Hunting Ridge Hawk Happenings
October 29, 2024
Dear Hunting Ridge Families,
October has been a wonderful month at Hunting Ridge School! The month has been filled with many wonderful learning opportunities and events, and we are grateful for your support and partnership. If you haven't signed up for a conference with your child's teacher, please reach out to them to schedule a time to meet on Monday, November 25 (1:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.) or Tuesday, November 26 (7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.). This is another way that we strive to promote a positive parent-school relationship by sharing all of the wonderful things your child is doing well, and share any opportunties for growth that exist within the classroom. The Book Fair will also be open during conferences!
We are excited for Spirit Week this week and our Halloween celebrations on Thursday. Please reach out to any one of us with questions you may have.
Kate Arenberg, Principal
Alison Friedman, Assistant Principal
Kimberly Johnson, Student Services Coordinator
Midnight Madness!
Students have been participating in Midnight Madness during PE class- a fan favorite!
5th Grade Cross Country Meet!
5th grade runners competed in the annual mile run race on Tuesday, October 15, 2024! We are very proud of all of our runners!
Buddy Activities!
Students in Ms. Tapling's class, Mrs. Merle's class, and Ms. Bailis's class read the story, Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You by Sonia Sotomayor, and created flowers together.
Positive Reinforcement at Hunting Ridge School
We have a few systems in place to recognize positive student behavior at Hunting Ridge School. We have three expectations that we teach the students: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe. Students can earn individual Huntleys when they follow these expectations. We have a school store that will open next week where students can redeem their huntleys for prizes. Additionally, we award the entire classroom with a Golden Huntley when they are all following the three schoolwide expectations. New this year- At the end of each month, the school administration will choose a primary class and intermediate class to earn a special reward to acknowledge their Golden Huntley(s). Lastly, we recognize individual students as "Student of the Month" for displaying the monthly trait consistently each and every day. October's trait is Respect, and we will announce the "Students of the Month" on Friday, November 1. Students are recognized with a medal, certificate, and parade around the school. November's trait is Gratitude. We are proud of the positive choices our students make at Hunting Ridge School.
September Students of the Month!
Staff Highlight: 2nd Grade Team
Second grade has completed our social studies unit on Communities. We evaluated the differences between the urban, rural, and suburban communities.
In reading we are working on a Tommy dePaola author study. Through his books we are learning about characters, setting, problem, series of events, high point or climax, and solution. The students are enjoying the magical stories Tommy dePaola has created.
Math has focused on adding and subtracting within 100. Students are learning how to carry and borrow to regroup numbers using base ten blocks, and equations.
Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Globe, Ms. Modert, Ms. Nitzkin, and Ms. Schmit- 2nd Grade Team
Build Success with Daily Attendance!
Did you know? Regular school attendance boosts your child's social skills and friendships.
Tip: Encourage your child to participate in school clubs and activities. Strive for 9 or fewer absences this year!
From the Hunting Ridge PTA!
Thank you! Thank you to our PTA for providing so many wonderful activities during the month of October: Hawk Hustle, Walk to School Day, Dine and Donates, 3 mornings of Breakfast Buddies, and Trunk or Treat! It was wonderful seeing so many of our students and families participating in these events, and we are looking forward to all of the future events the PTA has planned for Hunting Ridge School.
Join the 2024-25 Hunting Ridge PTA
We've got some big goals to reach, and you can help us! We're on the road to 338 members so we can match our membership count from last year. So far we're at 280 members, which puts us at about 83% of the way there. Not sure you're a member yet? Reach out and ask! Been meaning to join? Get it done! Have a neighbor, friend, or fellow teacher who has mentioned us? Spread the word! We've got so much planned for this school year, but we need YOU to make it happen. Join us and be a part of the amazing community behind Hunting Ridge Elementary School!
Hawk Hustle: October 5, 2024!
The 10th Annual Hawk Hustle was so much fun and Palatine Mayor Jim Schwantz kicked off the race!
Breakfast Buddies: October 15-17, 2024!
Students were able to bring a special buddy and many families were able to enjoy some sweet treats to start their day!
Trunk or Treat: October 27, 2024!
Thanks to all of our families who decorated their cars so that families could enjoy Trunk or Treat!
Regal Movie Theaters Fundraiser
There is still time to purchase Regal Movie Theater tickets for the October fundraiser. Looking for something to do this weekend? We've got you covered! Any time throughout the month of October, purchase a 2-ticket bundle to any movie at a Regal Theatres for $30 and 25% of your purchase price goes back to the Hunting Ridge PTA to fund school-wide activities and assemblies. Tickets can be redeemed at any time and at any Regal Theatres nationwide. Enjoy the show!
Upcoming Lockdown Drill Information
During the week of November 18, Hunting Ridge will participate in the first lockdown drill in partnership with the Palatine Police Department. Please review the following safety information from District 15:
The safety of our students is always a top priority in District 15. Our goal is not only to provide a safe environment, but to also prepare our students, staff and school community to know how to respond if a crisis arises. To that end, each year, schools are required by Illinois School Code to conduct the following drills:
3 evacuation drills. One of the three drills must be supervised by the fire department;
1 bus evacuation drill;
1 severe weather/shelter-in-place drill; and
2 lockdown drills. One of which must be a staff initiated lock-down. Schools also conduct a drill in coordination with the building principal and under the direction of police department to continuously improve each school’s readiness to respond to an emergency situation.
