EWRSD Weekly Update
January 31, 2025

January 31, 2025
In Technology class at EMK, our coding and robotics unit is in full swing! All students are learning what coding is, how we sequence code, and how to debug their code. Second graders have been working to learn how Ozobots follow lines and how we have to make the lines just right. They will soon be exploring coding the Ozobot with color patterns. First grade students began exploring coding with Botley while using a remote. Kindergarten students will soon be introduced to BeeBot, a codable bee.
Mrs. Pukel's second-grade class wondered if the groundhog will see his shadow?
For Kindness Week, the WCB Student Council Members presented the Cafeteria and Recess Monitors with sashes to thank them for being so kind and great at their jobs.
The Lunar New Year is underway at PLD! It is the year of the snake.
Thank you to everyone who attended the Native Seed Sowing Extravaganza at Melvin H. Kreps Middle School!
Meet Roxy! The newest addition to the Hightstown High School counseling office! Roxy is a trained therapy dog with Mrs. Cox (Freshman counselor) as her handler. She will start coming to HHS once a week and build up to more!
The Hightstown High School African American Association held a successful vision board meeting! The club members discovered the plans they are determined to set in the year 2025!
Congratulations to the HHS winners from the 2025 NJ Thespian Festival. Each of these students earned a superior score by the judges of their respective categories, and are all eligible to compete at the International Thespian Festival at Indiana University in June. Additionally, for the fifth time in the past few years, we also have two students chosen as HHS representatives to the State Thespian Board, who worked to make sure the festival was a complete success for all students participating. Congratulations to all of our talented students!
Keira Mei Santiago - Acting Solo, Musical Theatre Solo
Lily Rivenburgh - Musical Theatre Solo
Natalie Maldonado - Musical Theatre Solo
Grace Zanghi - Playwriting
Madeline Makarowitz - Improvisation
Luke Ipe - Improvisation
Laney Kenwood - NJ Thespian Festival Ambassador
Sarina Roffe - State Thespian Officer
2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration
Will your child be 5 years old by October 1, 2025? Registration for students entering Kindergarten in September 2025 are being accepted now!
Information can be found here - https://tinyurl.com/bdfsu9fd
Community Flyers
The weekly update may get shortened in email due to size. Please click to "View entire message" to read all community flyers.
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Board of Education Meetings
As of October 11, 2021, all board meetings are in person and may be viewed remotely via live stream. Action will be taken during the open session at all meetings.
A copy of the meeting agenda may be obtained on the EWRSD website within 48 hours of the meeting.
Board meeting dates can be found here.