 9:50am to 4:05pm. The cafeteria opens at 9:30am and the front door at the main entrance will open at 9:40am. Students cannot be on campus before 9:30am and again must leave campus when they are released at the end of the day.
Attendance Line
The BRMS attendance line is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Please report ALL absences on the Attendance Line - 970-613-7290.
Thank you to our business partners!
BRMS Student And Family Handbook 24-25
Bill Reed Middle School
Email: tracy.ubrun@tsd.org
Website: https://www.thompsonschools.org/BillReed
Location: 370 West 4th Street, Loveland, CO, USA
Phone: (970) 613-7200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BillReedMiddleSchool