House Bill 2400: School Safety Drill Act states:
All lockdown drills will be announced to all school personnel and students prior to the commencement of the drill;
Schools will provide sufficient information and notification to parents and guardians in advance of any lockdown drill that involves the participation of students;
Schools will provide parents and guardians an opportunity to “opt-out “from having their child participate for any reason from participating in the practice lockdown drill; and
Schools will provide alternative safety education and instruction related to an active threat or shooter event to students who do not participate in a walk-through lockdown drill to provide them with essential information and instruction through less sensory methods.
In addition to these drills, our schools also practice a relocation drill on a rotating basis every other year with students and staff. A relocation drill is used in the event a school has an emergency situation that requires the school to evacuate for reasons that may include fire, water main break, gas leak and necessitates a move to an alternate location. The school may “relocate” to a predetermined site via bus or walking, depending on the situation.
Building administrators will notify families of upcoming lockdown drills at least one week in advance of the drill. If you prefer your child does NOT participate in the yearly required lockdown drills, please submit this safety drill opt-out form. Please submit one form for each of your children you are opting out.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s school with any questions you may have. Together, we will help make our schools engaging and safe places for our students to learn.
Click here for more information about our safety drills.
Click Here to access the Opt Out Form.
From the Library- Book Fair Information
Parents/Guardians, Students, and Staff,
The Hunting Ridge PTA invites you to check out our upcoming School Book Fair. Students will bring home the information letter for details about how and when to shop and the Book Fair Flyer for a preview of some of the great titles you will see. You can also shop online by visiting www.abcfairs.com.
-Book Fair Dates & Times-
Thursday, November 21st 8:45-4:30 Class Visits & Sales
Friday, November 22nd 8:45-3:30 Class Visits & Sales
Monday, November 25th 1:00-8:00 Parent Conferences
Tuesday, November 26th 7:30-12:30 Parent Conferences
Students may shop during school hours on Thursday and Friday. If you decide to send money to school with your child, please place it in a clearly labeled envelope with your child’s name, teacher’s name, and book fair written on the envelope.
If you are visiting on Thursday or Friday after school, enter through the door off Mallard parking lot, enter door 18, and call 847-963-5307. The book fair committee will let you inside the building.
Every purchase made will support new books on the shelves of our school library. Thank you to the Hunting Ridge PTA and the Book Fair Committee for sponsoring this event for our school. Thank you for your continued support to build a love of reading at home.
Hunting Ridge Community - Book Fair Volunteer Opportunity
We need your help to make the Book Fair a success. Please sign up for a shift - or several! Parents, older students, alumni, and those needing volunteer hours are all encouraged to sign up. We can be flexible on the times, if needed.
PTA/Lead spots: PTA Book Fair Committee Members who will lead the other volunteers and be responsible for the cashboxes during their shift.
Volunteer spots: HR parents, Middle School and High School student alumni, Harper students, any students needing community service hours (please bring your form), and community members. Please identify what part of the community you are with. If you are signing up older children to help, please put their names in the notes for your signup.
Volunteer Responsibilities: Wednesday is for setting up the Fair. Thursday and Friday are student preview days where volunteers will assist students in shopping for books and writing in their wishlists, especially the younger students. Monday and Tuesday are Parent-Teacher Conference days. Volunteers will assist with sales, organizing displays of books, noting books that are running low, and making the Book Fair an enjoyable atmosphere throughout the entire sale. This event is a wonderful way to interact with students and families in our school community!
It's important to understand the requirements to ensure a safe environment for our students.
Parents/Guardians: Can access the school using the Raptor system
Community Members: Must undergo a background check and do not have direct access to the school.
Grandparents and Other Relatives: Even if they have volunteered last year, they must complete a new background check each year.
Entry Policy: Only individuals on the approved list will be allowed entry to the school.
Here's the link to volunteer and more information on the CCSD15 website.
Volunteer Interest and Confidentiality Agreement
Thank you for helping!
Sincerely, Katie Laurence, Melissa Lebata, and the HR PTA Book Fair Committee
From District 15- FastBridge/MAP Access Information
Please reference this information regarding how to access your child's FastBridge and/or MAP information in Infinite Campus.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, October 29: Be all that you can be: Wear Camo!
Wednesday, October 30: Hat Day!
Thursday, October 31: Wear Halloween/Fall Attire
Thursday, October 31: Halloween Celebration- Parade @ 1:15 p.m./Classroom Parties @ 1:45 p.m.
Friday, November 1: Hunting Ridge Spirit Day/Wear Blue!
Tuesday, November 5: Election Day- NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, November 6: Picture Retake Day
Wednesday, November 13: Monthly Board of Education Meeting @ 7:00 p.m. - Walter R. Sundling Middle School
Thursday, November 14: Monthly PTA Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.- Library
Friday, November 15: High Five Friday with the Palatine Police Department during arrival!
Week of November 18: First Lockdown Drill with the Palatine Police Department
Monday, November 18: Hawk Hoopfest @ 4:30 p.m.- Gym
Thursday, November 21 and Friday, November 22: Book Fair Sales!
Monday, November 25: Parent/Teacher Conferences from 1:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m./Book Fair Sales
Tuesday, November 26: Parent/Teacher Conferences from 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m./Book Fair Sales
Wednesday, November 27- Sunday, December 1: No School- Happy Thanksgiving to all!
District 15 Information
Learn 15 Information: https://www.ccsd15.net/families/learn15
Kate Arenberg, Principal
Hunting Ridge Elementary School
1105 W. Illinois Ave.
Palatine, IL 60067