Carleston Elementary's PFE

What is it?
Carleston Elementary is committed to our vision: every student matters and serves a purpose. We strive to provide high-quality education individualized for each student by developing and maintaining relationships with families and community. One way we continue to do this is by participation in the Title l, Part A State Program. This program provides funding for low socioeconomic schools. In return, we promise to meet the expectations laid out for us by the Texas Education Agency and the United State Department of Education.
Title I funds will be used for implementation of the parent and family engagement program. The district sets aside the required 1% of Title I funds for parent and family engagement. A portion of these funds go to the Smore newsletter software subscription as it provides translation for each recipient into their desired language and has options for visibility needs to increase accessibility. These programs, activities, and procedures will be planned and implemented with meaningful collaboration with families.
Funding and activities can be reviewed by the Texas Education Agency upon request to ensure they meet the need of the PFE program.
Parent and Family Opportunities
Parent Meetings
Parent meetings offer a time for the school and family to communicate necessary information.
As a Title I campus, there will be an Annual Title I meeting.
This year, the fall Annual Title l program review will be held on August 22, 2024 at 6:30 PM at the
Meet Your Teacher Night, and a second meeting with be held October 4, 2024 at 8:30 AM in the Carleston cafeteria. Parents will be informed of meetings via Skyward, school webpage, peek of the week, weekly Cub Connecton, and a flyer in their Thursday folder.
Family Supports /Activities
Carleston Elementary will provide support and coordination to plan and implement effective family engagement and parental involvement to improve student academic achievement.
-Popsicles with Principal
-Trick or Treat Trail
-Veteran’s Parade
-Family Night Snow Much Fun
-Movie Night
-Bingo Night
-Spring Carnival
-Turkey Lunch
-Book Character Parade
-Field Day
-World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser
-Grandparent's Day
-Cub of the Month
Other Supports
-Meet the Teacher Night
-Title I parent information meeting
-District Guidance Services Events (such as: #IWILLASK and Carousel of Resources)
-Campus Guidance Support -Character Strong Lessons
-Communities in School (parent trainings, health and community resources)
-Learning resources on Carleston Website (click icon)
-Parent teacher conferences
-monthly newsletters, Cub Connection via Skyward
Other ways to be involved
-Career Day
-Watch Dogs
-Campus/Classroom Volunteer
-Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
-RISE Mentor
How to be involved
-Become a Pearland ISD volunteer by filling out the volunteer application on the Pearland ISD website. LINK
-Attend Title l Family meeting and family trainings/activities
-Talk to your child’s teacher about how to help/volunteer in the classroom
Ways to Request Regular Meetings
To request a meeting with the principal or your child’s teacher, parents or guardians may email or call the front office at
281-412 -1412. You can find principal and faculty emails on the Carleston website LINK. Carleston welcomes any ideas, feedback or concerns as we want our school to be a place where everyone feels safe and welcomed. LINK
Academic and Assessment Information
Carleston Elementary utilizes high-quality curriculum that supports student success. In all subjects, Carleston Elementary uses Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) as the foundation for all classroom curricula.
Forms of Academic Assessments
Carleston Elementary has common formative assessments that every teacher gives. All assessments are aligned to the TEKS and are modeled after the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness or STAAR test.
- CIRCLE Progress Monitoring System- a technology tool that enables the teacher to assess a child's progress in a particular skill area.
- TX-KEA(Texas Kindergarten Entry Assessment)-Provides teachers with a comprehensive understanding of students' learning , enabling them to design differentiated instruction to better meet students' unique needs and share information with families.
K-4th grade
- BAS (Benchmark Assessment System) A series of texts to identify a student's current reading level and progress along a gradient of text levels over time.
- End of Year Math Assessment- measure math standards taught throughout the year.
1st-4th grade
- i-Ready Assessment- Online Program for reading and/or math that will help your student's teacher(s) determine your student's needs, personalize their learning, and monitor progress throughout the year.
K- 4th grade
- TELPAS- Students who have been identified as emergent bilingual students (EB) take
Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS)- This assessment is designed to assess the progress that emergent bilingual (EB) students make in learning the English language. K-1st grade is holisticly rated obervational assessments of listening, speaking, reading and writing. 2nd-4th grade take online assessments for listening, speaking, reading, and writing
2nd-4th grade
- District common assessments and benchmarks in Reading and Math
- STAAR simulation in Math and Reading Language Arts
Expected Achievement Levels on Academic Assessments.
Students in grades 3-4 at Carleston take the Reading Language Arts and Math STAAR test. Information on the State’s STAAR Test and Performance Standards can be found on this website: tea.texas.gov
Carleston Elementary tracks each child’s growth throughout the year via assessments mentioned above.
Campus STAAR Goals/Areas of Focus:
100% of Carleston students in grades 3-4 will score Approaches, Meets, or Masters on the STAAR Reading test.
100% of Carleston students in grades 3-4 will score Approaches, Meets, or Masters on the STAAR Math test.
Focus Areas: 1) Reading Comprehension 2) Math Problem Solving
After spring break, the campus will reach out to parents and families to conduct an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the district and campus Parent and Family Engagement Program and Policies. A survey link will be emailed via Skyward to all parents and guardians of all students. Feedback will be used to create a more effective Parent and Family Engagement program for the campus following school year and improve the district and campus Parent and Family Engagement policies.
School-Parent Compact
Carleston Elementary's Responsibilities
· Teach with consideration and understanding of the whole child
· Meet the child’s individual needs through effective instruction and grouping
· Provide effective ongoing 2-way communication with parents
· Provide parent training
· Maintain high expectations for all students to achieve
· Seek professional development opportunities that target student learning
· Read something every day
· Maximize student potential through challenging curriculum
Family's Responsibilities
· To help my child attend the entire school day regularly and on time
· Communicate with my child's teacher through weekly folders, phone calls, email, notes, etc.
· Read with my child every day and discuss what we read
· Praise my child's efforts every day
· Limit distractions and provide guidance and family involvement during homework time
· Monitor my child's TV, internet, and video-game time
· Encourage my child to take responsibility for assignments and be prepared daily for school
· Ensure that my child gets adequate sleep, proper nutrition, and regular medical attention
· Support school and district policies and rules
· Be involved with my child in and out of school
Student’s Responsibilities (Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible)
· Be safe with my words and actions.
- · Follow the student code of conduct and dress code
- Come to school with a positive attitude
- Listen to my teachers
- Be kind to others.
· Be responsible for my school work and materials.
- Pay attention in class
- Work hard to improve my learning
- Read at home every day
- Attend school events
On-Going Communication
- Weekly Folders
- Peek of the Week
- Skyward messages
- Parent-teacher Conferences
- Progress reports (dates set by district calendar)
- Report cards (dates set by district calendar)
- Newsletters and Calendar
*Si requiere ayuda en traducir este documento, por favor hable al 281-412-1412.