Weekly Update
September 27, 2024

Next week we will be sending home our October Character Focus. Along with that newsletter will be a blank matrix for you to fill out at home if you want to do so. This matrix will have our character words on it and allow you to write on it what each value looks like in your house. This idea came from our character education evaluation last year when parents offered feedback. We hope this will help you and your family further our character work as you talk about what these values look like in your home. Be on the lookout for the blank sheet along with our newsletter. Examples of completed matrices may be found below by clicking on Eagle Expectations.
We hope you and your family have a great weekend!
Katie & Chris
Thank You PTO!
Our PTO Board has begun the year with two big purchases for our school. The first one is coming home with your child today. Each student at Oak Brook is receiving a new character education shirt with our 6 core values on it. We ask that all students wear these shirts next Tuesday, October 1.
The second purchase will arrive at school next week. The PTO recently approved the purchase of rubber mats to place under our Gaga Ball pit. This should help keep the weeds out and the pit from turning into a dust bowl. We appreciate their support with programs for our school. Of course each of you is part of the PTO, and we would not have these purchases without your ongoing support.
Thank you so much for continuing to support our school!
Focus on Character
We will focus on responsibility this week. We define responsibility as taking action and understanding the impact of our choices. Responsibility is one of our core values - it is considered a performance character value. Students are able to show responsibility as they work through their days.
Our teachers will be discussing ways age-appropriate ways to show responsibility. This includes:
- Ages 5-7 - responsibility looks like finishing what you start, putting things away and being on time
- Ages 8-10 - responsibility looks like being dependable, reliable, conscientious and accountable for your behavior rather than making excuses
As you go through your week, take time to talk about being responsible in daily life. We hope that the information above and the graphic below will give you some starting points for conversations.
Early Dismissal Reminder
If you are picking your child up from an appointment, please keep in mind we do not pull students out of class until you arrive at school. We do this so students do not miss more classroom time than needed for their appointment. In the past when we have pulled students out early, they have sat by the front office for up to 20 minutes. Thank you for understanding.
Upcoming Events
Monday, September 30- Singing Eagles (2:30-3:15) & Let Me Run
Tuesday, October 1 - Wear your new character shirt
Wednesday, October 2 - OBPCL Soccer
Thursday, October 3 - Read, Right, Run & Let Me Run
Monday, October 7 - Singing Eagles (2:30-3:15) & Let Me Run
Wednesday, October 9 - OBPCL Soccer
Thursday, October 10 - Early Dismissal - school dismisses at 12:30
Friday, October 11 - Fall Break - No School
South Area Information
Parkway Nutrition Services
Includes Menus, Free/Reduced Lunch Application and other items
Contact Us
Mrs. Terbrock - kterbrock@parkwayschools.net
Dr. Shirley - cshirley@parkwayschools.net